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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Haha! I was gettin raped like a little bitch. That games tough.
  2. I see a black mk4 supra just about everyday when im going to work. He is always heading the opposite direction, going towards cbus on 33.
  3. Hello Steven Garrison your ideal job is an Alien investigator
  4. Pretty nasty...makes you wonder what the 100 other "things removed from the human body" are.
  5. ...work at either the Marysville or East Liberty Honda plants?
  6. I know somebody that might be interested in your 240. I'll get back to you if its not already sold my then.
  7. Sweet! Thanks man, I'll be in touch
  8. Call those bastards and tell them you said "AFTER 30 DAYS!"
  9. Looks like a damn nice bike. All I can give ya is a bump though. Good Luck.
  10. It's pretty amazing how far we've come from 94. I can remember playing a game called "Mouser" on a computer my uncle had waaaaaaaaay back in the day. I swear it had to have been one of the first at-home pc models.
  11. You have an Ass/Shit fetish dont you? That is some seriously sick shit! Its not often that I cant finish watching a video...but this was one of those times. Hand to face...clickin the X!!!
  12. I agree 100% Just make a few phone calls and see what can be done. But there is a 90% chance....SOL
  13. This is a Ford Motorsport superchip designed for 87-93 Mustang 5.0 $40 http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/876/chip1dm6.th.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3362/chip2ng5.th.jpg Also have the radio and CD player out of a 99 Mustang with Mach460. Pretty damn good shape. Both work perfectly. $60 for both http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/385/mach460jb7.th.jpg
  14. May I please be given the awesome power to edit my avatar as well?
  15. I usually get home from work around 2am. Like you, I cant relax or force myself to goto sleep as soon as I walk through the door. Its impossible for me. The time I usually DO end up falling asleep is before 6am. If I stay awake any longer I start thinking about stuff I could be getting accomplished. Either way, to help me fall asleep, Wal-Mart brand Equate Maximum Strength sleep aid liquidcaps. They are 50mg a pop, and your only supposed to take 1 before u attempt to goto sleep. I usually take 2. After about 25mins your golden. They are non-addicting. Give that a try.
  16. Well...that kid will grow up to be a masked murder/rapist/child porn ringmaster
  17. I'm sure about 75% of you have seen the name GearSlamminStang floating around the CR threads for the past few years. But to make a long story short...I now actually LIVE in Columbus! I moved up here around February because I started working at the Marysville Honda plant. I used to own an 88GT yellow convertible 5.0, key words "used to." I had sold it to somebody through CR and thats where the glory ended for me so to speak. I now own another members old ride, im not 100% sure if he is still around or not, But I believe it name is Morgan. I drive his old 240SX. Now that I'm up here, I hope to get to know some of you that I never had the opportunity to before. I've only been to 1 meet...and I was riding shotgun with Jason Fowler when he still rocked his blue hatchback 5.0. This was back in the day but I remember alot of ppl in a krogers parking lot and a police chopper flew overhead and ordered everyone to leave. Haha. Good times! Either way, its good to be "Back" so to speak. Flame Away Steve
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