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Everything posted by Qman

  1. They may not mount tires for shit, but will for Quetzals!!
  2. Sweet!....but aren't those Yamaha colors??
  3. Qman


    Nice...but don't buy the southernmost point crap....the southernmost point is actually next door on the naval base!
  4. Amen brother....Mapsource was infinitely easier. I have yet to successfully setup 1 route using basecamp!
  5. What's the life expectancy on one of those belts???
  6. What, you got one of them there fancy VFRs or something with gear drive cams??
  7. Nice....I figure if your cam chain can last hundreds of thousands of miles (and spins a LOT faster)...why can't a final drive chain do the same? Also, there are many benefits of the co-axial drive placement. Less wear is just one.
  8. This tool makes chain cleaning a bit easier... https://www.walmart.com/ip/SIMPLE-SOLUTIONS-The-Grunge-Brush-w-cleaner-for-ATV-UTV/967033024?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=649&adid=22222222227075588787&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=188344634818&wl4=pla-293116718083&wl5=9015491&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=112354411&wl11=online&wl12=967033024&wl13=&veh=sem
  9. Dangerous if you get much oil on the tire!! Im liking my shaft drive!!!
  10. Agreed. But i pray we dont fall even further and become like so many European countries.
  11. Not to steal the thread, but id also like some neon green design for the sides of my matte black helmet!
  12. Wd-40 is a good cleaner, but i think it actually promotes rust! Try kerosene/ diesel next time! ( Just dont get any on the tire!)
  13. There are better ways to abuse a pussy.
  14. I hear ya....the only race/sex that is legally discriminated against! Heard a guy on a talk show once that said "If you're a straight white male and you have any thoughts of going to your HR department for any discrimination issue, you might as well just quit first.
  15. If he is (or even if he isn't) a "CSF", he should sue for sexual discrimination! Either way, it's seriously sad what we've become.
  16. WTF??? I brought a 38 revolver (minus the cylinder) to highschool for a speech on how to safely handle a handgun ! How old am I???
  17. Qman


    What tires you running?
  18. Installed a IMS 3 gallon gas tank on the WR..ready for adventure.
  19. I can say i was very happy with the last one...no problems in 56k miles. So far so good on the current Panzer after 12k miles in 10 months.
  20. about the only way to get a knee down on a VFR, with out scraping lotsa hard bits!
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