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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. If I see you there, I will punch you in your eye.
  2. What an overwelming amount of details. I hope you enjoy yourself....
  3. Normally I don't like to get involved in these sorts of things, but now I feel like you are attacking me personally. First of all, I am not random. I have been a part of this community since it's inception. I am not just some random nobody kid that just got a computer, and his drivers license. Second, I am not sure how my post on RC made me look like a "moron". It actually looks like the population over there were split on keeping him. I suppose I misjudged how much everyone enjoys drama. I also seem to recall you declined to respond to my last message to you in that thread. Then again it is difficult to argue with sound logic. Now, concerning my distain for JP. My perception of him are as follows(or at least my perception of the person his displays on the internet). JP is in great need of acceptance, and attention. JP reminds me of a little yappy dog jumping up at you saying "Pet ME!! Pet ME!! PLAY WITH ME!" He will copy and paste the same message on multiple forums trying to get people to stroke his ego, and provide him with said attention. http://www.columbusdsm.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12866 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26458 ---- http://www.columbusdsm.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12770&highlight=coltboostin http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25850 I won't go through and find all of said postings, but if one were so inclined, they could certainly do so. Now that his car is gone, and he can't talk trash with it, his constant posts concerning IPS obviously garner him what he needs. As much as I hate to agree with Jeff, arguing with JP is like talking to a child who is holding his ears and screaming NO as if talking louder will win the argument. It's old. It was old a year ago. THAT is why I made my post on RC suggesting he be banned. He is an annoying little rat dog with to much energy, and too much of a need for attention. His inferiority complex, and need to prove himself needs to go. Now concerning you and I. You have called me an asshole. You have called me a dick. You have implied that I have made myself look like a Moron. I have never started a thread with you. I have never addressed you in a thread unless I was responding to you. The only reason I can see that you have a beef with me is because of my dislike of JP. I am very interested in hearing what you have to say on the subject.
  4. Mike Nieman hooked me up on West Broad NTB. He is the manager over there. Used to be on here with a SC Teg WAY back when. So West side has some coverage also
  5. If you are willing to pay 10k for that car, I am sure he would accept that as well.
  6. I work till 8,so if I come I will be a hair late.
  7. I think I should be able to attend.
  8. Put a stamp on it and stuff it in your mailbox.
  9. Think an underager can get in if she is not drinking?
  10. Which movie time are you guys going to?
  11. You post at all hours of the day. I was just messing with you anyway . What day(s) are you doing Dayton? Are you Caravaning out with Hua and I on Saturday morning?
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