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Posts posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I just have an A.A.S from UNOH. I also went to Devry for CET for two years before transfering out.


    Right now I design and test valve train components for Roush Yates Engines (Ford NASCAR Cup engines). I have already won my first Daytona 500 (ring's come in this month) and I can't wait to win a championship.


    I'm sure I'll go back to school again at some point.

  2. Have you called the cops? I'm pretty sure that they will tell you this is a civil matter and to take it to court. They won't do shit.


    If she has payed rent and has a mailing address, you'll have to go through the whole eviction process if she refuses to leave.


    If it was me, I'd seek real legal counsel.

  3. He let me ride his (and Jesse's) 50cc mini-bike. When I shifted to 2nd the front end came up and I panicked, grabbed a hand full of front brake instead of clutch. When the front end came down I immediately endo'd. Some how the bike came back down the right way and took off again. It literally dragged me 100 yards into the grass. Kenny came running up and I was just sitting there trying to figure out what had just happened. He said something like. "Dude that was some of the craziest shit I've even seen. I don't know how you didn't go over those handle bars. You just got your ass handed to you by a 50cc mini-bike." All while laughing his ass off. He helped me up and started looking over the bike. At the time I was embarassed as hell, but looking back it must have looked hilarious.
  4. This sucks. I can't help but to keep thinking about how he just finished school not long ago and was finally getting around to working on a few projects he always wanted to do(cark). :( Seems like just yesterday we were all hanging out at Steak and Shake or some parking lot somewhere.


    Way too young.

  5. I love some shine with fruit in it. You have to drink that shit straight out of the mason jar though. A bunch of my co-workers make it. It makes for a kick ass christmas party.


    Gives you a nice headache the next day. :)

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