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Everything posted by SupraGlue

  1. They didn't even invite Michael Redd. How the hell do you put together a baskeball team and leave out the best shooters in the game? graemlins/nonono.gif
  2. lol Oh, I'm sure. That means it's just about ready to hit Ohio.
  3. Neons are played out. News flash for small town Ohioans: trends arrive at your little backwater after they've been stale for over a decade. Travel a little. In fact, the whole rice thing is played out. If you want to be fresh, get an 1965 Buick Electra, bag it and drop it on some 20's. Detail the engine bay, pimp the interior, put in a high quality sound system, and be a style leader (for your little town anyway), not follower.
  4. You'll never catch me either way, with boost or a bottle, so what does it matter? graemlins/popcorn.gif dyno jellybean > firebird
  5. You'll never catch me either way, with boost or a bottle, so what does it matter? graemlins/popcorn.gif dyno jellybean > firebird
  6. You'll never catch me either way, with boost or a bottle, so what does it matter? graemlins/popcorn.gif dyno jellybean > firebird
  7. I like the Trailblazer six or the Ford that Eli mentioned. Cruisers love cubes, and those motors are both as state-of-the-art as any of the Japanese motors. If you want to go with an older carbed motor, Pontiac had a performance I6 in the Tempest in the mid-60s (Sprint Six, maybe?). I have no idea where you'd find one or what it would cost, but that would be an interesting motor to have.
  8. He's far, far worse in person. Funny thing, though. Like any good bitch, he's now got his own kitchen. graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. Back on the bench, water boy.
  10. Great beaches and a couple of colleges full of hot girls. The town isn't much, but the coastline is goregous. You'll have a good time.
  11. Sam, that shit's reading like you went to the Jeff Yetzer school of street racing foreplay and ran straight D's. Let him post on your account so that I can argue with someone who's brain isn't stuck in their dick. Thanks.
  12. That's never stopped you from posting, that's for sure. DJ, how much pose factor does this guy get for his "professionally installed" altezzas?
  13. Four reasons: 1. $1000 fine and 12 months suspension. No thanks. 2. Several accidents, including a prominent local shop owner/partner who totaled his 300ZX, along with a drunken asshole who nearly ran several people over. No thanks again. 3. 1 race between fast cars for every 10 between Kias. 4. Conversations with cops on way too regular of a basis. 5. Legal motorsports is more fun and not very expensive. The Fast and Furious shit is cooler in movies. Seriously, this site is evolving into a general automotive and LEGAL motorsports site, and it's about time. People who want to pose as hard core street racers can go join race-club.org and complain about how CR used to be cool. graemlins/jerkit.gif That's my take. Hate on me all you want, it won't change the fact that I'm right.
  14. Anthony is being remarkably calm. If someone messed around with my car like that, they'd end up facing the wrong end of a 12 gauge.
  15. Wait a minute...big mouth's car doesn't even RUN? What did you break this time, bottle boy?
  16. Dude, did an apex seal knock you in the noggin over at the shop? This thread is DEVOTED to flaming Michigan. That other thread you linked is some bullshit about the Bungles, Browns and all of the other non-championship winning pro sports teams in this state. Fifth post down. Pfft. pyroclown, you are on drugs. Wipe the makeup off your face, start listening to country, and sit down and learn what the zone blitz is all about. graemlins/thumb.gif Gay Marc, as a supposed Penn State fan, it's pretty clear that you are very jealous of Ohio State -- a team which BELONGS in the Big 10. Sadly for you, the Nits are now playing Mac-level football. Your Steelers are nowhere near Super Bowl caliber, so you are reduced to hating on a team that is actually successful. That is as pathetic as your constant blathering about your cark. graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif
  17. Seriously. We are slipping around here. <font size=10>FUCK MICHIGAN!!</font> Somebody give me a fucking O-H. Football season is less than a month away.
  18. This thread was really for Republicant. He's a good kid who is going to make lots of fat girls at OU very happy. graemlins/thumb.gif I'm glad the rest of you paid attention, though. This was a lot more interesting than yet another fucking insipid "desperado vs. kenny" thread.
  19. I would read Eric's post and rebut, but unfortunately, the only language I can read is English. Bush sucks because he hasn't nuked anyone yet. graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. If I'd only been invited to join Team Vette, my life would have been so much more full. http://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/smilielol.gif
  21. I do NOT have a receding hairline. A Vespa or a moped is also cheap, won't kill you, and is equally embarassing to be seen on. Why a 600 again? Help me out there. Also, I am very impressed with your tales of conquest from the Jenny Craig convention. I recommend the large ladies of Phi Sigma Sigma (also knows and Phi Pigs) to you during your stay at camp OU. While I am not personally familiar with their affections, there were many tales from drunken fraternity brothers testifying to their hunger for love. You got the story wrong, I am afraid. The pretty boy Pikes are the ones who dressed their pledges up as girls. I can't understand why you'd want to go through that, but I can understand why you are already jealous enough to slander us. Wait until I tell you the GOOD stories...
  22. Okay, the liter guys I get. You're fucking suicidal nuts, and that's cool. When you die, it's because you layed the bastard down at 200 and turned yourself into a flesh and blood puree on the pavement. That is noble. The clowns I don't get are these 600 guys, particularly the ones with old 600s. I mean, what is up with that? Do you enjoy the fact that the only danger you ever see is a minivan cutting you off? Also, hello! This is Ohio, and it rains half the year and snows the other half. You guys have an orgasm the five days of the year you get good riding weather, and for what? Just to see me pulling away from you with the A/C on and a girl sitting COMFORTABLY in my leather passenger seat? Don't go giving me that open air nonsense, either. I've got the targa top going, and I can put it back on when the Ohio weather turn to shit like it always does. Now, I know you're going to bring up girls. Here's the deal -- you guys are the omega males of the bike world. The white trash chicks are on the Harleys, the hotties are on the liter bikes, and you guys are left with the fatties who slow your already slow bikes down even further. Heaven help those of you who couldn't spring the cash for an R6, because once you get your woman on the back, Kias are pulling you. Help explain to me the purpose of a 600. Thanks.
  23. This cannot end well. lol graemlins/popcorn.gif
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