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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. This is usually correct, but it has never been enough in my case to justify driving to Dayton. I haven't flown that far away before though. Furthest I have flown is Vegas. YMMV
  2. Yeah, he has a shop over near Reynoldsburg (off Taylor Station). Linky
  3. True story... shelves overflowing with 5.0 and 4.6 stuff. That reminds me, I spotted some 140mph dash clusters the last time I was there. I need to get one of those.
  4. It's definitely why I'm fat, if nothing else. After all, it couldn't be related to my love of cake and large quantities of malt liquor. Also, there's my hatred for moving under my own power... It's not our fault.
  5. "The Mustang is a solitary hunter..." Or maybe it's the fire truck... http://images.wikia.com/familyguy/images/3/3c/VlcsnaFiretruck.png :gabe: "The ambulances will have to wait their turn."
  6. I don't have a need for the bees, but I have a Kohl's box if anyone needs it.
  7. Current build in progress at IPS This abortion was split from a build thread in their section.
  8. Southwest? always decent prices, especially if you book way ahead (not applicable here).
  9. I have an JEGS "Red Hot" coil you can have for free if you feel like making the trek to Delaware.
  10. Agreed True, but that's really the state of the entire internet as far as I can tell. People love drama and it grows really easily in today's super-connected and semi-anonymous lifestyles on the interwebs. If people suddenly weren't acting out some drama online they might be forced to go outside or something. :dumb:
  11. I realize you're probably looking for a deal on a used one, but this is the first thing that came to mind when i read your post. They are great for mounting on columns and will work with nearly anything with a standard single-coil ignition. Not a bad deal at $40 either. http://www.jegs.com/p/Sunpro/Sunpro-Super-Tach-II-Mini-Super-Tach-II/750813/10002/-1 http://www.jegs.com/images/photos/885CP7901.jpg
  12. Foose built a car with some of first floaters I had ever seen. I thought it was really cool but it was understated and fit the car.
  13. ITT Tim releases the shit out of some rodents then drowns Somalians in a trash can. :gabe:
  14. New subcategory under Future Rides: Future Victories. There's already 1 kill to write about.
  15. OP's behavior: Fucking shameful. Hopefully this guy doesn't stir up bad PR for IPS. Clearly he's infinitely more intelligent than I am, so I probably just don't understand his posts. Surely he's not an ignorant cockbag to this degree. Maybe we're being trolled.
  16. This, except file a report now before shit gets real. You may have to forthcoming with the burnout part of the story but better to be 100% truthful to the police. Who knows, as someone else mentioned, alot of people start thinking straight when the cops actually show up. Worst case you have something on file if you have to plant one in a motherfucka. Maybe this is his hillbilly version of talking to people like Old Greg and he thinks he's trolling you.
  17. This guy and I agree. A rarity. :gabe: Also, if someone is giving you shit for no reason you could always talk to them like you're Old Greg. I'll bet they leave you the fuck alone from then on out - no burnouts/gunfire/conflict needed. I find that offering to share Bailey's from a shoe tends to alleviate any anger they may be feeling.
  18. Broken. You have to only use the unique ID (In this case kKO9h-gG4Qg)
  20. If you're referring to the use of the word "thug" in my post, it's only because of the video I posted.
  21. I think you don't realize your posts are probably causing people to form the opposite impression of what you intend. Not that you care what others think of you, as you have stated sixteen times in this thread already.
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