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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. The ant tripped the elephant. The skinny guy kicked sand in the bully's face, grabbed his girlfriend and stole his car. Some kids from Appalachian State came down from the Blue Ridge Mountains and delivered a sermon in Michigan Stadium, before 109,000 non-believers. Goliath falls.
  2. There are many different things you may have going through your mind causing the anxiety you're getting. You have to first know your limits and abilities. I have been racing since I was 16 years old. I've been in some pretty serious situations, some of those situations being my fault, the cars fault or another driver. Whatever the case I am the one who made the choice to potentially be in a wreck. Live and learn bro! You just got get back up on that horse and ride. Drive it like you stole it!
  3. The final fallout from a disastrous opening weekend for Michigan came Tuesday, when the Wolverines dropped all the way out of The Associated Press Top 25, an unprecedented fall from No. 5 to unranked. Since the AP poll expanded to 25 teams in 1989, no team has taken a bigger tumble in one week.
  4. It looked like Hal's Cobra stopped and posed for the video camera.
  5. West Jefferson - Big Darby Creek Shooting Range, 875 Middle Pike, West Jefferson, OH 43162. Phone: 614-879-0457 Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol (28-lanes/50yrds), Outdoor Rifle (4-lanes/300yrds), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading Hours of Operation: m-s10-9/sun10-7 Range Access: Public Web Site: http://www.bigdarbycreeksr.com Email: pdenlinger@bigdarbycreeksr.com
  6. Maybe she would have done better if she turned the steering wheel back and forth.
  7. I made 300rwhp on an E303 (plus heads/intake and custom tune from LaSota). I'd say the B is better if you have stock heads etc. If you plan on changing heads/intake later, go with the E. Whatever you do, do yourself a favor and get it tuned.
  8. about as much as me...I could wear that thing as a pair of underwear.
  9. The '86 is doing what it does best...chillin on jack stands in the middle of the garage. I need to put an offroad H-Pipe on this '95 I can't do it in the drive way.
  10. It's cake! Do it yourself so you can say you built it!
  11. Sounds cool. I've got $130 in my Mega Squirt, that's with boost control and IAC. Turns out I'm not going to use it. The board is about 50% complete and all the work was done by a professional. I'd sell it for what I have in it.
  12. A few of my friends have been in the SVO scene for years. Jim McCool's '84 Vert made 500+@ the wheels with a stock bottom end. Everything was custom fabbed with the exception of the PMS engine managment. Ran 10's all day in a Full interior vert.
  13. Very nice car! Click here to watch Cuda--AAP
  14. You guys should have clarified no "rolling burnouts". I have a 5 Gallon bucket of top dollar driveway sealant you can have. I have the roller also. Section the area off with cones/caution tape and fix it.
  15. That was great when the dude in the Expedition drove in and started to park. "Ummm excuse me sir, but we're doin burnouts and you're in the way". The guy was probably just stopping in for an air freshener, but guess what? He got his money's worth.
  16. This was 4yrs ago, NMRA @ Trails. He pitted with us (mutual friend). It was silver and I thought it was a '82. I know for a fact it ran on alcohol. He had to change his oil every few rounds because of of all the fuel blow by. The car was a mother to start to. Took 5-10 minutes of cranking...1 cyclinder "pop", minute later another one pop, pop...etc.
  17. Is that the guy with the '82 Coupe that runs on Alcohol?
  18. yep, that's why it's worth so much. duh!
  19. Dat shit is hot! Damn! and the price! What a steal!
  20. Hooters will be the place to be. If you have not left yet, call my cousin Joe if you want someone to ride shot gun. I know he's bored out of his mind sitting up there in Cleveland. I'll PM you his number.
  21. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    I thought that was you that pulled in but I never caught up to you. Props for coming out. I did hear you leave though. ;-)
  22. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    If you are talking about this car, then you better be running sub 9's... http://images.mustang50magazine.com/eventcoverage/m5lp_0601w_06z+2005_Ford_Mustang_GT+Driver_Side_View.jpg
  23. I'm putting an offroad H pipe on the '95 and someone was telling me people are getting $100+ for each one? Where do you take them?
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