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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Winter/Snow - FTL http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/6710/snow2sx0.jpg
  2. I havent even stepped outside today...but it looks cold out
  3. Clear your inbox noob
  4. Physics = Fun Another kewl trick - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoqPKGCqivY
  5. The pics are called "Angels Wings" Interesting. http://liveu-91.vo.llnwd.net/flurl/ma70/new_media3/2007/1/25/FLURL-dot-com-222818_angel_wings_003.jpg http://liveu-89.vo.llnwd.net/flurl/ma70/new_media3/2007/1/25/FLURL-dot-com-222818_angel_wings_001.jpg http://liveu-90.vo.llnwd.net/flurl/ma70/new_media3/2007/1/25/FLURL-dot-com-222818_angel_wings_002.jpg http://liveu-92.vo.llnwd.net/flurl/ma70/new_media3/2007/1/25/FLURL-dot-com-222818_angel_wings_004.jpg http://liveu-11.vo.llnwd.net/flurl/ma70/new_media3/2007/1/25/FLURL-dot-com-222818_angel_wings_005.jpg
  6. Shields1181


    MOM!!! BATHROOM!!!
  7. Fuck Myspace...It's gonna start causing more problems for those so called "innocent" 15 year olds. And when it doesnt exist anymore, ppl will be throwing themselves off the nearest overpass on 270 :gay:
  8. Done! Battle of the Bands Voting Your vote has been cast. Thank you for voting.
  9. After an underdrive set up, I need more power. Anybody got one? 87-93 Mustang GT.
  10. The only other Sonic I've ever seen was in Myrtle Beach. That'd be awesome to get one around here.
  11. A buddy of mine is playing with the idea of selling his. Give him a call n talk to him about it. Justin - 614-483-2197. It's a 91 hatch with a few basic mods.
  12. Long story short...my transmission is locked in 5th gear in my 240 and it is sitting at the McDonalds right off sawmill rd. I need to get it towed across 270 down snoufer. Its like a mile and a half at best. Whos the best person/company to call for the job? I have to goto work now but I get off at about 1:30am. 614-207-2965 is the cell # if needed. Thanks guys!
  13. Can an Xbox 360 be system-linked with a regular Xbox? Such as to play Halo2 between the systems :burn:
  14. Shields1181

    The Zune

    I've been leaning more towards the Zune than the IPOD. Does anyone have one? If so, do you like it? If you have no idea what I'm talking about. Goto zune.net
  15. I actually played/enjoyed the first Kingdom Hearts. It was a fun game to play. :zoom:
  16. CR dealt with this even before 05 if I remember correctly. I doubt we will ever be free from the evil front plate
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