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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Roads sure are a lot nicer with rain rather than snow. Rain = washing salt away = less havoc on vehicles on the road. Rain = above 32 degrees = warmer out than when it snows. Of course it does suck working in the rain.
  2. You don't consider something under 1000psi of pressure being "forced" into the motor?? Of course nitrous isn't considered forced induction, it is being forced into the motor.
  3. Niffty but pointless, since if you try getting a .500 at the track the same way you do here, you'll be sleeping at the tree.
  4. When I lived on campus and first got my bike years ago, we parked it in the house (in an empty room we didn't really use). That was short lived until my roomate at the time built a shed and the bike lived in there instead. Now the damn thing just sits outside at my house, but my neighborhood is pretty crime free too.
  5. Thanks for enforcing my point. smile.gif
  6. Those two chicks are hot. The glasses are not. Those saying the Olsen twins don't look good....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post real pictures of yor significant others. For some reason I'm betting most (if not all) don't have women that can even compare!
  7. Sure there are, the kind of chicks with crotch rott that you kindly refer to as "throwing a hotdog down a hallway."
  8. If by good engine you mean poor sounding, torquless rotary with HP numbers lower than than comparable costing piston motors that Mazda could have fit in there instead, then year, what an awesome powerplant. smile.gif
  9. Jegs carries NGK now; they have since earlier in 2004 if I recall. That's where I get my NGK TR6's now. smile.gif
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31411&item=5547080116&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW I'm e-baying it. I'll be gone until Sunday night (so I can't respond to questions), but if you bid on it locally, I can hand it over to you in person.
  11. \ Wow.....someone would actually buy a vehicle with an interior that looked like that??!!! I thought the dildo shifter on the new Civic Si's was gay!
  12. Anthony, is there any hack where you can take all img tag inputs and have the board automatically default them to thumb, therefore it is impossible for people to use image tags. Or just shut off the image tag function, forcing only the thumb tag to work.
  13. Dump her. Chicks with sexual hangups 99% of the time are more work than it's worth.....because those hangups are probably going to spill into hangups in other areas of life.
  14. Nitrousbird


    Moving to the dumpster......
  15. Nitrousbird


    Moving to the dumpster......
  16. I'd say a 2nd Gen S-SUV, but I'm less than pleased with mine after the motor decided to eat itself out of the blue with only 157k on the clock. Otherwise, it had been a damn reliable truck and very good to me for the 15k I have owned it, something I could NEVER say of the 93 POS Blazer it replaced. Get her a 4-door car....does she really NEED a SUV/Minivan. I have my SUV only because I have to have something to tow my boat.
  17. Let me go take your car out for a spin, and let me roll it in a ditch. Then I want you to come back here and tell me "it's just a car, it can be fixed."
  18. Moving to the flame room....imagine that.
  19. Moving to the flame room....imagine that.
  20. My street is a total sheet of ice. You could put ice skates on and go skating on it....though it would be a rough ride. But the ice being rough is the only reason you can get around on it! But it took me 5 minutes of rocking the Mustang back and forth to get it out of the ice so I could drive it; then the damn thing had so much frozen ice in the wheels they became insanely unbalanced and the car couldn't be driven at highway speeds until I got rid of the ice!
  21. I can't remember the last time my mail man brought me something I wanted. I normally get bills and junk mail; I don't want that crap!! I'll tip the pizza guy, the waiter, the bartender, etc. since they all give me things I WANT.
  22. My power went out some time between 9PM Wed and 2am Thursday (we were at the bar that evening......). Didn't come back on until 7PM tonight....furnace is still running non-stop! No call from AEP. When I called to report the outage, the lady I spoke to might as well have been a robot; she had the personality of one. My bitch of a next door neighbor is still w/ out power since her power line is laying on the ground. Everyone across the street is still w/ out power too.
  23. Since my 4x4 Jimmy decided to die and the best possible time, I'm crusing around in my roomate's 94 GT 5-speed. Luckily, even with over 194k on the clock, the posi still works great. Unluckily, the smog pump took a shit, taking the belt and alternator out with it, and causing more time than I wanted working on the car in sub-freezing temps.....with no electricity in my house (well, entire neighborhood). With the 17" Cobra rims on it and new Z-rated Falkens, it could definately be better in the snow, but I've got plenty of seat time in RWD vehicles in the snow, so it isn't a big deal.
  24. I love my g/f, but you'd have to be on crack to think I'd let her drive my vehicles in this kind of stuff. She doesn't have any long-term wheel time in them (none in my Formula), and definately none in bad weather. That said, if she wrecked one vehicle, I'd have to be doing a LOT OF COKE to allow her to take my other car out the next day on bad roads.
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