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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I don't think anybody said that, nor do I think that is how anybody intended it to be read. But good for you for putting the extra dash of crazy this thread needed.
  2. I think you just proved his point - in the US it's way more convenient to use a gun than not to hence more gun related violence.
  3. It isn't polished. can you polish it brighter for me? I want to see that sucker shine.
  4. The process is still in need of much improvement to get where we want to be. In terms of logistics I 100% agree it needs improvement with respect to speed and accuracy. There is an IT component people never talk about to all of these issues in the form of logistics and tracking. This is not a problem where a "total" solution may exist. It is also not a problem that can be treated from the medical side of things because of the current systems. to that point I agree. This may not be a problem that can be solved with broad sweeping legislation full stop. From an economics standpoint taxes make a lot of sense in driving behavior regardless of who administrates the back end money. I don't think this is something where there aren't going to be sacrifices all around - so every option is a viable option the secret is finding the one that has a good ratio of negatives to positives. It's nice to think about positive uses for the money but the back end revenue generation isn't the point of the tax - the point of the tax is to drive up the cost to influence behavior. Is an increased tax on ammo and arms a good idea? it certainly would restrict access but again it does it along socioeconomic class lines rather than the lines of actual groups we are looking to exclude. Maybe the argument can be made that gun related crime is more prevalent in the lower socioeconomic strata, but is it cause and effect? or a matter of population size and other factors. This is nonsense. I mean it's a good rant, and there are a few things (very few) I agree with but in the context of this situation this is about as realistic as asking the man in the moon to affect gun violence by changing the tides. I'm not saying it isn't good advice for parenting, it's just not a viable solution given the many factors involved. It's also highly generalizing, more opinion than fact, and not really something you can base a go forward policy of improvement on. If you are already being a "good parent" (whatever that is) you can't really force the guy next to you to be the same. In terms of how we have been as a society I don't think any of this bit about shame or responsibility is no more or less true than it was 50-100 years ago, it just feels different because things are more public due to the nature of modern technology. Whenever I start to hear about how much better things were in "the old days" it reminds me that in addition to this "halcyon" concept of honor there was massive institutionalized racism, sexism, classicism, lack of employment protections, etc... This isn't ancient history, If you are in your mid-30s this openly happened in your lifetime and still continues to happen at certain levels in more invisible ways.
  5. of course not. We really need a way to like individual posts that doesn't require a reply.
  6. depends on how you approach it. making access more difficult overall would produce a result, but does it produce the result we want? who knows? Measurable results are kind of a red herring in this case because we don't have objective government sponsored measurable statistics to begin with. It's all private. The NRA made sure of that. Can't fix a problem when you don't know how big it is.
  7. and you are going to keep asking. I don't find your inquiry relevant to this conversation and am therefore ignoring it.
  8. my point is you can't separate the tool from the user when discussing this issue. I don't see discussions regarding gun control as "blaming the tool" so much as asking the question "at what point does the interest in protecting people from gun violence outweigh the counter point of people's 'right to legitimate use?'". At this point I don't know if your version of "smart gun reform" can exist because of the sheer number of units that exist in this country. It's interesting for sure. I am not sure what other preventable ways you are referring to because all the major ones are accounted in most political agendas. Accident safety, health care, employment rights, etc...And if they aren't at a national level there are efforts going on at the state level. The thing that concerns me is that the US doesn't even collect data on this - it's all private industry data.
  9. no there is a way to make that much harder, but it affects a lot of other people as well and you don't like it.
  10. it may be an unpopular opinion around here but restrictions on access are not restrictions on the tool but on people's use of the tool. If you want to say this is a mental health issue and a stupid people issue then argue restrictions to access that are designed to limit access to certain populations are "blaming the tool" then I don't know what to tell you.
  11. no it's a restriction and use issue. If the current population restrictions covered under gun control isn't addressing these kinds of issues then revise the restrictions to exclude that population. if you are worried that the new restrictions are going to exclude you then maybe you should own a gun in the first place. If you don't see the restrictions as limiting access to the tool (exactly the thing you are complaining about) based on the criteria of the owner then you miss the point of regulatory control entirely. This was a horrific tragedy. it is unique in that it was filmed and aired to the general public via TV and Social media. But it is by no means something that is rare in this country.
  12. I rented a Challenger R/T in Washington DC and a Camaro SS in NYC through Hertz's adrenalin series. A couple of things: A) all cars are automatic. No matter how much I pleaded, begged, etc...wasn't going to happen for a three pedal. b) Some locations are picky, some aren't. The NYC guy measured my camaro SS tread before and after, the DC guy didn't bat an eye at the molten rubber on the orange challenger's quarter panels and I never got charged. c) every location has different cars. Adrenalin' series are muscle cars, Dream car series are sports cars. When I was in West Palm Beach Hertz had an R8, a 911 turbo, and a GTR. In Dallas they had a GTR and a Shelby GT500. In Los Angles there was Zl1 and a Ferrari California. The Dream program is not anywhere in the midwest. Why do you want to rent the car? personal drive to see if you like it? video shoot? photo shoot. I have had good luck with CL for photo and video stuff, esp when you call the owner and let them know their insurance needs to cover it during the shoot (usually you need a rider from your existing company).
  13. <quietly crosses G8 GT off things to search for on CL when bored>
  14. Holy crap, didn't realize control arms were such an issue on the G8s. Do the Camaro and CTSV that use the same platform have the same issue? is there a permanent fix? or is it more of a replace defective part with more defective part kind of deal?
  15. Why? look at how much you are talking about it - I'd say it's pretty darn effective. It's a cheesy lowest common denominator joke. get over it. They can't all be Proust.
  16. So Clay, I feel like we have had this conversation before in real life but just in case we haven't....here are the two dirty pennies I found on the floor of my jeep this morning: "Social media" like anything else is a tool. And like any tool there is a right way, a wrong way, and a "lazy" way to do things. think of it like a pipe or "plumber's" wrench - Some people use it to tighten the metal pipes under their sink, some people use it to tighten any kind of bolt when they can't find their adjustable, and some people use it to just hammer a nail in because the damn thing weights a ton and you haven't used it in ages and you might as well use it for something otherwise it is just going to sit there and damn it all it was just handy to grab it rather than the right tool anyway. The problem with "good" social media is that it requires good content. Are there examples of this? yes they are but if you look - good examples usually go commercial pretty quick. I think Jalopnik is a pretty good example: they have a main portal (the website powered bu Kinja) with social interaction (the comments section) with ok moderation. They understand the different values to them that each social media outlet has meter out control to their individual contributors (twitter, Facebook, etc). It's also something that makes money via advertising and can afford to have full time people making sure it has good content. What you are talking about with the multiple IG accounts for Columbus exotics is a good example of someone using the pipe wrench to tighten any bolt they find. The individuals kinda sorta understand the basics of how Social media works, but not necessarily how to best use it for it's intended purpose. It is more of the "let's just put a ton of content out there and hope it gets good" kind of approach. If all these IG accounts are related to people affiliated with the event it is poor promotional management and poor social media management. If they are just individuals trying to leverage the event, then the person with the event isn't managing his brand effectively. Either way, its a large quantity of content rather than good content - which oddly can still drive exposure pretty well. I get the knee jerk Luddite reaction to it, and it can be frustrating. Plus you have had great real world success with the event doing things the old fashioned way, which I totally dig. However, I do think there is still value to CC&C's social media presence - the problem is neither you, nor I, nor Wes, nor anybody else have any real time to devote to make really good content for it. If you want to have a longer conversation about I am more than happy to show up to your driveway and drink your beer and pontificate for hours on end enjoying the sound of my own voice.
  17. Have you thought about going to test drive a new Chevrolet SS? New ones with all options are in your price range and it is just about the most practical car you can get with a stick and 400+hp. It's an LS v8, what could go wrong? Lash and couglin both have bright red 6 speed manual models in stock at the moment. Dan Tobin has like 3 automatics you can probably drive right now. It's still a chevy inside the interior so it probably won't hold up to anything luxury and German or even a used CTSV but it isn't exactly a pine bench either. test drives don't cost anything, go check it out. Chances are you are biased against domestics anyway so you'll find some reason not to like it but hey - free joy ride.
  18. If you are going to be in a group of people and evaluated that way, you should stand out with how nice you look without being overdressed. Everybody is going to be in khakis. I say go dress slacks or suit paints and a very nice dress shirt and shoes. make sure it is all wrinkle free and crisp.
  19. Here is how I approach it: Don't trust HR. It's easier to over dress and shed clothes to look casual than it is to dress casual and suddenly find yourself in a room full of suits and scrambling to class up your attire. Wear a suit, tie, the whole 9 yards. Upon meeting the first person size up how they are dressed. If they meet you in jeans/kakis and a polo shirt, politely ask them if they mind if you remove your tie and see how he reacts. If you get the all clear then you can stuff your tie and jacket in your bag and still look "dress casual" in black shoes, dress slacks, and a button down shirt with an open collar. to me "interview casual" never involves khakis and jeans. it's at the least a white button down (so white and crisp it blinds people when you walk in a room) and suit pants/dress slacks. If you do still want to push for the khaki's you can take the preppie approach: make sure they are crisply pressed, wear a tie, brown shoes, button down collar shirt (white or blue), and a blue blazer or sport coat. This way if you wan to shed into casual you can but if it is a formal meeting you look stylish and not under-dressed.
  20. I would look at your O2 sensor or your injectors. Partial clog at injectors at idle could cause the mixture to be off and the O2 sensor to hunt for ideal mixture at idle. An O2 sensor with carbon buildup could throw it off at idle too.
  21. he has AIDS too? by the way, I am surprised how many meme's there are about this right now: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/988/755/659.jpg
  22. Geeto67

    JPMC Polaris

    So, here is the question: how many JPMC people here are at easton? and are any of you drive the brown 1970 camaro SS, the Karmann Ghia, or the Porsche 356 California spyder kit car I see in the parking lot sometimes? also any interest in a fair weather Friday morning coffee and donuts meetup? It would be nice to have some more car people to talk to in the building.
  23. Geeto67

    GOP 2016

    If this was implemented there would be a lot of hair splitting discussion about how issues are interpreted, how biased is the ranking, etc....plus it doesn't hold anybody really accountable.
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