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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. from ottowa eh, rides a bicycle. Get chrome Personal Blocklist by google extension, search spammers Urls and block them. 1 they won't ever show in your google results 2 it punishes their ranking.
  2. Russia confirms envoy met with Trump and Clinton camps during election http://nypost.com/2017/03/12/russia-confirms-envoy-met-with-trump-and-clinton-camps-during-election/
  3. The earbud debate is to do with hearing other drivers, a stretch combined with protecting our hearing. Unless you want cage drivers with their hearing legally blocked off too.
  4. If there's no pic on the tags turn them inside out some offer more kevlar coverage than others.
  5. Well then he's right back to wearing multiple layers again
  6. Well the last mlie section was almost perfect. Sloppy spots for the rest. Of course the slop slung into my Sus linkage and refroze into mud epoxy.
  7. I just did a breath test, Kevlar+denim seems to have about as much flow as two layers of denim. It sure doesn't keep cold out too well. I've been down twice at slow speeds, armor probably did more than the kever except for getting to watch medics go at it with trauma shears.
  8. Yeah when ever i switch to a less scammy supplier they read you the terms and conditions over the phone for 15 min. Thanks Ohio deregulation regulations!
  9. $500,000 to mother of teen who broke her legs when she sledded into a fence on school property on a non-school day supervised by her grandfather. http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/la-vista-sledding-accident-lawsuit-settled-for/article_87818a12-7f47-5290-8700-9467ebdec009.html
  10. Cyclist Connection Sat, Franklin Fairgrounds Sun http://www.yaybikes.com/calendar/2017/3/18/cyclist-connection-garage-sale https://wbc45.wildapricot.org/event-2486281
  11. My own bank wouldn't take out of state cosigners last car loan I had late 90's
  12. i get it but, you're already co signed with him, and how bad do you want rid of him?
  13. what's the noisiest helmet to lend him?
  14. Get takeoffs from katana owners
  15. There's only one rule: Newer is always better.
  16. It sounded to me like there was enough information in the leak for non CIA to find the exploits now.
  17. hmm saw this on another site- More 4chan? " This is hilarious...if you read some of the internal CIA comments in projects, (like this one: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_16385438.ht... ) it appears some of their employees are 14yr olds. Example: "I keep mine at your mom's house. Shhh." or "WhereIKeepMyNukes.pdf...Best. filename. EVAR." "
  18. assange might have just gone up on the wanted list. Obama said he would have the most transparent administration ever...
  19. Adidas we're having a communication problem Shirt: 5 double sided tags, 26 languages
  20. +$ .001 change they never give. Is the valve on the handle end or the pump end? Top mounted hoses keep dripping after the lever is released.
  21. doesn't mean that can't put additives in after it's delivered
  22. Who would be using a finger-rest mag? The ringfinger on the p290 isn't getting any love
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