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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Thanks, Randmcnally is back up. I JUST saw a preview for the movie REDLINE....what of this??? It looks rather decent. Just because of the Enzo and the Saleen S7 goin @ it.
  2. Ever heard of Richard Black Racing? Thats where I'm headin.
  3. I'm leavin for Lancaster, OH in the morning. Randmcnally is down at the moment and mapquest sucks ass. Whats the fastest route to get there from Dublin?
  4. Pretty sweet. I've seen a few pics of that car walking into the plant.
  5. Shields1181


    Shingles sucks ass to say the least. I had it pretty bad about 3 years ago along the backside of my chest. I was lucky though because after researching it some cases actually get it on their face and shit! The pain is no joke either. Feels like someone is holding a lighter to your skin. I'll blame my outbreak on stress. I wasnt working at the time and I wasnt sleeping alot. I brought it on myself for sure. Sucked.
  6. Agreed, what would you DO with that much boob?
  7. +1 I remember seeing that a long time ago but I didnt know they let his ass sleep in the house
  8. hahaha! im hurtin after laughin at that shit!
  9. Thanks alot for the info everyone! The wheels are in motion to getting this fixed. I'll let ya know how it turns out
  10. :barf: *NWS* http://www.boysfood.com/free-porn-videos/722/Disgusting-Japanese.html
  11. If you could make date on the receipt of the tow say something before 02/28/07 that wouldnt be a bad idea. I have a tranny lined up and was plannin on sellin it once I get it in.
  12. I was just watchin Family Guy a few mins ago
  13. I never even knew that site existed until now...Thanks Thorne!
  14. Damn...Thanks VERY much for the info guys. I'm not 100% whether to go with obtaining a tow receipt or to go with a mechanic paper. The ONLY thing that sucks is I have to make everything appear that it was in order either on or before 02/28/2007. It should be possible. Now who can help me out!? Haha! Shoot me a PM or just call ANYTIME! Steveo Cell : 614-207-2965 DC# : 136*41*29489
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