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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Installed the new EV6 47s today. I'm a little worried the clips will be hard against the bottom of the upper plenum. The adapters obviously space them up a bit. I guess I'll know in a few hours. Waiting for an extra set of hands (wife). http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/64735e3e.jpg
  2. Fox Hater. I <3 the Cobra. Like a boss. :fuckyeah:
  3. Your phone's spellcheck is probably fucking you. When I researched last the general consensus was that Quality Window Tint was the way to go. They weren't the cheapest but they went out of their way to explain my options completely and did a perfect install with an excellent product (ceramic).
  4. Sorry Paul, I had originally typed Phil but then I couldn't remember who 's who in CR Drama Theater these days. Everyone's screen names and sig pics have changed so much lately I forget.
  5. Question is - Does Phil have a list? :lolguy: For clarity, this is the way I see it. Phill should see the humor in it unless he is unfunny in every way. 1. Phil Stuff 2. Phil stuff 3. Gym 4. Lunch 5. YOUR woman EDIT: my apologies to Paul. It's one of the Phils and not Paul I'm referring to. I can't keep track of all the drama and screen name changes.
  6. Find something you like. I did. Stay away from scams or shady behavior - COMPLETELY. I did. Two easy steps to being as cool as me. :gabe: P.S. What I really meant by the post you quoted was that IF you are scamming people, find a better way to receive bacon.
  7. Truth be told, you're more than welcome to come up to me at any track day (assuming my car ever makes another one) because I really don't know you personally. Maybe I would feel differently. I'm sure the person you are online is not exactly the same as in real life, but you have to admit - there aren't alot of other dudes on here in the mix with shady transactions as frequently as you. Maybe/hopefully it's undeserved. My jury is out.
  8. I said this in the first few posts and I'm not a fucking wizard. I don't even own a cape. (though I do have some crystal balls...) I don't care how old you get or how many kids or other "milestones" you think you have passed, you seem to need to grow the fuck up and learn some shit. Not how to "make money", but really know an actual skill. I know "hustlin'" is supposed to be a real job to some people but what kind of future is in it? Again, I don't know if you ever really scammed anyone but I feel like you trying to tell us you're not a scammer all the time says SCAMMER in all caps, just like that. The majority of the posts I see from you are about some "bullshit" that happened outside of your control. Ask anyone in jail and they'll tell you the same shit. Are they all telling the truth or are they all "unlucky"?
  9. It's the Small Block Chevy of shotguns, maybe guns in general. You'll never have trouble finding parts for it and they are dead reliable anyway.
  10. Paul has to play the Race/Dong card. :fa:
  11. I lived in a tailer for years off and on. I said nothing about that. I said that you have the following: - Alot of connections with very shady dealings - Poor communication skills - The incorrect belief that the things you say mean to others what you think they do I can promise you that you don't need to bother making threads to save your reputation. They only serve as a soap box for an unprepared argument and reiteration of the same poor excuses and confusing explanations you have given before. Ignorance, by definition, is not knowing any better. I'm trying to tell you this: ROY SHOULD BE BETTER Avoid shady dealings, intentional or not, and people will eventually stop connecting you with that behavior.
  12. Maybe I missed it in the first post or you'd rather not say, but how bad is your credit? I think you're on the right track by immediately reducing your debt/income ratio. I know they have cut back the predatory lenders giving EVERYONE a loan but it seems like unless your credit is in the toilet you can get a good rate still if the rest of the equation is in order, mainly the debt to income ratio. This is likely the hardest thing for irresponsible people that are only focused on toys rather than the big picture and I hope it shows to lenders. Actually "building" a better credit score will take alot of time, but reorganizing and prioritizing is relatively quick.
  13. That actually IS a riveting tale, so fuck you for misusing it it. On topic, sounds like your contractor isn't much of a salesman. What else isn't he good at? If you don't know who Mike Holmes is, look up his tips on selecting a contractor. Don't let a good price up front fuck you in the end after missed deadlines and requests for more money.
  14. I think you mean 94-95 and I agree. You can mod it to your desired horsepower for like a dollar with used parts. Even new stuff is cheap, though there are a small amount of things different on the 94/95 that require different parts than a fox. Very minor stuff. 1996 is the first year of the 4.6L. It was a little weak for a while. I wouldn't drive a pre-99 convertible daily. Slow.
  15. To be clear, for me it has nothing to do with the looming 2012 scare. It's just the way I am. The Boy Scouts have preached "always be prepared" for like a hundred years. Those motherfuckers don't try and sell me some bullshit cookies and I know all of them carry a knife and can hang my ass from a properly tied noose if needed.
  16. I wouldn't say I'm a prepper exactly, but I think it's ignorant not so be prepared for long term power outages or similar shit, including defending your shit from the unprepared people in this thread...:gabe: Also, totally agreed with Joe. I have enough to get through the little inconveniences for a few weeks but I do have a rough plan for when that runs out. It doesn't include waiting here with insane stockpiles of beans for some assholes to come and take my shit.
  17. Muddy something up in incomprehensible ghetto speak and you're off the hook. WT Lawyerin' 101
  18. Doc has been watching Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
  19. This suits the "daughter's boyfriend" role perfectly.
  20. Until their attorney uses the "$300,000 murder-gun" defense. :dumb:
  21. Everyone should have an 870. If you get bored with that, M4 all the way.
  22. Reading comprehension won't get you smokes or Faygo, man. ...realizing I'm probably on the hit list now. Oh Noes.
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