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Everything posted by Lawrence1
Yes income taxes, while their corporations exploit every loophole inflating their income. I'd like to see some relief on all the money I have to pay in my small business but that's not going to happen.
Shhhh drc, they'd like to keep that hush hush. Let us divert our attention to attacking those on the bottom rung. It just feels better going after the lowest fruit on the vine. Those single mothers getting that big refund check, let'em starve. You'd have to be a corporate tax lawyer to the elite to answer Gumps second paragraph. Hillary's ad is spot on, but hate on haters. Haters for the jackass Trump 2016!
Agreed. Way more riders. Probably more women riders than total riders here.
I've done this in kaliforny. It will really teach you how to drive defensive. Some riders take it too far though splitting at a high delta. It's ingrained in drivers minds there and that makes it work. Most drivers are courteous about it and will move over slightly to let you by. It's not for wide bikes like those with big batwing fairings. I would like to see it legal here but doubt that will happen, too many people with the mindset of "I can't do it why should you". I will ride on the shoulder here though. I'm not going to sit in a traffic jam in summer if I can go around. Yes I know the risk of getting a flat as there is more debris. As an example of why it won't work here people will honk their horns and yell at me. The ones yelling always have their windows down so they're already frustrated with obviously no air conditioning. Some of you are probably thinking " you're a criminal ". No, I'm not. Its not a crime it's a traffic violation. You don't go to criminal court, you go to traffic court.
So I was browsing my points this evening and it looks as though I gave @DerekClouser a bad rep that i didn't know about. Must have been my Flintstone thumb while using my phone. Please accept my apology. BTW seems kinda silly I get bad reps in the political forum. MERICA!!!
Saweeet! Well suited for the roads I ride. Sport biased standard ergonomics, dirty bars, sport bike components, able to take advantage of the latest tire technologies and fuck you power! Am somewhat envious.
Nicky haters can eat shit!
As a veteran, I find Trump bad mouthing a gold star mother particularly disgusting. What a jackass.
Bikes and music are similar to me, both based on the emotions they invoke. There's only two types of music, good and bad and that depends on who you're talking to at the time. If a song makes you feel an emotion that you desire then it's a good song for you. You can't tell someone else how to feel, it is a personal choice. There's no denying how a motorcycle is supposed to work though.
No, not the ECU. Yesterday while crossing a bridge, cruiser parked on the other end, a couple standing in the middle enjoying the scenery the river offers, her standing behind him as I roll by. Nice set of A cups from an obviously classy lady. Not the first time it's happened. Must be the sexy exhaust note being emitted from the quad pipes on the steed of legend. This ever happen to you?
Enjoy! cc for cc nothing that I've ever rode pulls harder out of the corners than a V4
I seriously doubt progrmr was being serious.
Holy shamoly! I've seen the stuntman do it but damn that rider was lucky. Dumb ass truck driver almost took out a pedestrian in the dirt too.
Today it's just another way of saying I crashed, but have you ever wondered where this dangerous myth came from? Well, an old timer once explained to me that at early in motorcycling this was the most effective way of making a emergency stop. Most all roads were dirt, components were shit and speeds were slower. Having never ridden a bike of that vintage I believed him.
"Chicken strips so juicy the Colonel called"
Now if a woman ask you if it's a monster, you don't have to lie
To the convention in Cleveland? Talking heads on Sunday morning said that they expect instigators to show up. My plan is to mingle till I find them. I don't care which side. You may see me on the news, I'll be the one in the middle of the park the cops are kicking the shit out of. Let's start a riot!
Yea!!! Sweet video, even sweeter bike. It has the proper stance and components for the roads I ride. It's a Monster right?
Ahhh, the most hated segment in motorcycling, you'll love it. Under 500lbs, sport biased standard ergonomics, sportbike components and dirty bars is best for the roads I ride. Riders that understand how a street bike is supposed to work have started a trend that the manufacturers have picked up on. Lots of good choices these days.
How many readers would be comfortable private selling a ar15 to somebody with a lot of vowels in their name? Bacon is the candy of meats.