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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. All I could think of the whole time was "Terry Tate Rip-off."
  2. Because someone joins the military, I'm supposed to all of a sudden kiss their ass? I didn't say (or even remotely imply) ANYTHING bad about his military service. I simply stated I didn't notice he was gone (I didn't, so sue me), and the only thing I recalled about him was that car he drives. Nothing about him, what he has been doing, etc.
  3. I'm a bit out of it, but here is what it sounds like. You say when you switch the RCA's around, the other sub will work. Try this: - Only hook one of the RCA connections up at a time; leave the other one unconnected. If each sub works on one of the RCA's (trying it on each input), but not the other, then it is definately either that RCA cable or the output on the headunit. You can verify by doing this same test again but switch the RCA's around on the head unit. - If the above proved it to be the output on the head unit (which would be my guess from the description I read), I'd suggest just bridging the amp, running mono, and running off the good RCA output on the head unit. That's the free fix and should sound fine. Of course, check your grounds for the amp, battery, and head unit, but I doubt that's the problem. Why did it work for a minute after swapping cables?? Could be a bad solder joint inside the head unit, and moving it around made a temporary contact until it heated up. Again, this is all a guess, but would defiantely be what I would look for. For the RCA to burn up, it would literally have to cause significant physical damage to the wires (aka causing it to not pass electrical current though them). I'm betting that's not the case.
  4. That guy actually earns his money; he comes up with some pretty creative lines on the spot.
  5. I drank very heavily last night. Pre-gamed with a few beers and 7 shots worth of Bacarrdi Razzberry Rum mixed with Red Bull. Went out, lost count of the beer I consumed. Then went over to someone elses for an after-hours thingy......I found it is possible to make Everclear Jello shots, while using a significant amount of Everclear in them. THAT is what put me on my ass. Luckily, I'm not too hung over. Of course I didn't wake up until 4PM! I'm surprised I don't have a hangover, since I didn't have any water before bed. I'm just dehydrated and a bit worn out (and for some reason my hip and knee hurt).
  6. Didn't notice that you were even gone. Only thing I remember of you is making fun of that god-awful econbox you had/have.
  7. Stock for stock the old one would have probably outran it.
  8. Can the dual-layer burners now burn full, uncompressed, DVD copies (including menus and everything, basically a direct copy?
  9. On campus, you have 2 choices: #1: Move away #2: Get a very secure garage There is no #3. Your car WILL get broken into if you don't follow #1 or #2. It's not a matter of it, but a matter of when.
  10. That's just a few clips of a longer video posted in the pics/videos section (where I'll be moving this now) that was posted a few months ago. They were using that video as an advertisement for what they do.
  11. That's just a few clips of a longer video posted in the pics/videos section (where I'll be moving this now) that was posted a few months ago. They were using that video as an advertisement for what they do.
  12. a) The players have jack shit when it comes to authority in that matter. Period. Their coaches need to learn to keep them in check. b) Utah decided to use more force than at the OSU game. What's your point; if they are told to stop and they don't, they got what they deserve. Those people KNEW they were doing something they aren't supposed to be doing. c)I'm not a sports nut or anything, but I do like sports, College football probably being my favorite d)Do you really think they did it "for fun." They may have jumped the gun on the use of non-lethal force, but sometimes you gotta teach the idiots not to be idiots.
  13. If it makes you feel any better, I have a nice leak around one of my skylights. It leaks on the wood in two places on one side of it, another spot on the wood on the opposite side, and now I have a small drip from the ceiling next to the wood. I've had a couple small leaks in the past from this skylight, but nothing this bad. Funny how the other one doesn't leak a drop. Luckily I plan on putting a whole new roof on the house this spring and sealing the skylights really well, so at least it will get fixed. And be happy; at least the cop didn't smell the beer on your breath and try to get you for that BS.
  14. All I have to say is good luck with that. A lawsuit for a stolen interweb video in a different country.....never going to happen; you would loose more money just trying to pursue it then you would ever have a chance of winning. It will be hard enough to just get the video pulled off that site.
  15. NHRA is 2 years. Sadly, mine were up at the end of this past summer....I didn't pass tech with them last time I was at the strip, but I wasn't spraying that day, so they let it slide. I'll be getting a new set in the spring. My current set will be for the passenger now, and I'm going to get a camlock for the driver side, as this latch setup is freaking annoying.
  16. That's an easy answer; the hack has to simply keep the aspect ratio, with a max amount of pixels for height and width. Of course, that's easier said than done.......
  17. Ford rates their injectors on a different pressure than the standard 43.5psi, which is why an SVO injector actually flows more than it is rated for (so when programming a non-Ford, you can't just put in 30# for a 30# SVO injector, it's something like 32.3 IIRC). BTW, those aren't considered "Cobra" injectors, just SVO injectors.
  18. I HATE text messaging. It's freaking gay; if you want to talk to me, call me. Otherwise, leave me the fawk alone. The supervisors at work use it a lot to send messages out to all of the techs; this is the one time where I find it to be the proper use of text message, as they can't just simply call all of us individually. But 1 message to 1 person is just stupid.
  19. Every one of those dumbasses were trying to get on the field....a place they DO NOT BELONG. They brought it on themselves.
  20. I'm so pleased my 4WD Jimmy decided to grenade its motor right before the snow hit. This WOULD have been my first winter ever with 4WD.....looks like another RWD winter for me again.
  21. Well, my friend doesn't have much to do with it, since it's my setup (though if I get my promotion at work, I may buy the car from him). I can easily do the hardwiring myself; it is simple to do. Not that I really need the lighter spot, as there is another one in the center console ash tray compartment as well. If I do buy the car, I may re-wire the socket to power on with the ignition, so I don't have to turn off the unit manually. My setup cost $125 ($134 after tax). That included the Sportster, remote for the Sportster, and the car kit. Then I had to pay a $10 activation fee when I activated the unit. I also prepaid for 3 months ($12.95/month + tax), and this allowed me to qualify for a $30 mail in rebate. To use the unit in the house, you either need the home kit or the boombox. The home kit is basically the car kit with a slightly different cradle, an antenna more oriented for home mounting, and a 110V plug instead of the 12V cig lighter plug. The boombox is self contained and can run on electric or batteries. The home kit is about $50, the boombox $100. IMO the Sporster boombox sucks. I played with my other roomate's for a while, and the sound quality was pretty sucky, and it didn't get very loud. I ended up just turning on my home stereo and using the FM modulator on the Sportster to feed my home stereo.....basically turning it into a fancy home kit. Good news for Sirius; Pioneer recently announced they are now supporting Sirius too; the used to be exclusively XM. From what I've gathered so far, this will mean that all "XM ready" head units will now be "XM and Sirius ready" meaning the only difference is you'll purchase the Sirius external tuner instead of the XM unit. That's sweet news for those of us using Pioneer head units. (my car has an XM ready Premier).
  22. http://www.cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Sirius/Full%20View.JPG http://www.cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Sirius/Medium%20View.JPG http://www.cofba.org/users/nitrousbird/Sirius/Antenna.JPG How and why I did what I did: Since my Jimmy is dead with a very very broken motor, I'm sporting my roomate's lightly modded 94 Mustang GT. Loaded w/ the Mach 460 stereo. Everything installed quickly, and can be fully removed in about 3 minutes (of course I can pull the Sporster unit itself in seconds and take it with me for security reasons). Antenna: I put it there because it was easy. Reception has been good. Drop outs have been very minimal; only slow drives under bridges in areas without repeaters have I ever had it drop. In most weather conditions, I have full bars of Sat. reception. In bad weather (past couple of days...heavy rain/cloud cover), I have a mix between full and half bars of reception, though my Ter. reception has been better, but no dropouts because of the weather. The wire easily stuffed behind the HVAC/Radio trim panel. The antenna mounts with a decent quality double sided tape I bought at Autozone....this stuff doesn't leave any residue when removed, which is a plus. Sporster Unit: I placed it there for several reasons. The biggest was this is the best place I could put it to not be extremely visable outside the car (ie: on the dash), it is easy to read/access there, doesn't interfere with much of the leg room of the passenger, and was close to the power socket/antenna wire. I can still use the CD player as well. The cradle is mounted to a metal "L" bracket, which I drilled a hole in to mount the mounting screws for the cradle. The bracket mounts to the shifter trim panel using the same double sided tape I used for the antenna. So far it has held up very well. The wires all stuff behind the shifter trim panel so they can't be seen. Why Sirius: I listen to Stern every morning that I'm awake and by a radio, and since he is moving to Sirius, it only made sense. They also aren't into paying for "premium" services like XM is, and I fear XM may be going even further towards that. Sirius also has a repeater near my house = you can slap an antenna anywhere in my house and get reception. I'm not saying XM is bad at all; the $2.96 less a month is good, and the XM Delphi MyFi and SkyFi2 and better than anything else available to Sirius or XM in terms of portable units. I wish Delphi would offer a Sirius unit. Why I choose to purchase the Sportster: It was a toss-up between the Sportster and the Audiovox PNP3. I would only consider the new 2.5G series of portable receivors. The XACT and JVC units are too small. The Sanyo is just lame. I couldn't find any place locally that carried the Blaupunkt and Kenwood units, and I wasn't about to purchased one without playing with it. The Sportster and PNP3 are pretty much identical, but I was able to get the Sporster for $20 cheaper ($125 w/ car kit, plus I have a $30 mail in rebate w/ Circuit City), so that's why the Sportster won out.
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