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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Though it is probably Insight, the buying off of TW is untrue. Actually, Insight could only wish they bought off of TW or WOW. Insight blows monkey nuts...seriously. They just suck. I could probably stop by some time to take a look around and see what your options are. I mean, if there was a cable ped 5 houses down, you could "technically" get cable. You aren't on a county border line are you??
  2. The LOL part is reliable Honda. This van isn't done at 307k, that's for sure. My brother thinks he can get it to the 400k mark.....and I don't doubt it. This van wasn't a "drive a ton of highway miles every day" vehicle, rather just a normal family daily driver. I may try e-mailing someone at GM, as dealers are retards and don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
  3. ttt, no seriously, this light is f'ing annoying.
  4. Moving to the Corral. Not that I can possible understand why you would trade a SBC S-truck for an import.........
  5. Moving to the Corral. Not that I can possible understand why you would trade a SBC S-truck for an import.........
  6. Nitrousbird


    I actually did SELL a Honda item. When my roomate bought his POS CRX, it came with a fart cannon and a stock exhaust in the trunk. We pulled the fart cannon and installed the stocker; I sold the fart cannon for him. smile.gif Sadly, I've helped do more work on that damn CRX than I'd like to admit to.......reliable Honda my ass!!!!
  7. My dad has a 93 GMC Safari he ordered brand new. 307k on the original motor AND tranny (dead serious; this thing has not had anything overly significant go wrong with it). My brother now daily drives it, and even though it is a POS now it still runs. I took it for a drive today and it still runs strong w/ good oil pressure and everything. Wish the 4.3 in my Jimmy was the tank motor this thing has. We have heard rumors that GM has been known to give discounts on new vehicles when you send them info on your 300k+ vehicles. My dad has an 84 S-10 he ordered new that died a couple years ago w/ about 300k even on it. I'm sure he would be interested in any discount he might be able to get, as he has owned nothing but GM his entire life. Anyone else hear of getting discounts for sending in info on extreme high mileage vehicles??
  8. I read all of it too, but a lot of the problem cars were not heavily modded. A pulley change and intake/exhaust mods are pretty light IMO. A couple cars had KB's and such, but others were bone stock as well. I am going to bet more towards the cooling issue than the oil issue. I wonder if the Lightnings and GT's (not the Mustangs) have the Teflon coatings, or if that is a Cobra-only thing.
  9. Why was this coating used in the first place?? I'm curious as to any logical reason for it. Is this used on other production forced induction pistons. I've heard of thermal coatings (on the piston face, such as Swain coatings), but this is not what this teflon coating is for. Or did someone at Ford buy into a sales pitch fron DuPont, and are now paying the price??
  10. I saw that on another board last week.....awesome clip.
  11. I'll take that car. Couple hundred buck in paint, and it will be as good as new.
  12. Wow.....I could never imagine being THAT nervous in front of a camera. EVER.
  13. Companies talk all the time. With all of the $$ Sirius has invested recently, it would have to be a sweet deal for XM to buy them out. And probably won't be able to get past the anti-trust concerns. So no big worries for Howard IMO.
  14. I doubt it will happen. Sirius is gaining market share/users anyway. I'm very happy with my Sirius unit. I'm also finding out I'm paying LESS for Sirius than XM on how I use it. XM is $9.99/month, Sirius is $12.95. But listening to Sirius online is free, as it is part of your subscription. If you want to do the same thing w/ XM, it is $3.99/month. Since I listen online (with the It's On Sirius 3rd party player), I am paying less than if I used that service on XM. I think Sirius marketing dept. is lacking though. Honestly, I've used both, and they are both good services. Sirius is just a better match for me. My roomate and g/f both have XM, and both seem to like it.
  15. Nitrousbird


    What's better is me of all the people on here sold a Honda part!
  16. Whaaaaa.....get a better job. It isn't hard at all to get a job that pays better than freaking $6.50/hr. Hell, Calltech pays $9 an hour and offers benefits, and they will pretty much hire anyone who can operate a PC. Because you can't afford gas doesn't give you the right to steal it. Before you give me any more "pitty stories" I spent a year unemployed, losing a job that paid very well, and racked up quite a bit of debt because of it. But I never stole ANYTHING.
  17. TW uses the same DVR/HD DVR's that we do at WOW. Well, at least the 8000 series boxes; I'm not sure if they carry the 8300's as well or not, but they are the same thing. But they are all Scientific Atlanta boxes, and SA doesn't have the firmware for the DVI. My 8000 box had the DVI port, my 8300 box doesn't. I'm not sure what Warner uses for their non-DVR HD boxes. I know their digital boxes are "Pioneer" boxes, which are nothing more than a re-badged Scientific Atlanta box w/ slightly different firmware. I'd guess it would be the same. DVI/HDMI would definately be the best connection, as they are a pure digital connection. But you probably won't be able to tell the difference between component and DVI/HDMI. Does the TV have a cable card slot? If so, TW might offer an HD cable card. We are just starting to offer them, but the demand for cable cards isn't there at all; I've yet to come across anyone wanting to use one. Be careful w/ that Plasma; they are bad about screen burning (that and the inflated costs are the reasons I usually tell customers to avoid Plasmas). But if you want a big wall-mount, Plasma is your only choice.
  18. I drive an very heavy E250 van ever day, that is a total sled when there is snow/ice on the ground. I haven't even come close to going off the road. Two times in a couple of days....I have a feeling you are driving a little too confident w/ the AWD. I also daily drive a 94 Mustang GT w/ Z rated tires without any incidents either. What I'm trying to say here is DRIVE MORE CAREFULLY!
  19. +1. 03-04 Cobra > any other late model Mustang in the looks dept.
  20. I say all pumps should be pre-pay. That would definately solve the drive-off problem. I always pay with my debit card at the pump, so no skin off my back. smile.gif
  21. As it said in the link, it would be cheaper to sell the N/A car and buy a TT car. Honestly, it is like that with a lot of cars. Too many times do I see V6 F-bod guys asking about doing a V8 swap, and overall you have to discourage it. Usually the cost of parts alone would be even to selling and buying a V8 F-body, then you have all of the labor/down time involved.
  22. +1 And I couldn't understand a damn thing that lady was saying. tongue.gif
  23. You MIGHT find something like that in Whitehall. But otherwise, the homes will just be too expensive. The reason the other house he found was that cheap is because that is an area you wouldn't want to live. Houses aren't cheap.
  24. I've meet this puppy before; very cute.
  25. Nitrousbird

    hey guys

    But where is the car that turned out nice?? Before you go on ranting, let me add that if I ever HAD to own another Honda, it would be another CRX. My 86 Si was a decent car for HS (left 100% stock, but this was well before the rice scene came about). They are definately some of the best looking Honda's, and are far more sporting than your average Civic/Accord. But this thing looks terriable. Would have looked far better stock. This just looks like another riced out, F&F wannabe pile. The guy w/ the Miata that has all the stupid dolls and crap glued to it probably put a lot of work into that car too.....probably thinks that turned out nice as well. You of all people should know this; you are anti-ricing out your car, and try to make things flow well on it looks wise, other than your happiness towards the fart pipes. tongue.gif
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