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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Very CooL. The only caves that I've ever seen in person were at Put In Bay. They were pretty interesting too.
  2. Pretty damn cool. I can see it now though, 50+ years from now water will be like 5.01/gallon
  3. Here are some pics of Delaneys PC http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/1523/dsc02171fd4.jpg http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/6606/dsc02173xf5.jpg
  4. 1 in 3,669,120,000,000 I had to look at that number for a second to grasp her chances...wtf!
  5. That dude has some skillz! Sweet!
  6. Old School. They have a couple of those things out on dvd. Some parts are funny but some are just plain wrong. Either way...its entertainment
  7. Me and my girl showed up around 1:30 or later just as everyone was leaving. Haha. Still really cool to see everyone that was there having a good time and being civil with each other. Thanks IPS!!!
  8. I wonder how long those to chics worked on that little skit
  9. You aint kiddin Sam. That car has been thru so much shit since then. Everything from Benji throwin a rod to the DSS motor being put in. Then the crying shame that he sold it before we got a chance to see the DSS blown. Woulda been a beast. -Delaney- drove that car for a while with the DSS n/a. It had problems with a misfire on cylinder 6 I believe.
  10. I know its been a LONG time ago but still...Classic http://videos.streetfire.net/search/rx7+vs+saleen/0/48c6e206-a66c-483d-8630-ac3f20a180e1.htm
  11. I'm really sorry to hear about that. You've got my prayer man...
  12. Ahem...*throat clear*... O-H!!!
  13. http://www.topsynergy.com/images/famous/Jimmy_Carter_Main.jpg Thanks Jimmy... :asshole:
  14. Working till 1am...otherwise..I'd be down :bs: Damn 2nd shift to HELL
  15. Haha, I dunno why but that made me laugh. I think its because the music reminded me of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure!
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