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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. If you can't do it yourself, don't hire a professional - it will cost you more than the TV is worth. I'd try the service menu trick...I need to do the same for my 57" HD CRT in the basement, as it's not as crisp as it once was, but since it is never watched I haven't bothered.
  2. I had a 94 GT. I was disappointed with the performance.
  3. Do you have any clue how draino even works?
  4. Are some of you watching a different video? The Porsche slowed down in the last corner ON PURPOSE in the hope the Vette would have slown down too much, preventing any chance of a pass. Didn't work out, he got pissed and put the Vette into the wall. Is it that hard to see?
  5. Are you an idiot? You come off as one.
  6. I don't clean the snow off on purpose. I know you can't see the plate, and I am going to keep it that way.
  7. I used them before...worthless scam artists is all I got. Sewer line kept backing up at the rental property. They would come out, "fixed" it for several months the first time, then 2 days the next. Hire some REAL professionals, and found the real reason - I had tree roots, but they were using such a small bit that it was just clearing a small path around the roots to free up the line, that quickly re-clogged. Nice. These guys did a bore with a REAL auger bit (and auger), did a camera inspection with DVD for LESS than what Roto Rooter charged. Fuck that rip-off company. The guys who actually fixed the problem even asked about the auger Roto Rooter used, and specifically said if I ever hire someone again that doesn't come in with a machine at least the size as theirs, to not let them through the door, as there is no way they could fix the problem correctly.
  8. Fucking German fan boy. Seriously. The move by the Porsche was dirty, plain and simple, and doesn't deserve the win.
  9. Article said $7000-9000 depending on how customized. It's basically a Real Doll with a couple of sensors. Really?
  10. Buy them. And these were made well after you were out of high school.
  11. Evans Automotive had several of them in for service over the past year. They seem to spend a LOT of time being services. Still niffty, and I'd love to own a Rambo Lambo if I had the disposable income to sport one.
  12. Merger, with mostly Sirius folks running the show. It's not all the same either.
  13. Musically, pretty much equal (most of the XM music channels were converted over to Sirius music channels; with a few going the other direction). EVERYTHING else - Sirius all the way. From sports selection to talk radio, Sirius by far the way to go.
  14. It wouldn't take tons of money to do this...most expensive part is labor, and he did it himself.
  15. Good luck. I have the lastest 2010 maps on my Garmin, and there are still a bunch of places near my house it knows nothing about, which is annoying. And if Garmin doesn't know about it, I doubt any of the other GPS brands out there do either.
  16. I was driving in a one-wheel-peel 2WD F150 flying past all of the scared people on the road. If I can see the pavement, there is no reason not to do at least 50MPH. No issues, no slipping, nothing scary...just driving. Freaking tards need to stay off the damn road.
  17. How old is it? When was it manufactured? Any scratches/defects at all on it? Little rubber matt under it in the pictures included? My wife is interested in getting a tread mill. Might be a little more than she wants to spend on a used unit, but I'll have her look at this thread later this evening.
  18. It will have its place in China...the place that is the main reason Buick is still around.
  19. I'd pass. 5.0L Mustangs are a dime a dozen, and why buy a swap when you can get one that came that way from the factory. Who knows what corners may have been cut to do the swap.
  20. Yeah, this is something that can do some good, and is taking a proactive approach to crime fighting/prevention. That's a GOOD thing.
  21. I wish the test lap would have been in the dry to see how the car really stacked up. Not that it matters, at 500k+, it's too expensive even if it were the fastest on the board (which it wouldn't be). What was Lexus thinking??!!
  22. Update: The C2R-VW unit is faulty. Spoke with PAC tech support and they agree. There is good power/ground at the connection point to the module. Can info is working on the SWI-CAN, so that shouldn't be an issue, as it shares the same harness. Also, for some reason, I am getting zero bars for the GPS. The antenna is hooked up, and should be working fine. Have it outside, put antenna on my hood for testing, and no go. I e-mailed Eclipse to see if they had any troubleshooting info for that, as I see nothing online. I don't have a spare GPS antenna to test with.
  23. I love the excuses. It isn't 1955 anymore - they have been making spin-on oil filters for a LONG, LONG time. There is no reason to have to remove an access panel to change a freaking oil filter either. Period. Maybe in an off-road vehicle that needs protection in that area, but that's about it. Seeing the awesome design of how you have to pull the factory head unit, or the ass-backwards way of how the factory Sirius tuner is mounted in my wife's car, the extra work needed to replace A FUCKING TAIL LIGHT BULB - you know, a common wear item, I can only imagine what other fun things the Germans thought of to make her Audi a PITA to work on. They may be niffty cars, but they sure as hell aren't as easy to work on as the Japanese and Domestics I've messed with, including routine maintenance items.
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