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SpecialEd last won the day on April 22 2020

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About SpecialEd

  • Birthday 11/28/1955

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    Chagrin Falls
  • Vehicles(s)
    1970 Honda CT-R110; still waiting impatiently.

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  1. Looks like thighs. Not enough people know just how good they are.
  2. Where are the twenty pounds of French fries/gravy?
  3. Two Chipotle burritos is easily a full day's worth of calories--for mere mortals.
  4. Now that the day is basically over, how 'bout yer favorite Mt. Rushmore moment/accomplishment in your life so far? Is this too lame, too broad in scope, or too non-moto for this thread?
  5. My only question is . . . why the tat? What does it mean? A conversation-starter? "Hey man, what's up with that tattoo?" "I don't wanna talk about it."
  6. Yes, the shocks are for the 110. The problem is finding shocks that will fit a 50 year old motorcycle. The ones that came with the bike were beyond crappy-- and so were the front forks. Both of these components are going to be replaced. This bike will primarily be used as a commuter to and from work, and for pleasure riding on secondary roads. No highway riding. At this point, I really don't care about the cost. I just want the project done and done correctly.
  7. Okay, so I have reconnected with my restomod guy after getting my money back and offering to pay for my project when it's done to my satisfaction. He is now recommending Ohlins rear shocks. I have read that these components are revered by the riding communtiy for their quality, so I told him to go ahead with installing them. He has told me that they will run aroud $800 per pair. I don't think this is outrageous, but would welcome any input from y'all.
  8. Funny, but misspelled. Should be hibernate.
  9. Are you talking about the guy in NC who was hit by a Subaru today and killed? Was he a member? The article I read did say he was from Ohio.
  10. Rick, doesn't it all boil down to relative risk? If the only criteria on which to base your decision is the ODH daily statistics, you are most likely going to be safe--at this point. Respectfully, I ask why take an added risk? And why risk the health of others? You have no idea if you are shedding the virus asymptomatically. Why not hedge your bets? As a teacher, you are a role model. And I don't see your (or ANY) school districts waiving the option of masking up around students, so you will eventually have to wear a mask, at least at work. May as well get used to it.
  11. Might be more federal "gift" checks coming that would help cover property taxes, but we went ahead and paid ours.
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