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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Clay, he's taking about the grand tourer not the sedan, the ford jag functional equalivent would be the xk8. Lucas by the 1990s was not Lucas of the old 1960s, but the reputational damage was already done. I will say there are an inordinate amount of things that are unnecessarily electronically controlled (like the inside the dash vents) and prone to breakage and expensive repair. I can't speak to jag wiring but landie wiring from the same era is a rats nest of individual wires, I hear the jags are the same but don't know for sure. 1994-1996 are supposed to be the best of the XJS series with individual coil packs and the last evolution of the inline 6.
  2. 4.0l is the six cyl, not the v12. It's like the British small block chevy. Less problematic than the v12. Is it coupe or convertible? If it is a coupe it's a meh price, a vert the price is very good. 93k is at the cusp of when things start to go wrong with those cars. If you look at values cars with 50k on the clock are still $10k, but over 100k miles and you can find them for $2k all day long.
  3. so can I just gripe for a second - that one shot of the Giga Horse (the stacked 59 caddys) where you see underneath and there are two metal plates with flames and skulls cut into them...so the end times have happened and water and fuel are a rare resource but apparently a water-jet or plasma cutter is freely and easily available? I don't know why, but compound super/turbo charged engines are plausible to me but somehow using water/fire/a lazer and a computer to cut a piece of plate steel in the apocalypse is not.
  4. has anyone gone to this? Is it big? is it like the car swap meets I remember pre-internet where you can actually find stuff people want, or is it the same 30 vendors selling cheap sunglasses, cheap overseas trinkets, and kids toys?
  5. That's a lofty hope for everyone, not just you. We are humans. It's our nature to say stupid things. That wasn't an option, unless you mean CR jury members think like you and rush to judgement. And you would be correct in doing so - unless you live in a very very very small town personal knowledge/interaction with the defendant is a standard dis-qualifier. Not only do I fully understand that, but I exploit it a little for personal amusement. I see a lot of the same opinion with without much diversity and if I disagree with it I post a contrary opinion to stir the pot. Why? because discourse and opposing viewpoints is the cornerstone of meaningful conversation. see above. I am not shocked by any of what's said here, and my moral outrage amounts to a flea's fart. I find the whole thing hilarious enhanced only by either intelligent conversation or more hilarious responses. It is kind of the point of the internet to read inflammatory things, so why not add to the fire. I will thank you for the civil discourse though, at least it isn't personal and you aren't spending hours internet stalking me like some other members here. You and I have the same opinion on the news. And all I am saying is: 1) every place is the right place to be skeptical; 2) being skeptical does not automatically translate into an opinion on the person's past behavior if the thing your are skeptical about is pretty much universally suspect for nearly anyone (like how a trespassing conversation turns into assault where an officer's weapon becomes unsecured). Also 99% of statistics are made up on the spot - there are others who lean toward not condemning the guy if you go back and read but have expressed it differently. This place tends to be a dog pile sometimes of overwhelming judgmental behavior and honestly it could use a dissenting opinion sometimes to keep things lively.
  6. It's not support of someone if I think I am not getting the whole story behind his arrest. Being a skeptic is usually not an indication of endorsement. As far as the "courts" sorting it out - well those courts have jury trials, and juries are made up of people like me, like you, like most of the people on this site. If you were on trial whom would you prefer on your jury? someone like me, or someone like you? Justice in American begins with the individual and not the system.
  7. From the design I think it would actually make a really interesting small art museum/gallery rather than a place where people would actually live. I think the original intention was to run a patient facility out of the home so mixed use residential/commercial. Based on what's out there the Physician Dr. Ulysses W. Watkins was a character.
  8. The First amendment (and really most of the constitution) only applies to government interference and/or protection of your rights. For laws concerning interactions with private citizens you have to look to other federal, state, and local laws. I guess it is a good thing that the opinions of private citizens have no real weight (or at least are not supposed to) in determining punishment by a state government entity. In other words, you are completely entitled to your opinion but it doesn't mean shit (unless you are on that Jury in which case you have access to way more evidence than just the insane ramblings on a message board). Now if you want to express your opinion in the form of civil disobedience via protest, riot etc....well then that's a different story <puts on flame suit>
  9. On a related note, I just got finished reading this book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Hot-World-Robt-Williams/dp/0760326606 For those who are into hot rods and who don't know who Robert williams is, shame on you. For those that aren't and don't you can read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Williams_%28artist%29 but just understand that for a long time he was a barometer for the next trends in hot rodding. There is a great chapter in the book about rat rods/traditional rods and the origins of them - basically hot rodding had become so sanitary and clean that guys wanted to make fun of that by building "unfinished" cars. Robert's primered Deuce was one of the first recognized "rat rods" or "primered rods" in the 1980's and it was at first reviled, then accepted, then copied, and then...He repainted it because the rat/primer rod trend got to be a character of itself and it wasn't fun to have something like that anymore. How does this all apply to Euro cars? If there is one group of car customizers that takes itself way too seriously it's usually euro car modders (im excluding hellaflush from this because while it does affect euro cars it is not limited to them). So it makes sense that there are going to be people who want to lampoon that, and one way to do that is with less than "clean" cars. But like anything that requires personal expression there are going to be good quality efforts and bad quality efforts. These are two of my favorite efforts because they are "higher quality" http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/04/07-rat-rod-bmw-2002.jpg These are cars that treat their rattiness as a cosmetic statement but are otherwise still useable cars or at least well thought out and modified. Not that I hate low quality efforts too but I find that the lower quality you go the more you get people who just want to participate, which is kind of cool and fun. Here is the point which buggs me - when it becomes more than something fun to do, when suddenly there is a "scene" and people are asking a premium and there is a pattern to it that it no longer is about cars and having fun is when it sucks. considering this thing has been around since 2007 I think the course has run and what you are seeing on CL are the late to the party or the hold outs for whom it became something more than a lark. TL DR: Euro rat rods are so 2007.
  10. So the new camaro is a "Fastback" now? hmmm....I do not hate. Does have shades of the early 2nd gen while still keeping the 1st gen tribute shape. so here is the thing that irks me, visibility: http://jalopnik.com/leaked-memo-answers-all-the-2016-camaro-questions-gms-a-1704765341 Who cares what previous generation owners think about visibility, they obviously voted with their wallets. What about the people who didn't buy camaros? shouldn't these be the people GM is chasing after? I look at it this way, in the next year or so I am going to buy a car. Currently I want retro muscle car and the top of my list is the challenger R/T - why? it was the most useable of all the retro muscle cars I have driven. Had the best visibility, had the most useable room, looks great, and am probably not going to use it like a track car. Second is a mustang GT, again was great on visibility, useable, felt good, but looses to the challenger because the challenger is such a big car. A camaro is not even close to my list, I would probably consider any number of euro cars, wagons, pickups, etc...before a camaro. Why? Visibility and interior quality. The 2014 car I drove was poorly laid out, the interior felt like 1980's GM (complete with indigo Cadillac limo mood lighting), and I couldn't see shit out of those useless rear quarter windows. They look big enough from the outside but the camaro has a blind spot that you could hide an aircraft carrier in. This is what you see from the inside: http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/vehicle-pictures/2010/chevrolet/camaro/6060-052-rear-seats-480.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f170/MN12Fan/Camaro1LTRSblackrearquarter.jpg moving at 65mpg on a highway what are you going to see out of that? certainly not the car/motorcycle/18 wheeler in the next lane you are changing lanes into.
  11. that head doesn't look too bad. this is what a sludgy engine looks like: http://i589.photobucket.com/albums/ss337/rdeboer514/Blue/DSC_0009.jpg If you are really concerned about sludge you can do two things: 1) clean the oil pan so the pickup doesn't clog, and 2) install an oil pressure gauge and take readings to make sure they 30 psi at 180 degrees or higher and between 60 and 70 cold psi. Are you going to keep the car or still going to flip? If keeping maybe a front mount, if a flip - leave it stock as nobody is going to pay you any real value for a hotted up audi with 140K+ on the clock as compared to a stock one with the same mileage. Also, and this is just personal, but whenever I see a front mount intercooler I just assume the 18year old that owns the car ragged it within an inch of it's life. Anything non-stock you do to the car you want to be able to take off and sell separate to maximize value - front mount doesn't seem that easy to remove.
  12. Yay!!!! my internet stalker is back!!!! I have missed your particular brand of illogical gibberish. I've been leaving Easter eggs around the internet for you to find - have you been getting them? I've read the guys pasts posts. again - bad at the internet, probably bad at life, still not the whole story.
  13. You have that backwards, unless you live in a country other than the US. You start with the presumption of innocence and then use the information to overcome that presumption beyond a reasonable doubt. The guy made a lot of bad posts on an Internet forum, whoptie fucking doo. Other than it being evidence of poor comprehension of how the Internet works, unless he made statements about this event or something relating to it the only thing the guy provided you with is a platform to jump to a lot of ill informed conclusions. I'm with Ben, this is only one side of the story and it is highly unusual to assault a police officer without provocation. Will be interested in seeing how this pans out.
  14. More fuel for the fire: http://jalopnik.com/leaked-memo-answers-all-the-2016-camaro-questions-gms-a-1704765341
  15. German cars made before 1995 are tanks. Ask anyone who has owned a w124 mercedes, e30 or e34 BMW, or even an audi 4000 or 5000. Unfortunately that is not what you have. Keep at it, you'll get to the end.
  16. If you ask me...."all the money" If you ask my wife...."none of the money" here is a different approach that I take: a long time ago when I was a single guy I managed to put together a pretty healthy collection of parts and cars and bikes. This was funded by about 50% of my net income. However, being no longer single, not a parent, or somewhat irresponsible this collection had to become largely "self sustaining". Because the wife and I have financial goals, dreams, new business ventures, and a college education to pay for 0% of income derived from working goes into the "toy" fund (maintenance and registration/insurance for DD vehicles is still covered out of net income). Basically if I want to have something I have to sell something. Sometimes I pick up things to flip, and honestly the hunt is often more fun than the car or bike or part it leads to. I am largely an "old" car/bike/junk person so I don't have aspirations about selling it all and buying a gallardo, or new M series cars - most of the stuff that I dig can be had for $20K or less. the ROI on old stuff is way better than anything new where depreciation basically lights your money on fire. I could buy a 1965 malibu for $10K right now, drive it for a year paying gas and classic insurance, and sell it for the same $10K (or slightly more) a year later. you don't have to Plus I like to use the stuff I have: If I could find a way to safely mount a baby seat to one of my bikes without being arrested I would (and yes I have looked into a side car, kid has to be over 11 to ride in one). I don't mind driving old cars in the summer with no A/C so my standards are low, and i don't mind that it offsets the depreciation on the other vehicular assets I own (like an audi that has lost nearly $5K worth of value in the span of 4 years) I guess the take away is - it is all about managing your goals and your participation in the "hobby". If you don't want new junk you can actually have a great time with a lesser budget and manage your participation as if it were a for profit venture. If you want new stuff you have to manage the depreciation and the bleed out from income. Figure out what you want to do and set an appropriate plan.
  17. aluminum jeep bumpers are usually $700+. the one I had is discontinued, which sucks because there are no other alloy tube ones on the market. I paid over $300 for it in 1998 and that's about what the other guys insurance paid out on it - this was within budget. this one will probably start to rust and I'll repaint it at some point. Jeep bumpers aren't really meant to last forever, from 1995 to 1998 I went through about 5 of them, mostly banging them into tree stumps.
  18. Stopped by the body shop last Friday to check in on the Jeep. As some of you may know a co-worker's Nissan Altima decided to commit suicide against my jeeps bumper and I had Auto Body Specialists in Grandview take care of it. By the way A+ to them they have done a top notch job. Lucky for me the frame wasn't bent and everything checked out straight and true so they installed the new bumper: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1995%20Jeep%20Wrangler/9796368B-FF88-42D5-9281-0D23F002CD31_zpsyzgqilht.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1995%20Jeep%20Wrangler/401E7AA8-6092-434F-95BF-CB01339D6474_zpsanr3swtt.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1995%20Jeep%20Wrangler/1BE04AD3-E903-4C08-84D5-95813045041B_zps7ogfdplc.jpg This is what she used to look like: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1995%20Jeep%20Wrangler/CA9ED45F-1D5E-44E9-8DEF-3078B9DC109B_zpsxjvopms3.jpg and this is what it looked like after it totaled an Altima: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1995%20Jeep%20Wrangler/59C91CD0-06AE-4FD0-9B14-881B5A465657_zps1x7pkw04.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1995%20Jeep%20Wrangler/E71705C0-D70C-45B0-80AA-33D3F9341795_zpsncy8pynq.jpg I'm actually kinda bummed about the old bumper. Sure it looked dated but it was spun aluminum and not stainless steel. I have not seen another like it and it was really light weight (weighed less than a stock steel c channel rear bumper).
  19. nice car, is it a WS6? I remember when I was a freshman in college and drooling over a 1995 WS6 convertible in the local pontiac dealer's window. How are these cars to live with at 80K+ miles? lot of small maintenance? or are they pretty solid. I remember the 3rd gens I had were absolutely trash by the time they hit 60K but I seem to see nice enough ones with more miles. Also, what do they cost to insure?
  20. To what? sounds like a dick move but that is their business model - pay as little as possible for something they are going to part out.
  21. If the OP doesn't want it, I'll take it.
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