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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Sucks, let me know if I can do anything
  2. Are you in Canton as your Location states?
  3. Thanks to everyone for coming out. Special thanks to Jesse and Kyle for watching the door for us. It was defiantly a lot of fun. I think we had 90 through the door. I'll post up our next one when we schedule it.
  4. Can't make it now, bar is opening later than I was originally told.
  5. I should. We need to drink a beer.
  6. You left before I could really talk to you... for shame...
  7. I agree on a DJ, but if you want a fun/good band threetontoad.com
  8. I may try and come depending when we have to setup. Also just an FYI, there are two sections. One with the band, and one with the bar and a couple of pool tables. Odds are it will be loud though. Very loud.
  9. Shits weak, even for you. Only the Rhett one was remotely funny.
  10. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/400290_2969469210103_1662919110_2527371_1595417099_n.jpg http://www.facebook.com/events/223272651086048/ Bethel Rd Pub 1375 Bethel Rd Columbus, OH 43220. 9pm-1am $3 bucks at the door. Come out if you are bored.
  11. It had potential, but now it's boring. Of course I held back out of respect for Sean.
  12. Liar, your still pissed my dad could beat your dads ass.
  13. I was being sad for Sean that you can't feel anything. That could be taken in many ways. Why don't you feel anything...ever
  14. Tell me how this thread makes you feel then.
  15. Do you find this thread to be a boost to your self esteem?
  16. What about Scott Smith. How quickly everyone forgets the King.
  17. you screaming at the voices in your head does not constitute a conversation.
  18. Odds are conversation was at a minimum.
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