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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Thanks for the info! They had a T3/T4 set-up as well for even less $. I guess if I was to go with anything it would be that. I also start to question if its even worth the effort. I mean, I've seen some 240's that have been considerably quick. But not before throwing a shit load of money/time into them with engine swaps and such. I think its time for another Mustang!
  2. Nice, the dudes sound effects were pretty damn funny though. But I wouldnt make fun of him about it..."Bang, Boom, Kick..Kick..Kick to de balls"
  3. Hmm, I'd say thats pretty damn fast!
  4. Haha Agreed! Fuck Myspace! :jerkit:
  5. My dad and my uncle are going...I'm headed to wonderful waynesburg, PA for the weekend! Plus I'm not a very big chevy fan
  6. That is seriously the SeXiEsT rx-7 I've seen. Awesome man! :thumbup:
  7. The biggest problem that I have with my car at the moment "knock on freakin wood" is that my back speakers cut out when i hit a bump. Sure its probably an easy fix, but I always just say fuck it. As long as its runnin good...who cares! :thumbup:
  8. And even though Tara lives with you now...you still do alot of this :jerkit:
  9. The moped almost got sucked into that kids fatness
  10. This thread is headed for the Kitchen for sure
  11. I'm pretty sure this is old news to most of you but this site is pretty damn cool! It used to have Genesis games but I guess its just NES and SNES now. http://vimm.net/ :thumbup:
  12. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/George-W-Bush.jpeg/260px-George-W-Bush.jpeg :funny:
  13. When I was a young pup, I was in a head-on collision with my grandfather. The lady who hit us was driving on the wrong side of the road. It was 10am and she was completely smashed off her ass drunk. After all was said and done I had a broken left leg. The cast covered my entire leg to where I needed crutches to walk around. This was the same time that school was starting. I started my very first day of school in Kindergarden with a broken left leg walkin around on crutches. Needless to say though...a lawsuit was filed against the drunken nurse that hit me and my grandfather. The settlement was...fair
  14. Shields1181


    Welcome aboard baby! Don't worry..were gonna get that Beretta of yours BLOWN! Haha! :burn:
  15. Helpful tool. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Turbo Kit Link I came across this turbo kit and I wanted to get some opinions on it. Something seems a little out of place with the price being so low but I'm new to the whole turbo scene. What do you think? GO or NO?
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