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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Why can I hear the train from a mile away inside my house but when closer in the car deciding to drive the level crossing way or the underpass way it's silent?
  2. http://nypost.com/video/watch-out-public-urinators-its-pee-back-time/
  3. Setting the stage for the next election, after one of the 2 parties chooses a lifetime Justice or 2 or 3.
  4. Election bump Sandwich menu price raised Just saw a story on NPR- "Yes obamacare rates are rising, but don't worry so are the subsidies." From taxes we pay...
  5. My favorite comment was someone asking if wanking will be in the paralympics
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3866882/Drunk-driver-arrested-crashes-HELICOPTER-responding-traffic-accident.html
  7. WHO, no sex parter = disability http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/723323/Sexual-partner-fertility-disability-World-Health-Organisation-IVF HTF does a single man get IVF??? "Under the new rules, heterosexual single men and women and gay men and women who want to have children will now be given the same priority as a couple seeking IVF "
  8. Does the fieldsheer have a zip in liner? I have a nice perforated leather fiedsheer 42 missing a liner that'd I'd wear more but the textile mesh with a liner is warmer. Or does it stay pretty toasty Zipped up?
  9. MTB Comboween is Sat 22 pm at Chestnut Ridge Cbus http://combomtb.squarespace.com/upcoming-events/
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/9920928f-1c13-3979-97fc-875fdb94f42c/ss_%26%2339%3Bi%26%2339%3Bm-the-victim%2C%26%2339%3B.html 'I'm the victim,' Iowa teacher who had sex with student says on 'Dr. Phil' Seriously, job interviewing is a longer process than ever and the biggest psychos get handed jobs.
  11. I don't agree with anyone 100%. Giving more control back to the states(abortion) at least gives people some notion of having a say or moving. Being steadfast enough to publicly condemn the ongoing mexico cartels saga(el chappos judge was murdered on the street in the middle of the day this week)( being able to name mexico's leader...), the ease at which any hobo can be a felon deported 4 times and still living among us, and the chicago war isn't a bad thing.
  12. Half Headed Florida Man Arson http://scallywagandvagabond.com/2016/10/carlos-rodriguez-half-headed-florida-man-arrested-attempted-murder-arson/ http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Half-Headed-Miami-Man-Facing-Arson-Attempted-Murder-Charges-397484501.html "Halfy"
  13. The media has Hillary supporters are scared of all the violent trump supporters that signs attract. Obama sure publicized something for $500 mil a year extra. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/6/white-house-defends-500-million-yearly-public-rela/
  14. You should have upgraded the limp dick pad to d3o armour. "Soft and malleable when touched gently, but instantly hardens when struck with force "
  15. Puns and Captions time http://www.11alive.com/news/local/dnc-apologizes-after-campaign-bus-dumps-sewage-on-georgia-street/337641655
  16. Once it's started, if the stator is good the battery isn't doing anything. Maybe clogged fuel filter. what bike?
  17. Howard Stern the most ethical media person this election? https://www.yahoo.com/news/howard-stern-says-replaying-donald-trump-interviews-betrayal-141826843.html
  18. How much tread left on yer boots?
  19. Mine still left remnants under windows features giving "Already installed" or some such error running the new install.
  20. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/09/20/berkeley-may-remove-free-online-content-rather-complying-disability-law
  21. Reflector through Trek Madone carbon chainstay. (not mine) probably locked the wheel up too. Maybe they should stick safety warning stickers on the reflectors?
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