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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Used in my old Supra for less than 1000 miles. Paid 650 for it new. Asking 550 It is basically a MAF translator that allows you to convert your car from MAF to MAP. http://www.mapecu.com/files/index.php Email is threerock@hotmail.com Thanks, Howard
  2. Peoplefirst.com might. I know a lot of guys buying Supras used them because their "book value" and "Market Value" are scewed.
  3. The site has only been up for less than a week. The 100+ members from the mailing list are slowly moving over.
  4. Me + Stock Twins Supra + Good tires = 10s. Any takers? Jeff? Anyone? Anthony, i need to get you that cash. What would be the best way to do so?
  5. Hwilli1647545487


    I want to know how a Supra out 60's AWD cars my best 60' was 1.7x (I think 1.78) My car is a piece of shit though. The new ECU is not my friend.
  6. I just really really realy need to know how old you are...
  7. I did. It smelled so I turned around and came home.
  8. So let me get this straight. You weren't there. You made this post with second hand information, that you are now saying you aren't even sure is factual? AND the video footage is difficult to say what happened. Man you are BRIGHT. FYI, I was standing by the Semi Truck the entire time until we rolled out to organize the race in a seperate lot... no one came over. You are S-M-R-T, and I heart you.
  9. 1.88 60". You all suck, and Supras are made to hook.
  10. I own Mike Yetzer. That is all....
  11. Can't be too careful when I am out in the woods alone with you two.. Whisper "Cause they are queer..." /Whisper
  12. Yes, unfortunately.</font>You seem sad. Call me. I will console you.
  13. I will be heavily armed. The wild wilderness scares me, and so do the Federali
  14. So, I'm not sure what you're laughing at. Is it just because the dog is small and kind of looks like a rodent? I'd agree - and laugh right along with you, if that's the case. But, like I said, the dog isn't for me.</font>Dont be so defensive. It's your life, if you want a rat dog, get a rat dog
  15. Just take my dog. He is better anyway. "red rocket red rocket!"
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