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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Why lock it? Just because you had a good experience with them cutting you a check doesn't mean others have good storys to tell. I don't see any flame wars or anything else warranting a locking or even moving this to the Kitchen.
  2. Uh, WTF does that have to do with Digital Cable?? It has all to do with the channel; same thing can happen with Analog cable and Sat. Dish as well.
  3. Simply put, if someone sold me a junk item, whether they knew it or not, they damn well better refund my money. That said, re-selling it as new is also shaddy.
  4. I still am not grasping it. Get rid of your car for a family car; fine and dandy. Is her other one so modded you can't daily it as well (isn't it just a modded GTP?). Buy a family car for her and you drive the GTP, or let her keep the GTP and you drive the family car. I just don't understand how selling your two cars and buying her a new G8 and yourself another car is going to save you money. It's your money, but I hate seeing people put themselves in worse situations they talked themselves into.
  5. Once you pay the car off, though, it's yours forever.......... And if you are struggling for money, why sell the wife's car to get her another new car and car payment???
  6. You could always just torrent/newsgroup a full cracked version of XP?
  7. At least the car things really weren't the cars' fault.
  8. Please give exact manufacturer and model so I can look up the specs.
  9. Requirements: - Minimum 64mb onboard memory - DirectX 9 compatiable - MUST be able to display 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz or above I need all of the above so I can run the Aero feature AND have it look right on my TV. My current video card can do all the stuff for Aero, but can only display 1920 x 1080 at 30Hz, which causes major screen flicker. Card doesn't need any gaming abilities (this is not for my primary PC), doesn't need dual monitor support, or any other fancy features.
  10. When watching that, I was hoping she would only bid $1, and she did! Gotta love rubbing it in his face.
  11. A big cam would really wake up that LS7.........
  12. No. If they can prove themselves not to be another Daewoo, I might look at their product, but even then probably wouldn't purchase. Still here in 5-10 years, then I may take an honest look.
  13. Nitrousbird

    My new toy.

    If doing an LT1, don't do one from the Impala/Caprice. Those are Iron Headed motors and make less power (and would make the car even heavier).
  14. Ehh, have a buddy from PA with a modded one. With full bolt-on's, big IC, and stock turbo maxed out + some other goodies, it was alright on the highway once you got past the turbo lag. Handled well for a FWD. BAD torque steer. Would I own one?? Hell no. It is still a Neon, it is still FWD. I mean really, a Neon is one of the crapiest econo-boxes made in recent years. Take that, make it handle better and give it a bunch of power.
  15. http://birdman84rs.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/newcapridayone2500.jpg That Mercury Capri sure looks a lot like your Mustang..... Ford is just as guilty of badge engineering (aka most of Mercury's lineup). GM actually kept the look of the Camaro/Firebird different enough inside and out to actually GIVE you a reason to buy one or the other.
  16. Something I've always wanted to try. If the price is right.... **Note: is discount sky-diving REALLY a good idea??**
  17. Mine has a 3.0L, can pull me up on slalom ski with 5 others on my boat; I'm 210lbs too, and does it without totally drowning me. I'm not claiming my boat is quick at all (Sam's totally raped mine on Muskingum), but enough power to easily knock people off the tube, ski and wake board all I want. I want a bigger/faster boat; my wallet says this one is paid for and very mechanically solid, so she will stay I guess. Mind you my boat is only a 17' with a new motor and good prop (though old motor did pull me up pre-blowing up with a crappier prop). As for price, good luck finding an 80's boat w/ a 3.0L in decent shape in the 2k range. Most people seem to want 5k+.
  18. I can't understand why you would have all that expensive stuff in a vehicle then drop full coverage on it.
  19. I thought you just owned your two Mustangs.
  20. DVD Shrink to shrink down the movie. DVD Decrypter to pull it off the DVD if it is encrypted. This program is no longer being supported/developed, but still works fine, but I believe there is a replacement to it now. Rip It 4 Me / Fix VTS: not really necessary, but can fix issues on a few DVD's that are hard to rip. Burning software; I use Nero. ALL of my DVD rips have turned out great. I'm picky; must have all menus/special features. I remove the previews, foreign subtitles/soundtracks, and compress everything to the max except for the movie.
  21. Mother f'ing storms caused such insane delays at Newark, New York, Philly, etc. that my flight was so delayed (probably cancelled at this point), that I'm posting from my g/f's condo. I am betting on WOW offering more HD channels this year, but have zero info on it (they usually keep that stuff pretty secret).
  22. You have the 4Mbps down / 512k up package. As you probably noticed, your upload is slightly faster, while your download is slightly slower. But as we spoke about, unless you are downloading a LOT from mulitple servers, 4Mbps is more than sufficient; the upload is where you are going to actually gain something.
  23. I can beat it....except we don't offer internet that slow (that's a REALLY crappy upload you have there). WOW just earned another JD Power award for #1 phone provider (for customer satisifaction; that include pricing, service, everything). Though it will say for the North Central region, we had the highest overall score in the nation. Actually, WOW is the reason JD Power had to setup regions, because we were winning the awards against companies that didn't compete with us due to us not being in those regions (though our overall scores are still highest in the nations). We've won the JD Power for best television provider a couple times as well. I've had Insight in the past, and their service sucked on all levels. I can cut you a better deal with WOW, but I'm leaving in a few minutes and won't be back for over a week. FYI: Our slowest internet speed package is 768k down/ 256k up. We have 5 residential packages, going up to 6Mbps down / 1Mbps up.
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