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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Geeto67

    JPMC Polaris

    I am not IT at all, but I did polaris for about a week. Hated the parking, hated the traffic mess, hated the mall traffic mess. I work out of Easton now and honestly it's a breeze even though it is further away from home.
  2. Probably, but many of the interviews I have read point out he has had the car since before his wife. $180K is probably what he has in it to the present configuration, it may not account for all previous incarnations before that. when my buddy decided to go low 9s with a door slammer FWD honda civic I know he spent about $150K over the course of several years to get the car into that shape. That was not counting what he spent already to get the car into the 13's from a bone stock or the purchase price of the car. Granted he ate Liberty transmissions every outing and used 2 turbos a year but it was not a cheap car to run.
  3. and that's just the amount his wife knows about....
  4. D&D is not really age appropriate for a 6 year old. It's also a bear to learn if you don't have someone guiding you. Wizards of the coast released an abridged starter set last year ($20 approx) with stripped down rules and preset character sheets. Honestly this is the best situation for someone looking to dip their toe in, since character sheet strategy is a game within itself (and one you play alone with many die of more than 6 sides). http://io9.com/the-d-d-starter-set-is-a-great-way-to-introduce-newbies-1602583516 but before all that, it might be worth it just to sit in on someone's game and just watch. Either you'll think it's fun or you'll realize this is some intense nerd shit and not be a rabbit hole you want to fall down. D&D enjoyment depends heavily on the people you play it with. When I did in middle school it was like living heavy metal album covers, but my brother's games make me want to punch someone in the face for geeking out about the different species of owlbears possible through hybridization. Also D&D can sometimes lead to LARP in the way that sex can sometimes lead to herpes. When I was about 6 jenga and connect four were my jam. And it really honed my skills for my later in life games of "drinking jenga".
  5. http://www.hotrod.com/cars/featured/1507-okc-street-outlaws-justin-shearer-and-his-1972-pontiac-lemans/ http://butlerperformance.com/products/engines_assemblies/aluminum.html Block alone (before machine work) = $4,695 Rods are about $500 (again before balancing work) if off the shelf. Crower Cranks can run anywhere from $500 to $1800 but since he said used I am guessing it may be closer to the $500 end of things. Custom Ross pistons can be $800 or more. Edlebrock Performer RPM heads are about $1200 before the relevant machine work to make them work, we haven't started to talk about ignition, valvetrain, turbos, etc.... basically $10K in just hard parts conservatively for the long block and excluding any machine work, and I keep mentioning that because Butler did all the machine work which was probably not cheap.
  6. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    If he abhors racism then why make it easier to proliferate? Also racism isn't the only type of discrimination. I understand "idealism" but it runs contrary to over 150 years of civil rights activity and interpretation in the US. the esp concerning portion is that the only private discrimination he has consistently been opposed is that of religion - which is odd in and of itself. This isn't a new position of his, publicly you can trace his comments on discrimination back to 1981 - I think over time it has just refined into a more palatable political platform. I get that he want's private freedom but this is one area in which he should not hang his hat. Given the lengths private enterprise has gone through to discriminate historically I don't think this is a problem that can be solved by social media. This isn't just a right to refuse service issue, this is an employment issue, it extends to real estate, and even privatized industry that performs government functions. If you look at his "freedom" philosophy it boils down to "people should have the freedom to make bad decisions that hurt others". Mis-informed parents should be able to choose not to vaccinate their kids...despite that vaccinations are why hardly anybody suffers from polio anymore. private business should be able to hire only WASP males....despite the fact that employment reform has put a significant dent in unemployment being drawn along racial or gender lines. The problem I have with his ideology about "freedom" is that it doesn't value the cost at all. In order to enable equality there has to be some boundaries - removing the boundaries seriously underrates the nasty side of human nature and only generates a false "equality".
  7. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    Can someone in the ABC camp articulate exactly why they don't like her? I mean beyond the usual buzz words about liberals, etc....is there a specific common platforms most are objecting to? or is it she's the head liberal and death to all liberals? I am an independent voter with a 50/50 voting record of GOP and Democrat, I really want to like her but my caveats are: - financial reform and regulation tends to suffer under the Clinton administration. Very pro-deregulation for a democrat. Most of the chipping away at bankruptcy rights for consumers happened under Bill and Hilary has continued to do so in her various offices. - The reason why student loans are in the mess they are in can be traced back to Bill's term as president which is why I find her platform to improve education spending is either fixing their mistake or hypocritical, and also underdeveloped. - more of the same on social security is not a solution, and it's getting to the point where you can't pass the buck to the next president. - Still pushing the old healthcare reform that failed in the 1990s. may hurt the public via trying to retool the affordable care act to meet her well worn agendas. I know there are some that think she is representative of dynasty building in politics but Jeb Bush is also representative of that in the GOP, and you really can't escape it. I am more looking for those that think Clinton isn't a good fit because of her position.
  8. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    I mean if we vote our interests Joe Biden is the most car guy of all the modern politicians, too bad he isn't running. Probably because he knows better. http://static01.nyt.com/images/2010/11/11/business/media/11biden-span/11biden-span-articleLarge.jpg (yes I know this is parody) He would get my vote just so I could see him change the license plate on this to "The Pres" http://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/joe-biden-s-new-chevy-corvette-stingray-could-this-be-it-80434-7.jpg Just to point out....historically democratic presidents tend to be more "car guys" than their GOP counterparts. Truman famously took his 1953 New Yorker on an epic road trip right after he left office. Lyndon Johnson had an Amphicar and a Fiat Jolly.Franklin Roosevelt special ordered a 1939 Packard v-12 even though he couldn't drive because he thought it was the end all be all of cars, he also liked to be driven in Al Capone's armored cadillac as it was in gov't custody at the time. Bill Clinton owns (owned?) a 1967 mustang convertible and I remember him being the guest of honor one year at indy for one of the big mustang national shows in 1992. Kennedy ordered 2 dozen thunderbirds from ford during his presidency (most were used in his inauguration parade). Famously Reagan had Subaru Brats on his ranch, which is odd given the UAW issues that happened during his presidency. anyway, back to bitching about how there is nobody to vote for.
  9. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    The only issues he "isn't the same old republican" on are education, marijuana laws, and crime. His education ideas are way the heck out there and not at all appealing to anybody who values secular education, and his stance on crime is fairly progressive from a prisoner's rights point of view. But the small government? Yeah everyone on the GOP right now has a position on that and his is slightly more right than most. His thoughts on civil rights are honestly deplorable, its hard to back a candidate who is in favor of discrimination in the private sector (except when it comes to religion, but race and gender are ok) in any form. I don't even want to discuss his position on vaccines because it's just straight dumb. I do agree he is probably the most articulate prepared candidate of any of the right of the asile ones right now and it helps that there aren't a lot of clips of him saying anything really dumb and unrelated to the issues, but I just think he's too extreme to pull any center or left leaning independents. I could easily see him pulling the registered independents who think the GOP doesn't go far enough and are the big corp conservative machine but that's about it. Anybody have thoughts on Christie? Part of me wants to pull for him because of his willingness to be bi-partisan, his socially mainstream but financially conservative positions, and his joe Pesci like attitude. The problem I have is that I worry he brings the Boss tweed and Tammany hall style of politics to the federal level (for the non-new Yorkers that means corruption and favoritism). If anybody was going to pull east coast based independents however, it would be him. NY/NJ republican politicians haven done well in the GOP at the federal level lately, too socially liberal. Still, prefer him to more than half the Field.
  10. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    best chance of pulling some left votes? really? with the stance on education and discrimination and his tea party affiliations? compared to the normal republican stance on crime of "bring back the noose as a legit form of execution, and let us pull the handle twice on the electric chair just to make sure" he seems progressive in that issue but he is so far out there everywhere else I am not sure even moderate republicans consider him a contender. I mean eliminating the dept of education and pushing it to the local community? Jesus riding a dinosaur text books here I come!!!!
  11. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    Wielding political power is exactly how you get to be president. But I will agree with "do well" not being a guarantee. However, people have enough fond memories of a Clinton era 1990's to maybe carry her forward - polarizing or not. Political "families" have plagued this country since the start (John Adams 2nd president and JQA, his son 6th president), so Bush's and Clinton's pose no more "wrongness" than the Kennedy's, Roosevelt's, Tafts, etc.... I don't necessarily think there is something wrong with it if the family is good about keeping the skilled politicians in check, Politics can be a "family" business as much as anything else in America can be. The Kennedy's were masterful about this, the Bush's were not at all.
  12. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    Really? All that is wrong with American politics? I think trump has that covered way more than anybody else in this hunt. I'm not throwing my lot in with Hil, per se but Trump is a one man poster boy for "this election shit be fucked up". I am luke warm on Ben Carson because socially he seems to either be incredibly misinformed or towing the defacto republican party line so as to get that religious money. I also don't, as a matter of personal experience, to find physicians to even remotely knowledgeable on matters of law in this country and he has not disappointed (google ben carson and Judicial law). I also think people who advocate the flat tax don't understand how financial discrimination works in America, and double discount politicians whose justification for it is "biblical". I want to like Carly Fiorina, I really do. But her platform is business experience and frankly her track record isn't that stellar because of the Compaq deal (which HP ceremoniously fired her for). To be a little sexist for a moment - she feels more like the token woman candidate from the GOP so they can say they had a female option for voters, but straight up against HC, she's not in the same league politically and any direct face off between the two would be a slaughter favoring the democratic party. She does have some libertarian/free market positions which I find a little fascinating, mostly because of their likelihood to cripple the system as much as help it. She has the same social positions as the rest of the GOP so...meh...where are this year's Goldwater Republicans? Honestly, I am backing Trump and here is why: the Republican party needs to crash and burn for the sameness that is currently crippling their candidate pool and I think Trump could set that precedent. If he loses it will be spectacular and force the GOP to get their shit together and realize institutionalized discrimination is not an acceptable party platform and the revert back to the same political machine that used to drive equality and civil liberty in this country. If he wins, it will expose the many flaws in the system and well I have never seen a violent revolt in person before, might be nice to get some good old fashioned 1968 political unrest going in this country.
  13. I like it and I think you should buy it. Re: the carbon fibre roof - personally I like sunroofs in street cars because 1) they are not race cars and a sunroof is nice for a little more air on nice days, 2) there isn't really a need, other than to impress BMW fanbois for the CF roof, and 3) if it is anything like keeping up with a CF hood ownership is a pain in the ass. Also who cares what someone else drives. I like the gray/gray way better than black/black but I am one of those people who finds black/white/gray boring unless you pair it with a wild interior color like red, tan or blue. The dove gray interior with steel gray outside is different enough to be quirky. Drive it. If you like it and can afford it, buy it. if you want to hold out for your perfect car in the marketplace expect to pay for it and for it to take a lot of time and likely you will have to ship it. The only way to insure getting it perfect and timely is to buy it new and that is not an option with these cars anymore.
  14. That movie was crap on toast (fun crap but still crap) but the old TV show on which it was based is way more fun in a Gunsmoke/branded/bonanza kind of way. Robert Conrad played James West (and later Pappy Boyington in Baa baa black Sheep <---not a western but awesome and based on real events) as a sort of old west steam punk version of Sean Conery's James Bond. It's pretty fun. The original Dr Loveless is from the series is played by famous dwarf actor Michael Dunn and is just stunning as far as villains go.
  15. I feel like you have to be of a certain age to "get" QT's movies. If you grew up watching Saturday matinees of old bad 1970's movies on one of the 5 regular broadcast channels (not cable) then they are awesome. Compared to B films like Detroit 2000, Death Race, gone in 60 seconds (the original), the driver, Prime Cut, etc....his movies are way better while still giving that great bad action movie feel. If you didn't and you think Michael Bay films are "enjoyable" then I get why you don't like his movies. I mean nobody goes to a QT movie to see "high art" but I think he does go above and beyond. I can't think of that many really good mainstream western films in the last 5 years (True Grit and...?) so the genre is def suffering. And no I don't count "A million ways to die in the west" as a good western - that was just a family guy episode in real life with costumes and sheep. Point is, America needs a good old fashioned swearing and shot in the guts western and I think this will do it.
  16. When I was at Indy for the MotoGP this weekend there was a pack of Groms rolling around downtown during the bike show. they would stop at a light and then one or two of them would do a smokey burnout and then they would all laugh. rinse. repeat. It was hilarious to see in person but my buddy summed it up best when she saw them doing a triple burnout a said "what a bunch of dorks". I personally like the grom. I like even more that there is a class for racing groms in several different road racing organizations. Even WERA has a class for them which means grom racing at Mid-Ohio. I like the grom, heck of a lot more usable than the old honda Trail-70s
  17. Not in every situation no (again depending on the age of the grandparent and the age of the child). My daughter is decidedly faster than my mother and my mother in law in their late 60's and I get nervous about some of the activities they do with her when visiting, esp since my daughter's current phase is to wander off or run away from people for fun and not come back when called. something else to think about - having them in your 50's is not giving them much "quality time" with you in certain age ranges. The quality of life for most people in their 80's isn't great and that is when your kid is going to be getting into it's late 20's early 30's and just starting to be considered an actual adult and you aren't going to have that relationship. That's if you are lucky to make it to your 80's. You are thinking about this too much. Trying to plan this they way you are isn't going to work out for you. live your life and let the universe happen.
  18. Do you want kids at all? Do you care how they will grow up? If the answer is yes to both do it now. from nothing more than personal experience, I had two friends who had "old" dads and their childhoods were kind of rough. They got teased a lot because the other kid's could tell their dad didn't fit in with the other dads, they couldn't relate to their parents because the age gap was too broad, in their teens they acted out and rebelled a lot and honestly both of their dads could seem to care less so a lot of that stuff went unchecked and hurt them later in life. from a Dad standpoint - I don't care how fit you are you aren't going to have the energy at 50 do deal with the unending avalanche of shit that is keeping an infant alive in the first three years. It is intensely rewarding but I think some of that comes from being so sleep deprived as to be slightly euphoric.
  19. Eh he's 20, we all do dumb stuff when we are 20. Honestly I feel like the dealership guy should get it worse for putting the idea in the kids head and then finding and hiring the guys. So, I have heard that Ferrari won't sell you another car when you willfully destroy one of their machines on purpose. Anybody know if that's true? I know they operate a pretty strict eligibility process for limited editions and specials and have blackballed people from those but to do it through their dealer network for all cars seems dubious.
  20. First: So it's useless. Second: The article deals mostly with what's ok to publish not what's ok to film. In this case the article doesn't even cover my third point which is.... Third: subject matter plays into this. If you are filming a city scape and you accidentally catch someone on the 20th floor changing it generally isn't illegal for your to have taken that picture because you were not there specifically to photograph that person. It may cause harm to publish that photo but generally speaking you are talking about civil repercussions. If you are specifically trying to spy on that person it is a different scenario because state and local laws concerning invasion of privacy (peeping tom laws) usually require intent to invade privacy. However, given our subject matter in this case: if you look at the map posted earlier in this thread, shooter has an open lot and a road behind his house without a visible privacy fence and his backyard appears to be visible from the road so he does not have an expectation of privacy to begin with if he is in his backyard. He thinks he does but he is wrong.
  21. Seems strange, esp since the more detergents the more your oil acts like a sanding agent as well as a lubricating agent. I get they want the high zinc content but eh....what did they use before Rotella T6?
  22. surprised there are not fiberglass replacements.
  23. I bought it used - didn't do the break in. I beat on everything, my wife is not easy on equipment either.
  24. I played around with a few high end ones that track GPS back to your device. It will give an altimeter reading. If you look at the screen cap posted above for this drone the altimeter is showing a 274 ft max height for the route which is not a real time screen cap but there are ones which give you GPS coordinates in real time. I think the low end ones are VFR only.
  25. It is hit or miss actually which makes me more concerned. Some intervals it burns nothing, some it burns a little, and others it swallows a whole quart. Seems to be temp sensitive too - more consumption in the winter vs less or not at all in the summer. What's your break-in?
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