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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Which the OP never did. And those same people that "don't wanna do it themselves" in the next breath complain they don't have any money. I do things myself, buy used and/or online when possible, to ensure I can have fun toys and money to spare. If you are able to do it yourself, and it saves more in the time it takes vs. what you normally make per hour in your job, why wouldn't you do it yourself? I don't love mowing my yard, but I'm not about to pay someone $75 a mow/trim just so I don't have to do it myself.
  2. Gee, and most people leave Uverse because their shit doesn't work right half the time. As far as contracts though, these broadcast groups are raking ALL television service providers over the coals. Sadly, it is the consumer that suffers. Most TV service providers make nearly nothing in TV service, and make up for it in HSD/Phone service. The dish folks make up for it in bundling with other providers, selling equipment, and their overhead costs are lower (plus better contract rates due to massive customer base).
  3. I'd say there is a 90% chance it is the thermostat. They are easy to swap - just buy a new one from Home Depot / Lowes, swap it in and see if that fixes it. If not, swap the only one back in and return the unit you bought. Either you'll fix the issue for FAR less than an HVAC person would charge, or will only be out a little bit of time trying to troubleshoot the issue yourself. What's with everyone always suggesting hiring someone for stuff instead of trying to do it yourself? I hate hiring people to do stuff, unless it is either: - Something far beyond my skill set - such as autobody work - Would cost about the same (or slightly more) than doing it myself, and makes financial sense to pay someone to do it. - Not possible to do myself, such as machine shop work
  4. Who in the hell is cross shopping a Mustang GT with a new M3 or RS5? Just because they may have similar performance numbers doesn't mean anyone is going to cross shop between the two. Most folks that can afford the Mustang can't afford the Audi and BMW. Just because a C6 coupe can run with a Ferrari California doesn't mean anyone is cross shopping the two!
  5. It's not like anyone at the Verizon call center knows what they are doing. It took multiple phone calls just to get our final bill right. They wanted to charge us a full month when we cancelled the service 2 days into our next billing cycle. Mind you both my wife and I spoke with someone there before we cancelled our service, telling us it would be pro-rated...who also wasn't good enough to try to save us as a customer. The actual Verizon service was great - everything else, no so much. I didn't dislike Verizon until I got rid of them.
  6. I have had no issues. And we got it a lot cheaper than we could with Verizon.
  7. Unlimited data > limited data. Fact.
  8. You need to get a smart phone. I was rolling with a step above basic phones for years - once you get a Droid/iPhone you will never want to go back. Check to see what your discounts are with other providers too. Janet got a steeper discount through AT&T than we previously did with Verizon - and they offered us a lower cost plan as well than Verizon did. We could go even cheaper with Sprint, but their service is so awful I wouldn't take it for free (I have Sprint through work).
  9. Or it can be the pad itself. I put Hawk Super Duty pads on the front of my Avalanche to help with the lackluster factory braking, along with the best rotors Napa sells (in the hope of not warping another set of rotors). Cleaned/greased caliper sliders, did not use disc quiet gunk on the back of the pads, and broke them in EXACTLY how Hawk recommends. I get a squeak on light brake application that goes away on medium or hard application. Never did on any of the two previous sets of rotors/pads I had put on her (this set at least brakes better and hasn't warped).
  10. He turned 27 a couple of days ago.
  11. http://pac-audio.com/productDetails.aspx?ProductId=907&CategoryID=36 Hands free is done with Bluetooth, not a hard wire connection. http://pac-audio.com/productDetails.aspx?ProductId=917&CategoryID=55
  12. Are you sure WOW doesn't have a connection there? PM me your address and I can tell you for sure. If you truely don't, then in New Albany you are stuck with Insight.
  13. Openoffice will read/write the same file types as MS Office. It is still kinda shitty for Excel documents that have a lot of back-end behind them (won't run certain scripts/macros). But for 90% of users, OpenOffice is perfectly fine. Or just go to a Torrent site of your choice and download a hacked copy of MS Office 2010.
  14. He was released 6 months ago. Let's see how he is in another 1-2 years, then I may believe he has honestly changed.
  15. Why the hell is this in the passing lane? Moving...
  16. This is an excellent idea, and something that I am actually okay with my tax money being spent on. If it helped reduce the idiots having babies by 1% (as in, 1 less baby in 100 that are from parents sucking social services), then it is a huge social and fiscal win! Just a simple 1% reduction would pay for everyone's birth control many times over. How could this possible be a bad thing?
  17. Wasn't a browser issue, as I couldn't get through with my FTP server either, nor could I with my FTP client. Lucikly it is working now and killing my shitty Time Warner upload speed.
  18. For some unknown reason, it started working again. I went to Portforward.com and downloaded their Port Forward checker software, as it is supposed to be better than the web-based stuff. Tried it once, no dice. Tried again - success. Rebooted a couple times, still worked fine. The web based one started working again too. Makes no sense, as I didn't change anything. I did make sure to un-install Windows IIS and FTP client after just to ensure they weren't causing some sort of intermittent issue.
  19. I created an FTP server. I had it all working (had to disable Windows Firewall to get Port 21 open, more on this later). After a reboot, I can not gain access to port 21 (testing using canyouseeme.org). I was able to see this port with this site prior to the reboot, through my router and Windows Firewall disabled. - Already did the port forwarding in my router. But even rulled it out by bypassing my router and going straight to my modem - Can't be an ISP issue, as I was able to do it prior to rebooting the PC - No 3rd party anything on here - no antivirus, no 3rd party firewall, fairly new Windows 7 Ultimate 64 install. All updates have been done. - I can get through port 80, so they aren't all blocked - First tried the "Allow Program" feature and enabled. I even created an incoming connection rule and added in ports 20 and 21, TCP and UDP. Neither of these should matter when the firewall is disabled, but I tried it anyway. - Tried restoring Windows Firewall defaults and opening the ports, no go. - Yes, my network connection shows me on my "Home" network - I ended up going into services, stopped and disabled the Windows Firewall and ICS services. No dice. Rebooted, and still no go. I am running out of ideas. Google has been uterly useless, mostly router issue crap and disabling firewalls.
  20. You forgot to mention that you came to my door dressed like this (without making a sound, and your wife/kid hidden behind my trucks), and I haven't got to watch It's Always Sunny in Philly yet. Some random green thing on my porch all up in my face looking at me, lol.
  21. That was a great movie. Far better than I anticipated.
  22. Nitrousbird


    EVERYONE pays for a data plan, it is just whether it is limited or unlimited plan. AT&T no longer offers an unlimited plan, but they did. I got my AT&T contract this past spring and have the unlimited plan. Most of the iPhone users here have the unlimited plan, which is why the question is being asked.
  23. Hmmm, should probably have that done. My house is about 6 years old, this is my first year of using the fireplace, but who knows if the previous owners ever did. Seeing how they cared for the house, I would bet my paycheck they never had it cleaned. I've used the fireplace a few times this fall without issues, but I'd like to not have any issues either. What's the normal going rate for a cleaning?
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