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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I just laughed so hard a piece of carrot came out my nose. The nerve of her! how dare the US actually maintain it's position as an alpha world power, it's time to give someone else, like Russia a turn. How dare we hog all the top of the chain diplomacy. now I am just waiting on a triggered Tim rant full of sweaty machismo projected on the country. seriously though, where is this derailed international train heading? Up until this point he has merely been paying back the governments (China, Russia) that have loaned his enterprises money and made very favorable one sided deals in his favor. I am not worried about our European Allies, they basically have chosen to ignore him and will probably just wait it out to deal with someone more reasonable in the next election. But China, DRNK, and Russia, now have footholds that the US specifically denied them for decades, and what does that future look like?
  2. being a silver lining type of guy, I will say this positive thing about the Current Administration: If there are 2 things we can take as a positive on the whole from the Trump administration it is: 1) Corruption is actually quite difficult to hide in national politics. We are currently looking at the most corrupt administration in modern history and it's all pretty much out on front street. Pruitt, Ross, Minuchen, and Carson's abuse of public resources for private gain and insider trading are not able to be kept secret no matter how much each of those individuals wanted them to be hidden. I mean, we really didn't need this lesson because we learned it with Bill Clinton's bj, Reagan's Contra Arms Deal, and basically everything Nixon did in office, but I guess every generation needs a refresher since there are so many people that still don't believe it. 2) The government is really ill equipped to deal with executive branch corruption. It's funny, but there are all these rules, and clauses, and actual federal laws about what the executive branch is within its power to do - and yet so many of them lack any penalty to actually punish a violation. It's staggering to think that for the longest time this country got by on basically the honor system and the penalty of negative public opinion. That being said, It's all pretty much a raging grease fie inside a dumpster fire on top of a high rise fire. God Bless America. but please...tell me how literally anybody else would have been worse than this. I dare you.
  3. what happened to the RR classic? nice score.
  4. nice work! I am kind of curious though - any thought to switching to the 5.0 Fuel injection setup?
  5. $140 with your PP from sprint sounds like a deal
  6. +1, I've used this exact same store twice now - once for a screen repair on my iphone and one on my iPad. Fast turn around and great work both times. Also 1/3-1/4 of the price of micro center or the AT&T store.
  7. those old "D"s are indestructible. plus you can convert them to run on bio. Acceleration measured in comparison to glaciers, but they will last just as long and rack up 100s of thousands of miles no sweat. I think I remember reading somewhere that the engine is expected to go 250-400K miles before needing any major overhaul if properly maintained. good luck getting it back on the road.
  8. A lot of what justifies the price is the engineering involved to build the car. In terms of performance only - I think the One:1 is the most technologically advanced car on the planet (if you open that up to all genre's - Teslas beat it on a lot of other metrics). Just the man hours alone in engineering, the processes that had to be developed specifically just to make this car, these things can't be replicated. Being next to one is akin to being next to the space shuttle in many ways. congrats on at least getting to sit in one. I normally love the white with red and black accents color scheme, but for some reason this car seems gaudy to me. It's my only complaint and it's minor.
  9. For the moment. It should be pointed out that the law was found "unconstitutional" with the "Home Rule Amendment" to the Ohio constitution meaning that if there is a bump stock law it has to be enacted at the state level. The court DID NOT say a bumpstock ban was unconstitutional with the second amendment regardless what Dean Rieck is quoted as saying in the article. But again: 1) who really cares? I don't think there was much demand for these things before. 2) There is very good legal argument that could be made at the federal level for why a bump stock ban is appropriate. There has been a fully automatic weapons law in this country since the 1930's. It has been proven to be consistent with the boundaries of the second amendment so it is not in question. It is perfectly reasonable that bumpstocks could be considered a way of circumventing a federal law, and therefore added to the existing regulation on fully automatic weapons. So what's wrong with that? What's wrong with saying - hey there is a loophole so let's close the loophole?
  10. Be Det. Steve Rosser - vote "drain the swamp" when you are the exact reason "the swamp" stinks like shit.
  11. She also pledged her tips to the legal defense of the other two girls arrested. However, the DA is looking into the charges and it is likely they will be dropped as well. From what I can piece together, this arrest was far outside the pattern of other police work inside strip clubs - most of that undercover work requiring fewer officers and focusing on the "champagne room" areas of the club, and focusing on actual prostitution and drug charges. According to the Franklin County Sheriff's office this was actually the first time the law was enforced in Franklin County since it was enacted in 2007 (although it has been enforced in Toledo, Cincy, and Cleveland a few times). The law prevents patrons from touching dancers and regular dancers from touching non-family patrons. When it is enforced it seems the majority of the time it is against the dancer and not the patron. I still say Ohio is full of prudes, there isn't any reason for a law like this because it just allows LEOs to be hostile against legal sex workers. The NYTimes said it best - people want to consumer porn products but nobody wants to take measures to protect the workers in that industry.
  12. Technically yes it is not legal for her to touch someone. However it is perfectly legal to shit talk the president and to sue him as a person for actions that occurred prior to being the president without fear or retaliation. Let me put it this way: say your neighbor is the mayor's brother, and and you catch him pissing on your lawn and you sell the pictures to TMZ, and as a result the mayor has a squad car follow you around the city everywhere and write you a speeding ticket for every time you go 1 mph over the speedlimit. Do you think that is fair? Or legal? what about if you know their threshold is 5mph and they just made a special exception for you? see where I am going with this? Police departments have policies of enforcement for the purpose of uniform consistency across the population - or in other words to prevent rogue cops from harassing their ex-spouses with technically legal tickets, etc... or for leveraging their authority in an unfair way. We also know that the criminal process is a hassle so they have standards concerning what they observe, how they go about doing it, etc...to prevent entrapment, abuse, etc.. yeah I am not saying what she did was technically legal or illegal, but the police weren't there to enforce the touch law because of the law, they were there to abuse their power against an individual and find any reason to harass her for things she did that were legal (like suing the president) but they disagreed with politically.
  13. Who said anything about credibility? this isn't about credibility it's about harassing American citizens for otherwise legal behavior. If he were smart he would steer well fucking clear of this mess and off twitter, so 60/40 we hear something on twitter before weeks end.
  14. I can't tell if he is actually "brainwashing" people, or he is just playing to what people already think. It's probably 50/50 both. He says something that resonates with his audience at a rally and then it becomes part of his platform, but then later says something completely made up and those same people go along with it without fact checking because he said that other thing they already believed in. It's like watching the world's most low class marginally racist feedback loop in action. Remember kids: "Because it would be funny" is never a reason to elect someone to public office. I love that the 2 conspiracy theories that are circulating right now are: - we live in the most Big Brother American Government ever and Trump can make phone calls and have anybody harassed; and - SD set this up herself to get publicity since she had fallen out of the media cycle.
  15. So this has actually been gnawing at me a little because there is an inference that the POTUS somehow has such large big brother ties that he can have local law enforcement harass someone that is his enemy. And for the most part that inference isn't unfounded, smaller countries with totalitarian rule have a long history of doing exactly that on a far grander scale. But the thing about America is - this is one of the things that bureaucracy in government helps to prevent. It would be next to impossible for the POTUS or his people to picked up a phone and make a call that would have officers he didn't know deployed. Plus I highly doubt he is even aware of SD's location at all. But it wasn't an accident or coincidence that the under cover officers were there. More than likely there is some dipshit Trump supporter in Ohio government thought independently this would be a good way to send the message to SD that you fuck with the president (literally and figuratively) and it comes with "consequences". Maybe some low level arm of the GOP is involved somehow, but that's probably it. We will probably never know though. If this were any other president, there would be an inquiry, and an apology, and likely some other statement denying harassment and reinforcing that citizens should feel free from persecution by the government just because they challenge its leaders. But this is Trump, I doubt any of that will happen and I'm sure he's delighted that his acolytes will carry out the harassment of women he has come in sexual contact with on their own when he is far too busy to do it himself.
  16. yes..but did the female officer like it?
  17. 1. Ohio is a state full of Prudes 2. The no touching law is supposed to be enforced against patrons to prevent "unwanted" touching - I don't know that it was ever intended to be enforced against dancers but they are the ones most affected by it because it creates a "no touch zone". 3. do y'all not have lap dances in Ohio?
  18. Congrats, If it started right up then the killswitch is set to run. If the brake switch is the problem, you can just remove the switch and connect the leads to each other, that’s how I disable clutch safety switches.
  19. Even if you manage to get the starter jumped, the ignition might be off as well so it might turn over but not start. Do the basic checks first: Multimeter on the battery to check voltage. Check ALL fuses in the system Check continuity of the kill switch when switched to run.
  20. yeah, the pre-2004-ish liter bikes were pretty big and comfy, although they have always been shrinking. The FJ used to be considered a superbike/sportbike and it's a full fledged sport tourer now. Dad's got a 1986 Ninja ZX1000R A1 he bought new and I have to say, compared to my old zx10 that dinosaur feels massive in size. It's a very nimble bike and in my youth I accidentally wheelied it more than I should have but honestly I could sit in that saddle all day long. the first gen cbr 1000 hurricanes are legit awesome bikes, but to be honest I actually prefer the VFr800 from 1998-2002. Fast, comfy, big but not top heavy, and that awesome V-four sound. Also single sided swingarm FTW.
  21. I agree, you should totally buy a sportster or a big twin. hey they are a 1000, right? BTW, it's kind of "bullshit" that the 1000 are physically bigger bikes. The current generation GSXR 1000 is actually smaller than the ones from the early 2000s and even smaller than the 600's from the late 1990's. When it comes to race replica sport bikes the smaller and lighter you can make the bike the is the name of the game and where a lot of the technological progress goes. Instead, look at the type of bike chassis - sport tourers (VFR, FZ10) are going to be bigger than sport bikes (CBR, YZFR1), and adventure bikes are even bigger than thoses.
  22. Geeto67


    I used to hear that word tossed around by my grandfather's old WWII veteran buddies. My father still uses it from time to time. It's old language for sure but highly amusing. Good on Greg for keeping it alive. whomp whomp you left out the "except for blaming the jews for everything". Pretty sure I don't blame my own people for income inequality and the predatory nature of lending. It's ok, I don't expect much from you, I get it - reading comprehension is hard.
  23. In many ways the 600's are actually worse than the 1000s - most liter bikes have use-able torque which makes them kind of docile in part throttle street traffic. A lot of the 600's are peaky, rev happy machines that make as much hp/torque as a 10 year old liter bike in a way narrower power range. They are basically 600cc spec racers for the street but without the suspension and rubber to go along with it. It takes way quicker reflexes and requires way more attention to ride one and ride it smoothly, than something that can use it's torque to hide rider mistakes. There is this old thinking that the more CC's you have the more HP you have, and while it is true to a small degree, ride-ability depends more how that power is made and that is way more important. In the current market we have excellent 600cc "beginner bikes" like the ninja 650R, triumph bonnevilles, and the ducati monster 600, and then they are pure racing machines like the gsxr600 or R6. HD sportsters are 1200cc and make something stupid like 60hp which is completely manageable for a beginner, but an S1000 bmw is such a track weapon that it has computer nannys that calm it down for the street. Anybody who is just making a blanket statement that a 600cc bike is a beginner bike is full of shit. whatever happened to calling the sport-bike idiots squids?
  24. First off this is an “op ed” piece, meaning it’s not “news” it’s just some jack off spouting off his opinion. It’s not researched it’s not credible, it’s just a shitty opinion. Anybody can write an op ed piece to the newspaper, and if it has any entertainment merit the newspaper will publish it regardless as to how full of shit or inflammatory it is. To treat it as anything else is to give it more credit than it deserves. Second, WTF? Nothing said here is new, they have been saying the same shit since the 60’s about fast bikes, it hasn’t slowed anything down. If anything bikes got faster quicker between 1975 and 1995 than 1995 to now. Just ignore this crap it will go away.
  25. If you can’t make Clifford’s work, auto body specialists on 5th ave in grand view. Recommended to me by Craig on here, the did a fantastic job on my jeep after a co worker hit it.
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