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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Another WTF Craigslist moment: http://zanesville.craigslist.org/cto/4963270559.html Emphasis mine: http://images.craigslist.org/00b0b_fIABxu76h3J_600x450.jpg
  2. I have to ask - what is it you want to do? or rather what goals are you trying to solve for with a different career?
  3. When I was a kid Burke Lakefront was a welcome oasis on our yearly family pilgrimage to Oshkosh for Airventure. Mostly because by the time we got there we all had to pee and were starving, but it was also the last big jump before the hop going over the great lakes in a single engined 1963 Mooney M20C. For some reason I think my father took us all to a race at BKL once too in the late 80's - I think it was champ/Indy but I might be mixing up memories with a trip to Watkins Glen for Formula 1. Either way, I am all for more racing in Ohio and BKL can use all the revenue it can get to keep operating so it's a win for everyone. On a not very serious note though - does anybody still follow champ/Indy car outside of the Indy 500? I haven't run into someone that claimed to know what was happening in the series in a long time. I know it must have fans because the grandstands are full but how big is the fan base lately? I tuned out during the whole IRL vs CART thing in the 90's and haven't looked back. Even now if you asked me about it I would probably ask "is Al Unser Jr still involved?"
  4. Does anyone have more details for the MORPCA Beginner's school Auto-X next weekend? I've been all over the MORPCA site and I can't even find a sign up fee, let alone anything other than date, time, and location.
  5. Actually I was reading Jalopnik and it was one of the "trending" links on the sidebar. But I have to say I was lured in a little because I am so new to Ohio and really have no idea what the socioeconomic breakdown is like.
  6. Thought this article was kind interesting but I have to wonder how much the "rural" areas bring down the cities, esp with regard to New York and Ohio: http://twocents.lifehacker.com/the-salary-required-to-be-middle-class-in-every-state-1695393156 http://www.businessinsider.com/middle-class-in-every-us-state-2015-4 http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--VDpHR5b6--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/mktbghuw90nvp2p8brrh.png
  7. I think the majority of decent human beings know what is more important. However it puts us in direct conflict with selfish desires. Plus as humans we all have difficulty with change and to a certain extent grief (not in the "loss of a loved one" way but more in the "this was important to me and now I don't have it what am I going to do?" kind of way). We are still talking about it because really as fans we are pissed that Jezza made this decision to kill the program for us rather than us gradually losing interest as quality declined over time like viewers normally do. It leaves us wanting more.
  8. I think the color is rad. It's way better than the boring red, white, silver, or black everyone already has. It is called Futura Yellow. I think it's similar to what BMW used on the M3 at that time called Phoenix yellow. It was sort of popular for the time. As George Carlin once said - don't be so suburban. Nope just the mileage. And the fact it is a MK.4.
  9. how does the Free dyno work? Just show up and get your name on the list? 1 pass? three passes?
  10. Congrats. Good choice on color - it's nice to see one of these that isn't black, white, silver, or orange. Saw an orange scat pack on Bethel yesterday on my way home with the shaker and the hood/roof stripes and I have to say I like yours better. Aside from the color and the tiny emblems there isn;t much to tip off people it's a monster. Plus I love bumblee tail stripes on mopars.
  11. Seems more simple than it is in practice. People sometimes push themselves too far and it isn't exactly a light switch thing - more of a gradual sometimes unrecognizable decline into a chain of poor decision making. Also there are some things that exist in peoples cars that can cause rapid fatigue, esp at night.
  12. Law has nothing to do with it but I wouldn't expect you to understand that given your demonstrated understanding so far. Would you like me to explain it to you? It might take longer as I would have to find the correct monosyllabic words. But it is awesome to know you are still e-stalking me. I feel loved!!!!
  13. So does anyone know if she was drunk or is it just speculation? One summer in college I drove a cab on third shift (not a yellow cab, a hire car) on long island. Used to see lots of people on the road asleep in their cars, usually at traffic lights. Most weren't drunk (at least the ones on the weeknights weren't usually) to my observation, just driving too late at night and too tired. NY now treats falling asleep behind the wheel as a first offense DUI it was that much of a problem. I've fallen asleep behind the wheel before, never for more than a split second, and I can tell you when your body gets to that level of exhaustion you don't make smart decisions. I usually pull over to the shoulder and sleep for about an hour, so I can sympathize if she wasn't drunk, but she sure picked the wrong spot to conk out.
  14. Geeto67

    Walking Dead

    I disagree. The Glen/Nicholas and Shasha/Gabriel/Maggie stuff needed some kind of resolution, even if temporary, for the season to wrap up. Esp since before that episode Sasha and gabe's issues were localized to them and not intertwined. It was a bit sloppy to bring them together as a way of giving temp resolution for the purposes of wrapping up the loose thread for the season but I imagine they needed to do that because next season their arc will be intertwined. Was it rushed and a little sloppy? yes. Unnecessary? I don't think so based on where this is going. I think they needed to wrap a bunch of things up and could have taken longer but the standard format for big finales on cable these days seems to be an hour and a half. A lot of stuff felt really rushed to me esp at the end, and they could have made it a 2 hour but I don't think the format or the advertising would have supported it - as it stood they had to bump comic book men and that only bought them 1/2 hour. I think we all know where this is going. Win lose or draw they can't stay at Alexandria. The series ends if Alexandria becomes a permanent safe haven. Maybe they get a season out it like the prison, or maybe two considering how bad the war with the wolves is going to be. But in the end, they have to keep moving. Oh, and fuck the origin story spinoff series (unless it ties directly to breaking bad, then it is maybe ok). Part of the allure of this is that the world is the world - who cares how it got that way.
  15. Geeto67

    Walking Dead

    Spoilers again: I've read the comics. Glen's been dead for a while in them and the corresponding arc where it happens is where the TV show is just starting to go. Hence the question. Next season is a long ways away and he could probably get a few things going between now and then but you are right, the current silence in his career outside TWD indicates he might be heading for longer run on the show.
  16. Geeto67

    Walking Dead

    I think the 90 minute episode fit the finale just fine. They had a lot of ground to cover and honestly it didn't feel any longer. Spoiler alert: So here's a question for speculation: next season do you think they will actually kill Glen? Or will they chicken out because he is such a darling of the show? I mean twd is a show that kills it's darlings but he's probably one of three characters (Rick and Darryl being the other two) whom there would be legitimate fan uproar and also would change the dynamic if the show considerably.
  17. can you keep the 240 and the audi?
  18. 1200 miles a month for 6 months would put you at 59,000 miles. It's a decent chunk but not so much that you would take 10's of thousands of dollars in a depreciation hit. Maybe the warranty is about to expire by then and that sux, in that case give it 2 more months. I don't know who would disagree with it, you aren't saying the cars actually get unreliable, just people get scared of them. I'm a huge german car fan and I don't think any 80-90K mile audi is worth more than a pack of gum and a hearty handshake. The longer you hang on the more you get fucked is a pretty good assessment of all new-ish cars. it's not exclusive to your situation. I'm still confused by what you mean it's too powerful though. It's a 330+ hp car, it's not like you are driving a 500hp ZL1 camaro everyday (FWIW the 6cyl camaro makes about the same HP as your audi). Is it hard to be smooth with? Is it just constantly tempting you and you can't go fast? The fuel situation def blows but you'll get no sympathy from me, my jeep makes a whopping 195 hp and gets 18mpg highway on a good day.
  19. how about posting a link to your ebay store for those of us who can't see your website due to firewall restrictions?
  20. Ok I'm going to be that asshole for a second: Really, you are a car guy and are complaining the car is "too powerful"? What's next, complaining that you wouldn't sleep with a supermodel because her pussy smells like roses and is just too perfectly tight? Here is what you need to do, Sell the 240, sell the audi, buy a prius. A beige one. ok, friendly ribbing aside nobody wins in this situation except the next person buying the car from you (and to be honest selling so close to purchase - you probably aren't going to get near what you have in it as that's a red flag). I think you need to just spend more time driving it and see if it grows on you. Like 6 months at least. Change is sometimes off putting just because it feels unfamilar. You hated the accord because it wasn't fast enough so you bought the audi and now it's too fast? be careful what you wish for old chestnuts aside - maybe you just need to get used to the car.
  21. Geeto67


    I don't know if I agree with this statement. I know I listen to podcasts and I am a car guy. I know plenty of others who are car guys who listen to non-car podcasts. I think youtube channels have proven there is a need for this type of content - I just think that 90% of the content in this genre is absolute crap. It took me two months to get over Adam Corolla's nasal "chewing his own face" voice and once I got past it I found his content good. Not great, but on par with other non-automotive podcasts in terms of listen-ability. I think the market is there - just need to find the right host and format. This is the best attitude to have. Just have fun and be natural. Again you have to find the right presenter. You run the serious risk of the type of information becoming extremely droll or boring. My advice is to go watch the old speedvision "Victory by design" program. I could listen to Alain de Cadenet tell me he murdered my parents and I now have to become batman and I would smile and thank him for it. He is a perfect example of someone presenting sort of dull technical information in an engaging way.
  22. Geeto67


    I didn't make it past madmoney. I'd sooner take investing advice from reading the entrails of a seagull I eviscerated (as practiced by the Romans to read the future) than take advice from Jim Cramer. - Freakonomics - NPR's Planet Money - This American Life - The Moth Radio Hour - A prairie Home Companion: News from Lake Woebegone - The Smartest Man in the world - Nerdist -Stuff you missed in History Class - Stuff you should Know - Adam Corrolla's carcast - RadioLab - 3 kevin smith podcasts: Smodcast, Hollywood Bable-on, Jay and Silent Bob get old - Make magazine (when available - it's been intermittent). I used to listen to the garagepunk podcast network for trash rock and old forgotten R&B as well as Punky radio for obsucre english punk rock (florida rocks again and Hot Slop were favorites). I also used to watch the Scam school video podcast because I liked learning barroom magic tricks when I was still going to bars (in the pre-kids days). I used to have a job where I could sit at a computer and go under the hood for 8 hours and just crank out podcast but now if I get to listen to 3 a week I think it's a miracle. It's good in the garage background noise too. I have been meaning to start listening to WTF but my podcast library is shrinking not growing right now so probably not going to happen, though Maron's Rollins interview was pretty awesome. I used to Listen to Mohr Stories but Jay Mohr's rhetoric and self deprecation got kind of old. I have never found a good motorcycle podcast simply because the ones where people know what they are talking about the hosts always feel awkward and the ones where they aren't they are about as familiar with the subject matter as a turnip. I used to listen the the Car stuff podcasts but found them too "beginner level" although some of the weirder stuff like the half trax used on jungle expeditions in the 20's was kind of cool to learn about. Honestly I wish there was a "Roadkill" podcast because I could listen to Finnegan and Friedburger jaw about just about anything. as for doing your own...well...in college I had a blues radio show on college radio (mid-1990s) and the one lesson I learned from that is it doesn't matter what you say, you must be interesting to listen to. If you aren't, then learn it. Radio chops can be taught but it takes practice. Try doing one just on your computer for you to listen to. Count the number of times you say Um or Uh and the number of times you hit dead air for a second or more. If it is more than twice for either then you have some practicing to do.
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