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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I have ~ 4 people who have inquired about the desk, but first person with the $ gets it... Dave I'm sorry I suck.. I have been busy, but haven't forgotten about the pics.
  2. TTT Had some interest in the free Iroc Rim. Suprised no one wants the tires.....
  3. I know which is why I didn't go all e-apeshit on you
  4. Well normally I spell check, but as this was a 15 second post during my normal job. Thank you for pointing out my spelling errors. Everyone else, thanks for the suggestions.
  5. I am looking to pick up a second job starting next month. I currently work 8-5 M-F one week, and then 11-8 M-F the next (alternating). I need something that is flexable. Suggestions?
  6. Check your PMs
  7. If this is now Columbus law, then it is an improvement. Previously it was the cops dscretion as to what was "too loud"
  8. Two people interested in the fire pit, but neither has contacted me further. Either of you still interested? First one with money gets it. Thanks, Howard
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