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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I have one that is even worse, but I don't think CR could handle it. Very racially sensitive.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz5T93lJ6jQ&eurl= "You should have stayed down there in the first place"
  3. 20 mins and had to cheat slightly. The one area is hard to find.
  4. Holy shit, I clicked on this thread and that is what I was going to post.....
  5. Joe, I know reading is hard for you.... You sure are an eager beaver aren't you? http://static.flickr.com/31/56809484_6a04b4663e_m.jpg
  6. Buckeye outdoors, and Vance's I believe are owned by the same people. Vance's has always had great prices when I have went there. Seem like good guys as well.
  7. They are called soundboards. http://www.soundboards.com/?view=49
  8. You can tell by the engine note he wasn't in it much after the launch. Plus i will never understand why people try and Dig race high hp Supra's on low profile street tires. I couldn't get traction till the middle of third on 18's at trails, and my car only has stock twins. That being said, Alltracs are cool
  9. Noticed that this morning. I always listen to Rover's morning glory every morning on the way to work. I was greated with nails on a chaulkboard instead. Sad.
  10. Mine is 2 miles from work, and has a 720sq foot heated garage. Buy it.
  11. http://mkiv.com/specifications/sales_numbers/color.html
  12. She used to babysit a kid I skateboarded with... back in Steubinville. LOL
  13. Is it just me or did his age go from 17, to 21?
  14. "It was just then, that poor little Jimmy really regretted not learning how to read"
  15. Even thought they are not on the list, Supras do quialify for Collectors plates.
  16. Give me the power back,and I will 1/2 out posting population while at work tommorrow.
  17. I think we should card at the door...
  18. Jesse, What you have stated has nothing to do with traction control systems.
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