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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Have you ever had sex with your boyfriend on the hood? bump
  2. Best Friends Vet, used to be located off of Hard Rd, but just moved up to Powell.
  3. Actually, you should move left when you see cars merging onto the highway. if you would like, we can set up a time, and I can provide you with some driving lessons.
  4. That was worth swapping out tires, and the race gas. Oh well at least I got to see Tilley. *HUGS*
  5. I am pulling the car down off stands as I promised I would be there when you ran Sam. The car is not nearly ready, but I said I would be out.... I was just assuming it would be springish. If you do not show up, I will be very annoyed.
  6. My theory is that he is Neon boys buddy, and they are playing cute little 18 year old games. DJ, Doug was offering to prove or disprove the existance of said car... as he is in Lima going to school. He has never heard of it, and he is pretty on top of whats what with cars up there. I guess we'll see when he brings the car down here come spring.... or more likely everyone will forget about this as it is 99% chance of it being bullshit.
  7. I won't race from a roll for $ with a 500whp+ gap. That's just not good business. If you are serious. If this thread is serious... and not just more internet bullshit... then when you come down to race Sam, I will make sure I am ready. I'll see how you do against him, and then I'll discuss what I want in terms of lengths. I don't mind losing money, but I am not an idiot who just gives it away because someone someone calls me out on the internet. I do however enjoy gambling if the stakes/terms are reasonable.
  8. We'll as I see it, you are asking a ~400whp car to race with a 9xxwhp car. You called me out. You tell me your terms, and then I will decide if it is worth my while to grant you your race. I'll tell you what, so this thread doesn't turn into 5 pages of BS. How about this. When you bring your car down to run Tilley from a roll, and Sam from a dig... I will make sure I am out and ready. We can discuss it face to face then.
  9. That is the God's honest truth. 380whp the last time it was on the dyno. What are your terms?
  10. My car made 380whp the last time it was on the dyno. What are your terms?
  11. no no no. The only choices are "Yes I will race you for the $200" or "No I will not race you, because I am a bitch" no making up your own answers.
  12. So then I take it you admit that you are a bitch and will not race?
  13. I had to read that 3 times, and I am still not following your logic. Let's look at some facts. 1. Your first post you go on to say "well if it is such and such then she has stage 2, and stage 2 sucks. Stage 2 is a waste of money, and only an idiot would bye stage 2, and like stage 2 sucks, and I know all there is to know about how to tune a neon!!! YAY!!!!!!!" 2. Your second post "Another SRT4 owner??? NO WAY, tell him I want to hang out and be friends, and talk SRT4 stuff!!!!! SRT4s are SO SWEET, I totally can't believe someone else locally has one! We are going to be BEST FRIENDS!!!!!" Then I make a post saying you are an idiot ricer, because I don't particularly care for people trashing my friends. 3. In your third post you ask me for a sexual favor. The you try and justify your rice by telling me to do research on your beloved car. Sorry, I just don't have the desire. If you have some time, could you add all your research into this thread. I am sure you have gobs of it. Also if you have some time, email me the gigs of sweet SRT4 pics and vids you have on your computer... Ryan then explains she has stage 2, because stage 3 etc would void her warantee. She also explains that it is dumb to even go with stage 3 as it is more cost effective to go outside of dodge for better parts. Hmm sounds like she has a SLIGHT clue? 4. In your next post you tell us your mods, and spew some usless SRT4 information at us "The fastest SRT4 IS stage 3. OMG! R0X0RS!!! Then you state you don't care about warantee, and how you are proud of your rice.... and how other people think your rice is cool also. I wonder if these are the same people that though ALtezza tail lights were cool a few years ago.... And also just to make it very clear. Ryan wasnt trying to convince you as to why you should or should not go stage 3. She was explaining she is only stage 2, because she needs to retain her warantee. I know you have trouble with reading, so I hope I am using small enough words and being clear enough for you. 5. Your next post you complain about getting all aggrivated because "people act like they know all about these cars, and have done no research" That must really offend your sensibilities. How dare they voice their opinion (which you can't even read correctly), and step to your hours and hours of internet self education. Then you get all blushy and say " I would love for you to take you for a ride in my sweet girl car. We could hold hands, it would be sweet. You're sweet for taking interest in my sweer car. I love you" 6. This post is my favorite. "You don't even know me, so please refrain from typing ignorant ass shit" EXCELLENT ADVICE! See your orginal post... my point #1 in this thread. 7. Your next post, you request sexual favors from me. We'll your Neon is pretty sweet.... when can we meet up? I am still not clear on what "games" I am playing. I think I am a pretty forward talking guy. Someone back me up on this? 8. Then you tell me you are done (which you obviously aren't as you replied again later). Tell me I am ignorant.... I guess I am because I don't see how I am. OH THE TRAGIDY! Now I am getting said. I need to KNOW how I am ignorant. Can you tell me? Then you go back to "Oh GAWD I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH OTHER SRT-4 OWNERS SO BAD!" Skipping ahead.... .skipping ahead... oh ok. 9. Here we go, we start getting really good. "I didn't talk shit on anyone's car, my car was shit talked on!!!! I didnt start it!!!!" "My being 18 doesn't have anything to do with anything!" Oh but it does. You've illistrated that quite nicely . Then you say I'm not better than you or anyone else. While i would like to agree with you in a perfect world.. in reality that's just not the case..... Hmmm how to prove it though? A spelling bee? No... too onesided on that one. Weight lifting? Boxing? Hmmm I KNOW! This is a car forum! We'll settle it with a race? So I make my post requesting the race. 10. Then you called me a bitch That hurts my feelings. I know I am 30, and have much age and wisdom over you... but it still hurts my feelings. Let me clarify a few things for you. I don't like you. I didn't like you when you were on Race Club. The reason I don't like you? I don't like stupid people... and you sir rank up there near the top of that catagory. I didn't post this in order to "look cool in from of my friend" I know with your limited 18 year old logic it may seem that way, but I can assure you I am not a follower. Now you call me a bitch. It seems to me, I asked you for a race to prove that I wasn't better than you. You back peddle. That makes you the bitch. I look forward to our next corospondance, Howard
  14. Only one way to prove it. We'll race. $200. You can pick, dig or roll.
  15. My ignorance? YOU make a post talking shit about someone elses car, whos situation you have NO clue about. The several posts later bitch at her saying she thinks she "knows it all". THEN you proceed to tout your knowledge... News flash. You are 18. You don't know SHIT. On top of that, you are a bitch. Learn your place.
  16. I don't understand. Please spell it out for me in plain english.
  17. Blow you? I thought you were female based on the car you drove....
  18. Her viper badge is on order, and once it gets here.... man is that shit gonna be fast!
  19. Howard achieves what he sets out to do.
  20. HA! Show's what you know . I out 60' AWD cars.
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