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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Diesel Oils have more Anti-wear (ZDDP), higher viscosity (sometimes), and more additives per volume (usually Detergents). From what I have been reading on Rotella T6 is that it is very close to if not exceeding some very high grade gasoline synthetics. Anybody here run one in a VAG 2.0T? The Audi eats about a quart of Mobil 1 every 5K miles.
  2. I looked into this a while back when I was considering one. I actually prefer them over the WRX for a couple of reasons: 1) I thought the interior was nicer than standard WRX wagons. The seats are saab proprietary and not subaru units. The car also has more sound deadening 2) The suspension and steering are parts bin WRX and STI stuff with some odd saab parts thrown in. The rear control arms are aluminum, the steering rack is an STI unit, and the shocks are Saab Specific. The hardware and body bushings are all STI units and not standard WRX pieces (stiffer). think of the 92X as sitting in between the WRX and STI. It uses the WRX drivetrain but the STI under pieces, and "luxury" interior pieces. Nicer and more grown up than the boy racer WRX but not as "hardcore" as a same year STi. I think 2006 is the better year as it has the 2.5L engine over the 2.0L from 2005.
  3. ah...not a "complete" stranger either. The Operator and the shooter were neighbors. Not next door neighbors, but the article states that the shooter's house has an unobstructed view into the operators back porch. The Operator seems to know who the shooter was by his comment and the shooter is making all sorts of comments about the operators character to the media. This is why I think the shooter is batshit crazy: 1) he is making it out like he is some sort of privacy warrior based on his comments about pedophiles and ISIS as well as his invasion of privacy comments in the interview (have to be taken together, not separate) 2) he thought it was perfectly acceptable to casually use a firearm to solve a problem which likely had just about 1000 other solutions. 3) he is selling T-shirts as the drone slayer and making all sorts of comments about his neighbor's character which are not relevant to this case. 4) if you read this article apparently there was an altercation with the police he was "sorry" for meaning he was probably all cranked up and wanted to fight some more: http://www.wave3.com/story/29671585/drone-owner-calls-shooter-drone-slayer 5) he's making comments about ISIS and pedophiles when in reality this was a hobby copter belonging to a neighbor he appears to know. and I have a feeling he knew exactly whose it was when he took the shot. I mean it is rare when people who live in a neighborhood don't at the very least know who they are. I am not saying there probably wasn't bad blood between these two guys. There may be. Maybe the operator flew his drone a bunch of times over the shooters house over the course of the last month, and the shooter was just sick of it. who knows. Regardless though I don't think at this point, with the limited facts we have, you can say anything looks good for the shooter and his behavior.
  4. Where are you getting open field from? It's one open residential plot and then a road, at least according to both the description in the link above and the view from the video. I still don't get why you seem to want to defend firing off a gun in a residential neighborhood as responsible behavior. It isn't and it shouldn't be encouraged.
  5. No in that interview he comes off as some sort of privacy crusader, different kind of crazy, no less whackadoodle. At the end of the day that was a residential neighborhood, not a rural back forty. He showed lack of common sense and a unique brand of stupid by discharging a firearm in those conditions. I have an easy solution, charge him with a felony. Hopefully he gets convicted and then guess what he can't own guns anymore and there for can't show the world how much of a stupid piece of shit he is. The selling t-shirts? Yeah this guy is an asshole. I have zero tolerance for people whose first reaction to something unusual they don't understand is to shoot it. It isn't like these things can be flown from a remote bunker 50 miles away, it's a goddamn hobby copter, the operator was probably standing in the street outside his house.
  6. I'm sorry but if that is the "statement" he gives the press - there is a tin foil hat in his closet. seriously all I can picture is him taking the shot and then running into the house screaming "Martha! I did it, I durn shot the UFO!" and then being disappointed it is a hobby copter and not aliens with butsex probes.
  7. I'm pretty sure your neighbors would have a coronary if you put one up in your driveway. Still it would allow you to have that 5th car, a classic one I have been bugging you to get, without having to evict the BMW or CTS-v from the garage.
  8. I can only speak to the now. And while I understand the value of the past saying "it is better than it used to be" isn't the same thing as saying "is it as good as it can be"?
  9. It has been feeling like lately that almost every post has "cool kids" crap in it, and a lot of it unnecessary. I completely stir the pot and take pleasure in doing it often, I have always owned that. But maybe everybody tolling everybody isn't the optimal thing. I do and I don't take anything on the internet personally at all. Real Life is real, the internet is just a place where you kill time pretending you are working. I guess the only thing I do take offense to is this place is extremely hard on new people and that means it isn't going to grow. I like seeing car/bike based communities grow because that means a diversity of viewpoint and opinion and more interesting things start to happen, but that isn't happening here...at least not as well as it should be.
  10. the site has some value. I get event info here, met some good people, and have gotten some great advice. Granted I have had to wade through a tremendous amount of shit to do it - but honestly I find a lot of that really comical and entertaining. My point is this place is only hurting itself for those who still want that good info but don't find the abject level of adolescent stupidity nearly as entertaining.
  11. Based on that logic one could easily make the argument that I am a screaming asshole because that seems to be the majority of the people I met here early on influencing the tone. I think that is way overgeneralizing (I am decidedly not type A) but statistically I see your point. But then again that's the point of the moderators to keep things on an even keel. People bitch but eventually they either get used to it or go away and it all level sets again. I think the bigger issue here, and the one that doesn't get discussed, is what is the mission of this place really supposed to be? I mean there are plenty of other car/bike sites that do a damn site better job at being hubs for their community but they do it by being upfront about their tone and purpose and having effective moderation along those lines. And let me be clear I am not saying the moderation here isn't effective, I am saying this board doesn't really have a clear direction and as such the mods don't have a standard to work from. I get this place was once the domain of a bunch of people who all were friends and knew each other in real life but it has kind of grown beyond that with people moving away and new people joining more because they have google and not necessarily friends with someone already on here. I am not trying to be overly critical here, I mean if the owners/mods are perfectly happy with exactly what's going on here then by all means - it's their site and their call to let it continue the way it is. And to tie this back to El Karacho's original post - I do think there is value in the original information he posted about crucial performance and local boards should have some forum to discuss local businesses. Plenty of other forums have these things and handle it in a variety of different ways - this goes back to the "focus" of the board is this really supposed to be a valuable and enriching community, or just a place where people with sorta common interests call each other asshole.
  12. maybe but I am only one. And this site has many. my question is why?
  13. Bad enough name? I thought this was 4chan for people local in Columbus and sorta into cars. Actually I take that back, 4chan is nicer and doesn't deserve the comparison. Seriously though, and not to switch topics for a second - why is this place like a giant douche-bag motel? you would think with the likelihood you will actually meet the people on this site being so high people would be sorta nice. The nicest people I have met IRL from this site post rarely if ever, the loudest and most aggressive don't even seem to live in the state of ohio anymore. I don't see this site having much of a future unless you guys want to change the URL to Whitemildlyracisitandsexistuppermiddleclassrepublicanandteapartygunownersofohio.com At least then you'll really attract the target demographic.
  14. I'd give you a solid B+ but if that was the angle you were taking you didn't highlight the plight of the proletariat enough. Also too short.
  15. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Replica-Kit-Makes-MUFFLER-MUFFLER-/231640643396?forcerrptr=true&hash=item35eedbb744&item=231640643396 http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii223/njcollector07/1956coe/muff1_zpsqrhedwm1.jpg http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii223/njcollector07/1956coe/muff4_zpsekwqrpjt.jpg
  16. I will keep my ear to the ground, if I hear of any wrecked zx14s or 1300 'zooks I'll send them your way.
  17. yeah Clay that was my bad, I copied the wrong URL and didn't notice. You have to admit that the cuda is pretty well tweaked that it passes for a modern one, almost. Anyway here is the cuda pic I wanted to post: http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/themes/arras-theme/library/timthumb.php?src=http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/mr-norm-cuda-header.jpg&w=630&h=250&zc=1 Here is one with a convertible conversion as well: http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-2009/klm/2009-Mr-Norms-426-Hemi-Cuda-Convertible-Hood-Up-1280x960.jpg while we are on the topic what do you guys think of the Doug Schramm/metalcrafters charger? 2 door conversion plus retro 1968 style front and rear: http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/themes/arras-theme/library/timthumb.php?src=http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Doug_schramm_custom_charger_header.jpg&w=630&h=250&zc=1 http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/gallery/doug_schramm_dodge_charger/14-2010-doug-schramm-dodge-charger-concept-jpg.jpg http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/gallery/doug_schramm_dodge_charger/3-2010-doug-schramm-dodge-charger-concept-jpg.jpg I think it works but probably because they redesigned the entire car from nose to tail to fit onto a charger chassis, they aren't just sticking a front and rear section on a stock roof. I tend to look at the old camaro front on a new camaro as a life size "muscle Machine" http://ebid.s3.amazonaws.com/upload_big/7/0/9/1354207568-19634-20.jpg
  18. I have tried to do it several times though Copart without any success, so can't speak to the finalization process. I have heard some horror stories from others about undisclosed lot fees that the holder of the vehicle will try to charge but that's about it. do you know what engine you want? Is it a specific one or will any do? The reason I ask is that goodwill sometimes gets motorcycles and has a 1990 kawasaki concours right now which is the same engine as the 1990 zx10. Also Rice Paddy downtown has plenty of bikes they are taking apart and might have one (although their prices aren't always great).
  19. There is a lot I can't defend about the buy here pay here model. Mostly the "pay here" part of it as it pertains scams, shady dealing, taking advantage of customers...etc... Car flipper is one thing - it is a negotiated cash price and the buyer pays it or it doesn't. If the seller is asking too much the market corrects by letting the car languish. At the end of the day it is the buyer to do the leg work concerning the car and buyer beware (and to be fair I am a huge consumer advocate but even I know the limits). If the buyer doesn't do his research, have the car checked out, or buys it despite having deep concerns - as long as the seller did not do something illegal, the buyer has no one to blame but themselves. but BHPH lots - I get that the fill a need in a community for low income purchasers with bad credit, but a lot of the problem tactics don't come from the cars themselves but rather from the dealer leveraging their extensive knowledge of credit laws to take advantage of their customers. With a car if you don't know what to look at you can take it to an independent mechanic and have it checked out - how do you do that with your credit agreement? there aren't a lot of options for those who are already at a disadvantage. yeah I know about the odometer rollbacks and the sawdust in the transmissions and honestly yeah that's shady shit but that's a physical object and you can have that checked out. Yo-yo financing? selling cars you don't have paperwork to? credit usury? yeah that's all bad stuff and most people in the BHPH demographic aren't necessarily going to know nor have someone to turn to when something happens. What's worse is that banks who make the same loans have tremendous regulatory scrutiny but these lots are at best regulated at the state level if at all. I know not every BHPH lot is bad, and there are some that aren't out to scalp every single person who walks through the door, but the model breeds bad behavior (look up floor line of credit and its effects) and an large majority are the small lots scratching out a living any way they can and often operating on the wrong side of the law.
  20. I see what you are saying clay but that doesn't mean I can't think it's ugly. Some things kind of make sense, but some things are just being forced - this feels forced. oddly I don't mind the firebird conversions people do, and to be honest I even like the retro camaro and mustang body kits out there: http://i43.tinypic.com/34gajao.jpg http://www.allfordmustangs.com/forums/attachments/2011-2014-mustang-talk/129911d1305057388-retro-body-kit-question-07_retrobuiltboss302.jpg http://www.sub5zero.com/sites/default/files/uploads/2010/11/retrobuilt_ford_mustang.jpg http://images.thecarconnection.com/med/dodge-daytona-and-plymouth-superbird-kits-from-hpp_100317488_m.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/highperf15/Cuda5.jpg they just look like cartoon versions of the original cars which is kind of fun. I think that why they work and the 6T9 doesn't is because the base car was influenced by the original and the kit leverages that complete the look. but the design language of the GTO isn't the same as the modern camaro and trying to force it makes the new elements stand out from the old ones in a big way. I mean come on - look how awkward that rear end looks. Are they car guys from the 50's-the 70's the ones buying these things? I mean you can have a pretty nice real 1969 GTO for about $30K which is less than the new camaro SS MSRP, let alone one of these "special editions" (last I checked one of these was around $125,000 from Trans Am Depot). I get that they are in the price demo if what I heard about price was right, but even at 650rwhp I can think of way cooler muscle car related things I can spend $125K on (like a big block c2 corvette or a brand new z06).
  21. eh...I wouldn't go that far, but that's the nature of car flipping. You ask a high number and people negotiate you down. I don't think he's looking for the super saavy buyer who tracks subaru value and is plugged into the subaru network and can get the super good deals that insiders get - he's looking for the person that thinks it might be fun to have a modded WRX, checks KBB, does not enough research, and then pitches a $7-8K offer on the car. It's a business tactic to flipping cars and it's hard to make a moral judgement without knowing the sale price - it isn't like he's running a buy here pay here lot (at least I hope he isn't).
  22. I happen to agree that I would not pay $10K for a salvage subaru, but something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, and asking price is not the same as sale price. I just want to make sure I am not missing something here where the guy was being intentionally misleading or something.
  23. ugh. I think hot wheels nailed the look of what a "modern" GTO should look like with their GT-03: http://texashwcollectors.org/hwguide/images/2003/2003_033.jpg I don't even think the 1999 Judge concept was that bad: http://sitescars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Pontiac-GTO-Concept.jpg Kidding aside, I think this retro crap needs to die. I love the GTO, and I think the "new" GTO they made from 04-06 was an excellent car and what the market needed but people have all this awful sentimentality about the old cars that kills anything that isn't "retro" inspired from carrying the name plate. They old cars are what they are and great looking but for god sakes leave them in the past. I kinda wished they had called the G8 GXP the GTO and gone the 4 door route like the charger because that would have brought a whole new set of buyers to the car who want practical musclecars and given the thing a new direction. But pontiac is deader than disco so fuck it. And another thing while I am up on this soap box - when they designed the "new GTO" how freaking hard would it have been to give it stacked headlights like the Caddy CTS-V? I mean they are the same freaking platform and nothing is more iconic than the 1965-67 stacked headlights of the GTO. I mean if you are going to write the nostalgia ticket for the car put your back into it GM, really. TL; DR: this is a camaro for people whose nostalgia defies all boundaries of taste or good looks.
  24. Can you elaborate as to how he is an ass? I read all the same threads you did and despite being a car flipper and honestly kind of terrible at taking pics and writing ads (which looked like laziness more than deception to me) I didn't see anything that indicated he was being dishonest. if you don't like is price the simple solution is not to buy it. If enough agree with you he'll have to change it. Or are you just insulted that he asked for more money than you thought his car was worth?
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