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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Agreed with all of the above. Are we related?
  2. He's right though. If it comes to that, a CC dispute almost always ends in the buyers favor. Even if there's massive evidence that the buyer is a scamming faggot.
  3. Yeah, gift probably fucked you. I have been in this position myself though. Push PayPal. Don't make threats, but escalate until you get what you need. Point out his trader rating, but in an ignorant "I didn't realize until after". Play dumb, but play hardball. The most ignorant beings on this planet rob large companies in the WRONG every day. I thInk it's fair to act the part when you're actually entitled to help, even if they are of the opinion that you can get fucked.
  4. Holy balls. Good price. Not in the market currently, but GLWS.
  5. Yeah, that's typical CL people. That's why I hate listing there but there's no denying it works. You just have to weed through all the dirt-heads.
  6. Damn, it sounds like this is right up my alley. I've got some "big fish" on the line right now though, so I'm gonna hold off. :fa:
  7. I actually really like alot of their stuff. It's good music to work to. I find it hard to focus while rocking out. Looked at the pice of remaining tickets just out of curiosity. Too rich for my blood ($120/each).
  8. Bump. It has only been on CL 2 days and I've already been offered every trade imaginable. Do not want.
  9. That's all I remember about drag racing. I spent an awful lot of time stopped or going slow for a "fast" sport.
  10. Drag racing is typically a much higher Wait Time:Racing Time ratio than that even.
  11. That sucks. Since I'm not a fish guy, I have never heard of such shenannigans before. This place is under new ownership, so it's likely a gimmick to pull in new diners. Not sure if they'd risk supplying faux-walleye, but maybe. I'd try it out since I can literally walk there, but I wouldn't be able to tell a walleye from a catfish myself.
  12. I'm with you on the idea you could hose it down with that engine degreaser foam and let it sit overnight. That stuff usually works pretty well on anything greasy.
  13. I have no idea what the quality of this walleye is, as one fish is too many fish for me. Not a fan, personally. Call them. I can't imagine they're allowed to lie to you about what fish they are serving. It has been my experience that most "out of the way" places employ fucking idiots, so they likely think the walleye is a ride at Disneyland. I'm about to go home, I'll look as I drive by to verify it still says all you can eat. I can say for sure it did a few days ago. Edit: Here's your sign http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/78668d53.jpg
  14. The north end of Delaware. Literally just past the fairgrounds entrance on 23. Might be wise to call them in case it's only certain hours or something.
  15. If anyone wants to try this all you can eat thing out, it's Thursday and Friday.
  16. +1 for wedding gift crew. I sold ours at the yard sale we had a coupe of months ago.
  17. I was soooooo close to buying one of those at auction about 8 years ago. I talked myself out of it and got my Bronco instead. The bronco was cool too but I always regretted not getting the military truck. It still had blackout lights and everything.
  18. So, I assume this is the full-tilt big blower option? I think I read they were going to do 2 or 3 versions for different calsses.
  19. The 23 Delaware Diner does an all-you-can-eat walleye night. Not sure which day. I don't typically like fish, but I have seen it on their sign. No idea if it's any good, especially given that it's an all you can eat type of thing. I used to think their chili was the best around though. I say "used to" because they have changed ownership and I hear the recipe has changed. Either way, you didn't specifically say GOOD walleye. :gabe:
  20. Please god, let it be "Bitch, please!!!" :dumb:
  21. All of these posts and no one has posted "look at that hairdresser go!" or some such nonsense??? :gabe: Seriously, looks like a blast. I always wanted to get out on track with my '99 GT but never made it because I only almost finish projects. Congratulations on actually taking the plunge.
  22. This thread needs more Unimog. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_CUIRW0F15Q0/SP9dX_O0MWI/AAAAAAAAAjE/sJxwX_UTs3c/s400/Doka_Unimog_2.jpg
  23. I beleive they are still a 5.7 but With slightly better heads, intake, larger cam than LS1
  24. I was on the fence (as always) but D.B. Coupe'r isn't really fond of rain-soaked roads, or at least I'm not. Otherwise, I could really use some buttery delicious chicken parts to drown my sorrows. That and I'm supposed to be doing "work". :fa:
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