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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I could have went the rest of this evening, week, year, lifetime without seeing Sam's ass.
  2. It hung off the rafters, and was a total POS. Major fire hazard and put off very little heat. Threw it out a while ago. But I still have the gas piping into the garage. Seeing how cheap those wall units are on e-bay, I may just buy one regardless, and see how well it does.
  3. I'm also in the market for an inexpensive heater, but my garage is a bit different: - 576 sq/ft - Not insulated - Known to be drafty at times I have a wall A/C unit that keeps about 1/2 the garage semi-comfortable if it's under 90 (decent sized unit). There is gas plumbed out to the garage, but gas or electric would work. Any ideas of how big I'd need to get?
  4. I wouldn't pay that for that amp, but someone has a reason to I guess! I had a couple of older Audio Art amps I should have never let go of (mainly my 200.2 XE and my 100HC). DAMN good amps. The 100HC is a power hungry Class A. Now every does Class D. Sadly, my Memphis 1000D died (1100 watts RMS @ 1ohm, and it sounded CLEAN). I need another one.
  5. Type a letter out and mail it to corporate. Be professional, spell-check and proof-read your letter. Tell the story exactly as it happened; keep emotion out of it. I guarantee you WILL get a call back from the manager in the not-to-distant future. The corporate sides of these restaurants tend to take this stuff very seriously, especially when you mail a letter vs. some e-mail BS.
  6. F' this cold. I still haven't winterized my boat yet (looks like I'll be doing that tomorrow), so a freeze is a very bad thing. Avalanche is 4WD + fresh set of Nitto Terra Grapplers on it, but I'd still rather it be warm and sunny. I hate the cold, so screw this snow stuff...bring on the sunny, warm weather!!!!!
  7. That's what he is refering to. Thank god they tore that place down...it was the worst part of Franklin County without a question. Hell, their security guards were as bad as the tenants. Miller/Kelton area is a pure shit hole. 161 area has went down some (assuming we are talking between 270 and just west of I-71), but there are some nice house here and there; neighborhood off of Ponderosa on the south (read: NOT NORTH) of 161 has some nice places. There are some nicer places off of the very wooded neighborhood on the east side of Cleveland Ave. just south of where the Meijer is located...you'd never know it unless you drove back there. I'd never want to live around there, but nothing to be frightened of. Go walk around the 43203 or 43205 area of town on a summer night...that will frighten you.
  8. Kids in the Special Olympics get trophies too.
  9. If you think that thing is anything but embarassing, you have no taste. PERIOD. I can only imagine how riced out your DSM is. PLEASE post pics.
  10. You need to know NOTHING about Ferrari to appreciate one.
  11. I'll eat directly out of the pan I cook in. I'll drink out of my own damn container. It's my house, I'll be lazy if I want. The less dirty dishes I make, the less dishes I have to load/unload from the diswasher.
  12. I was a pretty good trumpet player all through grade and high school, but haven't really touched it since high school. I still have my last trumpet (went through a few), a silver Besson. 1st string and all that BS, but I'm sure I can't play for shit now, nor do I really care anymore.
  13. Uhhh, what's special about this broad at all? Just some decent looking chick giving opinions on a webcam. Who gives a fuck?
  14. Ehhh, does nothing for me. I don't see the appeal at all vs. a pile of other performance oriented cars out there.
  15. I love Vista, and run it on two machines. No complaints here; processor hog, but doesn't hog memory as badly as I thought it would. With 4GB+, gotta run XP or Vista 64
  16. When I can get the burners and media cheap, I'll worry about HD-DVD and Blueray. Until then, I'll pass.
  17. Don't forget, there are 3 Big Ten Networks with WOW; the primary one on 87, and BTN 2 and BTN 3 on 344 and 345.
  18. If they were chrome and with good tires, I'd probably have made the trade. Those are called C5 Wagon Wheels.
  19. Because it is a STREET RACE, not a TRACK RACE. Just because your car can launch down the track doesn't mean it can do anything on the street.
  20. Bubba is freaking awesome. Anyone judging him based on his previous testicle radio show needs to get a clue, though some of that stuff was also good. Hmmm, car guy that likes hot broads and doing crazy shit. Don't be a bunch of Morning Zoo queers.
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