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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Nice edit. Of course you will find some lucky loser to put his cock in you; there are a pile of desperate and/or low standard guys out there. Even a 200lb overweight, 50-something woman with a missing limb and an STD could still find someone that will bang her...not exactly impressive. But trust me, I don't want to see, hear, or think about that nasty mess. PRIME example of guys on the internet. They think "ohhh, a chick, sex talk, hot, etc." not knowing what the chick looks like. Things that if they do the monster at the other keyboard, they would throw up in their mouth a bit. She has posted pics. Some would refer to them as the anti-sexy. I'm in that group.
  2. I'll be spending ~$2500 at Best Buy if I can get in line early enough for everything I want. Then I'll be hitting Craigslist, followed a week later on E-bay. If I get what these items are going for on E-bay, I should be able to keep several items, and sell the rest for ~$2700. Anthony, you'll love that Westinghouse monitor. I bought mine at last year's BF sale at BB, and really love it. I'll be buying it a cousin this Friday.
  3. The thought of her cuming makes me nauseous. And not in the good way, but nauseous in the 2 chicks, 1 cup video way.
  4. My g/f looks better (as do many of the g/f's that have been posted on here by others). This broad isn't ugly, but isn't good looking either; very average at best. Chunky, and has kind of a guy-ish face too.
  5. You are paying too much then...
  6. TTT, I want these gone NOW, $270 FIRM. I'll even deliver within Columbus area.
  7. I'd be in for one of the laptops. No need for an OS, as I'll install my own.
  8. We do carry the Big Ten Network (BTN 1, 2, and 3, plus BTN 1 in HD). Honestly, you have to understand how badly these channels try to rake cable companies over the coals. Remember ESPN-U last year, and all of the BS surrounding the one OSU game on it? Now what do they have on that channel; no one ever seems to mention it anymore. There has to be a give somewhere, and let me tell you, increasing the cable bill isn't something customers are willing to have. They want it cheaper no matter how good of a deal they are getting.
  9. I have Chase, zero issues with them. I have 2 credit cards (paid off, but have had balances before) + my Avalanche loan, checking and savings. I can pay any of them online without a fee. I pay no fees for anything. Does your bank allow you to pay bills thru your account online? I'm not talking about logging into Chase's website and paying; rather, logging into your bank account and paying that way? I do that with Chase to pay all of my bills; and they will mail paper payments if necessary.
  10. Right from the WOW Home Page: http://www1.wowway.com/cable/cable.aspx?ConIdent=2008&RCView=MAIN
  11. +1 Stuff adds up, but 10 million for that...come on now! It didn't even have to be shot in one sequence.
  12. The fact is there are some very fast STS cars out there (a number of single digit cars...you know, vehicles you'll never own). Not a kit I would ever run, but the fact is they do work. A true under-hood kit may make a bit more power/have less lag, but these work, and work pretty damn well. So go back to your book work, maybe you can put a CAI on your Cougar and call it a day.
  13. I have an idea: let's just let criminals get away with everything. If you choose being a theif as a profession, then your work hazzard is getting shot/killed. Just like someone who does welding on a skyscraper has the work hazard of falling to his death. Pretty simple concept.
  14. Awwww, some bleeding heart liberal defending criminals....nice. That old man deserves a medal. He is more than welcome to move into my neighborhood.
  15. Get a REAL Bulldog: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images12/Bulldogalmostsixmonths%20old%20014.JPG http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images14/bulldogHard2BHumbulSiDDi0035months.JPG Sure, they are floor decorations, but are pretty cool dogs regardless.
  16. Load Shark. Interest rate isn't good, and late payments result in injuries/death...but it would get you the money.
  17. I did hit 0.000 twice, but the rest of them were normally around .18-.25
  18. http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/463817712.html This is a local car, with 24k miles, and a few mods, asking only $1500 more with a clean title. That should be a good indicator of how overpriced that salvage car is. http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/442802671.html Another local car, 01 Z06 with less miles, for less money, and a turbo car!
  19. How do these hold up as far as a PC monitor goes? Way too small for a main TV, but would probably work nicely as a wall-mount monitor/TV in my computer room. I could probably swing one IF it works very well as a monitor, since I could sell my current LCD's to cover some of the cost. Would free up some space too. There is no way in hell you got a 52" Flat Panel LCD for $799, let alone a year ago. Maybe an LCD Rear-Projection, which is not what this thread is about.
  20. Nifty car; poorly chosen motor mods IMO, and seems a bit too expensive.
  21. Yes, because bandwidth is free and unlimited, right?
  22. I just ebayed a 20k BTU Natural Gas wall heater + a 1500W electric fan forced air heater, all new for $114 shipped. I think that should at least take the chill off, and didn't cost a lot to do it.
  23. I don't have a problem with a salvage title, but will not pay NEARLY what a clean title car with go for. In the end, that salvage title car will always be harder to sell, and sell for a lot less. Though the mileage is nice, and would be a great price for a clean title car, it is way too high for a salvage title.
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