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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Just incase anyone is thinking or planning on applying. I work at the plant and its one of the best jobs I've ever had. I may have just gotten lucky and got put in a good area but its easy money and the work is NOT that hard.
  2. http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/9284/stfunoobzh3.png
  3. Thats not the end of CR...its just the stir craziness and desperation/anticipation for warmer weather. We are all suffering :doh:
  4. Felt the exact same way, seemed like it was easier to get outta bed and just enjoy the day.
  5. Shields1181


    Titties http://www.hollywood.com/content/trailer_detail.aspx?id=3537357&r=6&f=1&pref=1
  6. Sunchips...Natty Light...and Gasoline... Damn Hoblick, call me the next time you have a party geazzz
  7. Thats a little too much "Flame" for me :marc2:
  8. can't seem to access it. do i need to be labeled "Senior Member" to be able to do so? If the answer is "YES" may I be given that privilege? I think my length of membership should suffice. THANKS ALEX!!!
  9. Stumbled across this story/video in a buddys AIM profile. Simply incredible... Long story but well worth it! http://cjcphoto.com/can/
  10. The previews seemed to take the whole plot for the movie Domino and drrraaag it out into a full length film. I'll wait for the dvd. What do you guys think about Ghost Rider? It appears to have potential...just hope they dont F it up. Marvel movies have been fairly good though, except for X-MEN 3
  11. Thanks for the heads up! Miller...drunk posting owns you
  12. Hahaha...I'm sorry, bump for ya at least. I LOL'd at that one!
  13. I like Michelob Ultra. Thats the beer just to drink beer. In ANY other circumstances...my Irish ass goes for the Guinness draft and YES I love it!
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