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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. It's probably semi-gay that I know who both of them are, but way less gay if it was just Bob Ross. Any guy with the balls to put a giant fucking tree right in the middle of every painting is better than G-rated Kirk Cameron. They say his devout bible-thumping ruined Growing Pains. Also, how many times has Kirk Cameron been on tv with a baby squirrel in his pocket? None. Because fuck Kirk Cameron, that's why.
  2. That's actually a big part of why I think an 01 might be a better choice for me. Significantly less potential might keep me actually driving it instead of modding it until I hate it.
  3. If you can get the right deal on an 01, I don't see anything wrong with it as a simple cruiser. The IRS helps the car handle more predictably and it stops better than the typical GT. IRS cars ride a lot better, even with sportier springs and shocks. I had an 01 IRS swap in my 99 GT and I'd do it again in a hartbeat. I have actually considered an 01 Cobra (hard top) as a DD at times. That being said, if you're only talking a few grand difference I'd probably go with the 03+ for resale value if nothing else.
  4. JEGS in Delaware, OH. It's always neat when Ford Racing or Roush reps visit.
  5. I have a whole stack of bricks I have been trying to give away if you don't find a slim jim. :gabe:
  6. Agreed. I was dead set on a turbo swap on my car but ended up being perfectly content with the blower.
  7. This. I bought one for my uncle a few months ago and it has been working well. It doesn't have quite the range of my Dlink but is more than adequate. Their setup is actually super-simple too. He had no trouble setting up security or anything and he's an extreme novice.
  8. The genius remark was sarcasm. For those that don't get it, if you're ordering 2 pizzas anyway - why not get one whole cheese only and one pepperoni? :dumb: If a train leaves Boston...
  9. My wife saw it on her way to work this morning. She said it looked pretty bad from what she could see but didn't see a body or anything. Hopefully it's not as bad as it looked.
  10. Agreed with XD9, though I'm slanted toward the Kahr CW9. The CW9 is even easier to carry and very well made, especially for the price.
  11. I'm not much of a gamer these days, but that is probably the most bad ass mod I have ever seen.
  12. Exactly. To ignorant fucks everything is someone else's responsibility. So when shit goes wrong that they didn't plan for (and should have), it's not their fault but someone else's.
  13. I never saw that one, but yeah, that's some shitty shit.
  14. Who the fuck is Jordan Whalen? Y U POST SEMI-INFLAMATORY SHIT WITH NO CLIFFS???
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