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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. +1 for Paradigm. I love mine. I agree on the Atoms being a little light for the midrange, but have a listen to them, they may surprise you. I originally intended to go with Atoms all the way around but after auditioning them I decided to to fill in the midrange a bit (as Jesse suggested above) by going with the Titans, which have a larger driver. For their size the Titans are pretty impressive and that's a great center channel. I also considered dipoles for the rear, but my living room at both places has been a little small to warrant those and made mounting a little tricky. My setup is 4 Paradigm Titans, Paradigm CC-270 Center? (Edit, I had to go check the model) and Martin Logan Abyss Sub. I'm powering it all by a lowly Onkyo receiver and I love it. Someday I may ante up the cash for a proper amp, but so far I've seen no reason to upgrade.
  2. If I was him I'd be flattered. Clearly you must be lusting after him since every post makes you think of him. :fa:
  3. Makes it sound like a bigger hassle that I took away from it, but where's the proof he's not ripping them off and they just have to take it because he's willing to be a "squeaky wheel". Sounds fishy to me, and most of what sets off my BS radar is his big fucking play for more than he paid for. There are people this shameless. Lots of them. I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here, I know, but I've seen this kind of shit go down.
  4. So, you're willing to sue a company over an apparent mistake because shit happened that caused you to have to drive around, thereby entitling you to select whatever compensation YOU feel appropriate? I have been fucked many a time, but that sounds crazy to me.
  5. Also disagree. It's not like BB tried to fuck him. People that get all white trash and shoot for the moon over shit like this should get nothing for being shady. Do you need a fucking iPad to live? It's a fucking toy. Otherwise, them helping him out and getting what he should have received is their job, yes.
  6. Had one of those growing up. Sounded like a turbine but it worked awesome.
  7. Needs more cam and I think one of your headlights is busted out. J/K. Awesome setup.
  8. Usually they would say somewhere on the perimeter of the lens. If LCD displays disappear when you look at them at an angle they are likely polarized. Seems like alot of the early Okaleys were not polarized, so they probably aren't. Unfortunately I need polarized lenses because I get migraines and reducing glare helps ward them off. Also, Aliens. Thanks anyway though. GLWS.
  9. Are the metal framed ones polarized?
  10. This bike is sold. Sorry, forgot I listed it here.
  11. Buckeye is correct, the JEGS thermactor plugs are the same as what comes in the box with Edelbrock heads from the factory. the rest of the holes are blind.
  12. I believe there's more to it unless the laws have changed lately. I'm pretty sure t's limited to 4 years difference in age, meaning at 20 a 16 y/o is okay but at 21 it isn't. Just saying...:masturboy:
  13. My bad. Posting from my TV while watching Kitchen Nighmares. :fuuuu:
  14. Almost 14 here. I never realized you were that Erik Patterson.
  15. I know you worked retail for a while. That's why I thought it was funny.
  16. This. I realize OP was completely joking, but I'm still amazed people actually do shit like that. It's 2012, not 1945.
  17. So, once it's fixed can I borrow it? :gabe:
  18. If its cut fairly low you can get some stump remover from Ace or whatever hardware store. Drill 4-6 holes, dump the stuff in and in about 6 weeks it's all fibrous and you burn it to ground level. The grinding I had done on my big tree caused so much mulch to be deposited in my lawn that it holds too much moisture and causes fungus to grow rampant.
  19. Bitch. Says the guy with an 8 pound Maltese in his house.
  20. I keep hearing the term "Restoration" used when referring to Fox Mustangs... Makes me cringe, though I realize it was only a matter of time.
  21. Shit, I just sold ours at the yard sale we had a few weeks ago. It was for our dog though, so if you have a man's dog, unlike ours, it was probably too small anyway. :yuno:Y U MALTESE???
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