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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Wj_Sr6hKFD0/UlOJLfP-LFI/AAAAAAAABrg/yJuh-Epxa7M/s1600/lau1.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UP33gMvE2cM/UlOJMW2cgQI/AAAAAAAABrw/2q93lVOA1OE/s1600/lau4.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gRbDdsAZo8k/UlOJLuxcSQI/AAAAAAAABrk/8i61YDjpJQI/s1600/lau3.jpg
  2. Don't forget to blow in the cartridge, either.
  3. 5x112? If you can't find much in that pattern, you're doing it wrong. http://forums.vwvortex.com/forumdisplay.php?804-5x112-Classifieds I understand what you mean about the spoke rotation, but in a lot of ways it's really unique, too. It'll be really hard for you to replace those classy original wheels with something aftermarket, that won't look like you cheaped out.
  4. Please make those enkei wheels your winter wheels... it would be a sin to remove the stock wheels for those.
  5. I think they're beautiful cars, but I rode in an auto 3.0T S5 and fell asleep. Not sure this would be in my top 5 cars to look at if I had this kind of budget in mind.
  6. Nobody local is going to have anything remotely like this in that size. For quickest turn around, check ebay. Whatever you get, make sure they're hub centric.
  7. biker-organizer-taunted-nypd-from-his-moms-house http://nypost.com/2013/10/03/biker-organizer-taunted-nypd-from-his-moms-house/
  8. Had he been obeying the law, he wouldn't have been present in the first place... so with that I agree with you 100%
  9. http://www.virtualfarm.com/crop/11712/images/grammartime.jpg
  10. I've been through three of them.. all of them leaked and lost hydraulic fluid. Gave up on HF and haven't looked back after getting a Craftsman equivalent jack.
  12. I honestly can't understand why people buy them.
  13. I'm assuming you've never done it before? It's a piece of cake.
  14. I'll be showing up as long as weather permits
  15. sure did! http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2842/10047578645_5c96e8fb8f_b.jpg I have a pretty big update but I'm waiting on one more thing before I start posting up about everything. Past few weeks prepping for H2O, working O/T and making the trip out have kept me pretty busy. BTW, that was definitely me off Broad and Waggoner if that's where you saw the car. I travel that area quite a bit since I bought a house just off Haven's Corner in July.
  16. Derek, is your alignment rack an in-ground drive on? Need something that's low car friendly.
  17. I'll have updates soon, just got back from vacation in Ocean City, MD.
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