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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. That's hilarious. I know that guy. Can't actually be him. EDIT: He has some teenage kids I think. Maybe one of them?
  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this. Now it's stuck in my head. Fuckin' Paula Cole :no:
  3. So you're saying you were granny-shifting and not double-clutching like you should? Mine only makes 300-ish. Wut? :gabe:
  4. I hear you can move any number of bees with a Kohl's box. I have one in my basement if you need it. Proof below. :gabe: http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/IMG_3952.jpg
  5. Interesting. Looks like either of these cards would do the job well. I'm picking up the 7900GT card tonight. Thanks everyone for the freebies and input. :fuckyeah:
  6. Likely trading problems for different problems IMHO. Do not want.
  7. Legacy GT and a second job. Problem solved. :gabe:
  8. Vances usually has some decent used 22s in that range from time to time also (same ownership as Buckeye but possibly closer to you).
  9. Damn, for the low price of free I'm intrigued, though it appears to be "only" a 256MB card too. Definitely seems worth trying out. I think maybe I'm being a memory snob. It seems to get good reviews for "workstation use" despite its 256MB memory. Do you think it would be a noticeable upgrade from 256 MB onboard video? I have had some decent video cards in the past but really haven't looked at them in 8+ years. In my day a 128MB card was decent sized. I'd be using it mainly for picture editing in Photoshop (large res) and maybe some minor video work. Either way I think we have a a winner here. Free certainly fits the budget (even with a whole $6 spent on an adapter).
  10. Thanks but I'm really leaning toward the cheap eBay special ($15 shipped) I linked. That seems really hard to beat for the price and it has a VGA plug.
  11. I went with 35% also after much debate (I had a thread on it too). I went with QWT and they did a great job. I think it looks great and it sure as hell makes a marked improvement in heat rejection. I have no issues with it at night either. I haven't been bothered about legality, but it's on a Jeep Cherokee Spec-B not a BRZ, so I'd be surprised if anyone even noticed. :gabe:
  12. Unfortunately this is about a 2 year old build that I sorta cheaped out on because it wasn't for work. I just upgraded from 2 to 4GB of RAM and I am probably going to go ahead and make the transition to Windows 7 x64 while I'm at it. The processor is a decent AMD Dual Core (2.8Ghz) but the board has a very basic NVIDIA Geforce 7025 onboard video. I'm trying to balance keeping it cheap but still worthwhile. The card you linked pushes my budget a little... :gabe: If no one has a screaming deal, I'm considering either this used one on eBay... http://www.ebay.com/itm/PCI-Express-PCI-E-X16-HP-RADEON-RV6350-PRO-512Mb-VIDEO-CARD-5189-3945-/230806253534?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item35bd1fefde or maybe I'll pony up a little more ($25 after rebate) for this: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6892313&pagenumber=2&RSort=1&csid=ITD&recordsPerPage=5&body=REVIEWS#CustomerReviewsBlock
  13. Looking for a cheap card to upgrade from on-board video. Preferably with a VGA connector. Microcenter has a refurb for a great price ($13) but it's only a 256MB. :dumb: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0388316 512MB+ would be nice because I may be getting into some large Photoshop projects and such soon. When I built this machine a while back I had no intentions of using it for work but it is now my "business" machine. The 256MB card is still probably better than onboard though.
  14. I like it, but that surprises no one... I propose a Fox Body Pride Parade this summer.
  15. My father in law broke the shit out of his today. They are a million dollars on eBay. Anyone have one for a reasonable price?
  16. Did you guys get all of these animated GIFs from hugefuckingfilesize.com. Android device no likey.
  17. I tried a few of these sites back in my single days and met a couple of nice girls but everyone misrepresented themselves and their personality at least a little. I don't think I did but maybe that's just instinctual to some extent and we just don't realize we're doing it. I'm kind of socially retarded, so even though I communicate okay online I lock up in social settings unless I'm with a group of people I know well. That probably made some of the online dates a little more awkward than they should have been also. I was more suited to double-dates with friends and such. I eventually met my wife through a good friend of mine (they used to work together) at a cookout he was having. Most of these sites are geared toward a serious relationship or hookups. It sounds like you're not looking for either, so I agree with others that have said just getting with a group of like-minded individuals and hanging out is probably the best approach to keeping busy and getting out of the house. This way no one is looking to hook up or date necessarily, just out having fun.
  18. That's the problem with ignorant fucks like that dude though. They couldn't possibly be in the wrong so it must be that everyone else is against them. Then they have to keep escalating their trashy behavior so that everyone sees how "hard" they are. They'll just keep coming around and escalating shit until someone gets hurt or goes to jail, especially now that you as a group "wronged them" (in their minds anyway). There are likely to be more of this guys "boys" with him next time and it's clear fighting isn't their strong suit but any lowlife with a hi-point can shoot.
  19. WT fo sho'. Starting fights and spouting the n word constantly and no identity of their own. Typical. :dumb: What they need is a fucking role model.
  20. Repeated since no one actually reads my posts. :fa:
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