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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Cool, I'm gonna be hittin him up soon then. That NTB is like 2 miles from my apt
  2. Buddy of mine from work sent it too me. I thought it was rather amusing Deff. NWS! http://www.shooshtime.com/clips/video.php?id=9035
  3. Excellent! I gotta see if I can find that show on dvd somewhere.
  4. Exactly, not to mention PGR3. That was sweet as all hell
  5. Haha, she'd get drunk and cut your wang off
  6. Damn dude...thats fucking insane!
  7. Damn, seems like this is the time of year for freak accidents. My great uncle died sept 4th when he crashed his plane in waco, texas. He was a very decorated air force fighter pilot. Had a hand in helping to design the stealth and was involved in the cuban missle crisis. They think he had a heart attack because he tried to return to the airport about 15mins after take-off. I'll be attending a memorial for him in wellsburg, wv this sunday. Crazy how stuff happens like that. Its truly sad.
  8. I smoke when I'm in the car, thats usually it. At most I smoke 3 cigs a day. Then I wont smoke for like a week or something like that. I'm a random smoker. However I have noticed that when I actually TRY to stay away from them. I gotta have one. p.s. - Jaclyn, that pack that I bought when I went to waffle house with Hoblick...I just finished that. So NOW its cold turkey again.
  9. I'm surpised that they even allow them to park along a garage like that without getting towed to begin with. Over at my buddys complex at sawmill village they are like nazis. They towed one car that didnt have a resident sticker within like 30mins after it was parked.
  10. That was one sweet ass launch.
  11. He probably had the same problem as our buddy Sam and watched too much Fast and the Furious
  12. I never got into trouble as a child...
  13. Looks interesting, graphics are nice
  14. Take the little lady shopping at Easton...go home for some more buttsechs...and then cruise downtown to a bar or two. Thats usually what me and my girl do. MINUS the BuTTsechs
  15. Hahaha! He sounded so sincere too. CrackHeadz!
  16. Thats kinda screwy. I agree with the above post about testing your integrity but at the same time its overkill for a video store position. When I was going through my orientation for honda, they had us do a simple math and reading test. Out of 15 people in my class, 7 failed it!
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