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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. 1.5 hours, still no calls. I could be laying in a puddle of my own blood right now, or someone could be pimping my Avalanche, pissed that they are too fucking stupid to use my head unit, and if they did figure it out, pissed that I don't have any rap music on my iPod.
  2. I posted on Craigslist, looking for a used, bare bones PS3. My price was $200. Guy e-mails me today, offering his 20GB unit for $175. This should have been my first clue. I e-mail back, saying I'm interested w/ my phone number. He calls me on a restricted number. He acts like I know who he is, which I didn't until he mentioned PS3. His speech was a bit...ghetto. That doesn't bother me on its own, but adds to the whole situation. Wanted to meet at the Vineyard near Westerville Rd. in 30-45 minutes, and he would call me then. Never leaves his number, description of what he would be driving, etc. He seemed very rushed on the phone. I agreed, but after thinking for a few minutes, this seemed like a bad idea. I e-mailed him asking for his phone number so I could call him when I got there, with no response back. I never gave him any description of myself or my vehicle. Well, it's exactly an hour later, and no call from him. The apartment complex next to there houses a few shaddy characters (and plenty of good people too, it's a mixed bag). I think I made a damn good choice!
  3. Well, since two lesser units sold in the last two months for about that money, I think we are okay...especially since there are no other units for sale now. My wife lucked into getting it in 2002, as there were other offers on it already, but hers was the only pre-approved one. Location, Location, Location. These aren't your typical new build, cookie cutter condos.
  4. I can see some of you have looked into buying a forclosed home: As-is, is As-is. You can't go into contract of a forclosed home based on an inspection. Period. If you thing otherwise, you are incorrect. As for our condo - we don't have the typical condo, and not by a long shot. Of our 40 units, there isn't a single child residing here. It is all retired folks and young professionals. It is also in a HIGHLY desireable area that there can't be any more development here. This isn't some Polaris condo where there are 500 more to choose from. There aren't that many condos in this area at all. The setting isn't your typical condo setting either. Anyone interested, we will sell by owner for 160k.
  5. How do you find out about the viewing day? We were looking at houses online tonight. We saw one online that I said "I'd pay 260k for that." It said short sale (auditor value of over 500k, which seemed high...should have been high 300k value), but we found out it was an old listing that sold at auction...for 255k. We really want to get in while the market is good. We are pretty sure our condo will sell for good money (the only two that have been for sale in our complex sold in December and January, for what we would want, and they are not as good of units as ours).
  6. The foreclosure my wife and I were ready to put an offer on got a really good offer, and the bank took it (sounds like for more above the asking price than we were going to offer). Figures, the place was a STEAL. We have looked at some Sherrif's Auction stuff, and had some questions (pretty much are only looking at Delaware County): - 10% down required @ time of auction - no biggie, plus a loan within 30 days. Typically, will a lender consider that 10% down as part of the down payment. Paying 10% of the auction price, plus putting another 20% down on the remainder adds up to quite a bit of money, especially w/ a budget in the mid 200's. - Is there typically a way to get to look inside the home prior to bidding (the homes are all listed online a month before auction)? Of course I can go to the house and look around outside and in the windows, but you can never really tell a house without taking a good look inside. Otherwise, is there anything else to know. We have seen a few potential's on there already; good looking on the outside, newer builds in PRIME locations. We are basically wondering if Sherrif's Auctions are worth our time. Liquid cash for down payments isn't the issue; making sure we are getting the right home is. I know many people would be against forclosures/auction homes. Our problem has been that most homes in the mid 200's are, in a word, lame. It's only my wife, me, and the dog, with no kid plans in the near future (if at all, we are both iffy on it). We both have good jobs. But we don't want the typical 4-5 bedroom family house, seperate rooms for everything, and boring. We want a bigger version of our condo...vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, big master bedroom (and closet), open basement capable of a theater room, 3+ car garage (or space to add a garage), nice kitchen, and overall nice, open place. The floor plans we like tend to be the mid 300-500k price range (that are sized bigger than we need, sadly). Our price point tends to have the sizes or bigger we want, but not the floor plan. We also want north end...Dublin, Powell, Delaware south of the city, Galena, Westerville...but in either a country setting, or a spread apart neighborhood. My wife HATES communal back yards, and won't even consider a home with one. Off that rant, we want a good bang for the buck. Are auctions the way to go? If so, what do we need to know? I'd prefer advice from someone that actually knows something about it, not a 19 yeaer old kid that read something on the internet and can barely afford rent on his 450/month apartment.
  7. I am working with an agent. And sadly, we lost the house anyway. The bank accepted one of the offers; we don't know the amount, but sounds like a little higher than we would have offered, and was a very clean offer (25%+ down, pre-approved and can close very shortly), so the bank moved on it. We have some other contenders as well. We also need to sell our condo (we can afford both, but obviously don't want to pay for both), but refuse to until we are in contract on something we want...we are kind of picky.
  8. I saw it last night on the IMAX screen. Good film, not great. WWWAAAYYYYYYYYY too much male nudity, both front and rear. Excluding porn, I've never seen so much cock in one film. John had several scenes wearing his black banana hammock, and should have worn that the whole movie. Otherwise, it was a bit unbelievable in parts, but it was a superhero movie after all, so I guess that can be expected. Parts could have been shortened too. I had no knowledge of this movie (not even previews), other than the quick background my buddy gave me and my wife prior to the movie coming on, which was pretty much explained in the opening credits.
  9. My wife and I are in the market for a house. We found a home that is a foreclosure. It just came on the market 2 days ago, and it is going to go FAST. We want to make an offer ASAP, but don't want to do it without at least a general inspection. Too much $$ to buy something that is FUBAR. 2004 build, nice area. Water/electric is off. Electric isn't supposed to be off, causing the sump pump to be off, and 1-2" of water in unfinished basement (looks fresh...we figure it has been without power for 1-2 weeks). I just need someone to go through it quickly, and give it the "yeah, it's worth making an offer on" or a "no dude, this thing is f'ed." From apperances, the place is super nice other than some minor things that are very obvious and I can easily DIY (such as all of the appliances ripped out of the place, as are the light fixtures). I just need a general once over by someone who knows what they are doing. I know a little about homes, but not enough to know the things to really look for in an inspection.
  10. Wow, I took a look on Autotrader, those cars are way cheaper than I thought they would be.
  11. Not my engine swap of choice, but it's not a rotary, so I can't knock it. Exhaust looks like shit, and sounds ricey, but otherwise the car is pimp.
  12. Best looking non-classic Mustang is easily the 03-04 Cobra (exterior wise at least). This thing is ugly, just like all of the 05+ Mustangs. At least the GT500's look slightly better.
  13. Wrong on both accounts; you need a 5 point to be legal down to 10.0 (you don't need a side-bar for the passenger side, which is why a 5-point is fine). An 8-point (assuming the halo over you, and the other points meeting forwards of the driver), is good down to 8.5.
  14. That's pretty impressive on stock internals.
  15. I am getting pumped for this year's boating season. I have my new wakeboard (on my 3rd one now) that I am dying to try out. Probably won't be out on Alum; too choppy to do anything fun on it.
  16. See if you can buy a service manual off of E-bay. That's what I did for my boat, which was helpful when I did the motor swap.
  17. I think the idea is great. If it is pissing off the non-payers, then it is working. I am tired of my tax dollars paying for schools. If you choose to breed, you should be required to pay for their schooling...not me. Be responsible for your own fucking kids.
  18. That statement is so wrong it pissed me off. You can beat the sound of an R32. There are so many cars that can beat the sound of an R32, it is pathetic. Hell, VW has made cars that sound better than the R32. So has Audi. And the Big 3. And Benz, Porsche, Ferrari, and many, MANY other auto makers. Even the Japanese and Koreans make cars that sound better. Actually, I wouldn't even think the R32 would be in the top 200 best sounding cars. Probably not even the top 300 or 400. I always thought the R32 was a big rip-off. Too much money for what you get.
  19. Those sure get a lot more expensive once you option in a reasonable size to them.
  20. I knew all those Apple products would eventually cause a large, gay man to anally molest him. I'm sure he will heal and be posting soon enough.
  21. Sam, I know you aren't as tall as me, but I found it roomy compared to the Z3/Z4, Boxter, SLK, Solsitice/Sky, and Miata. Interior seemed nice enough, though not as nice as any of the competition. I even like the styling of the car. I would personally want to swap out that motor. It's got the bottom end power of a rotary. At that year point, I think you would be well served to at least look and test drive a Boxter, SLK, and Z3 or Z4 (I found the Solstice had too many blind spots to make a happy daily driver). No harm in at least looking at one to see if you simply like them better. I haven't driven a Boxter or Z3, but the Z4 impressed me in terms of it being a reasonable daily driver. I really liked the hard top and ride of the SLK...leg room could have been better!
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