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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. JEGS is usually still hiring Customer Service people around this time of year.
  2. Great. So if I want to use my upgrade I get to carry around a 24" long fucking metal detector with a gay plug adapter hanging off of it.
  3. INB4 "Gotta go, I have shit to do." http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j297/roadblock50/yeeaaaahh.jpg
  4. I'm pretty sure he means the newer Ecoboost ones.
  5. What's the approximate cost of a radio controlled helicopter conversion? Sucks about the pissing but I totally understand. I really like cats and grew up with them but they can be finicky little assholes sometimes. Given that i dont care for litter boxes and they don't speak English well enough to tell me what's up, I decided not to have one in my home.
  6. Alcohol powered front engine dragsters were super dangerous (still are to some degree). That suit looks retarded by today's standards, but it was pimp shit then.
  7. I'm not sure about the new phones. I'm not convinced I need a 42" LCD tv in my pocket, even though the media says I do.
  8. When I'm about to work out I toss back a 24oz. can of my favorite malt liquor. Then I don't care as much that I'm an out of shape lazy bitch. :fa: Seriously though, I'm really thinking about grabbing a cheap bike off craigslist and get my ass on it before it gets cold outside. I really hate the idea of cycling on the road though. Do all of you just ride the roads? Maybe there are there some good bike trails near me (Delaware), but the only one I'm aware of is down near MicroCenter. There's a super-lame one at a park nearby, but f that.
  9. Did you lube the caliper slider pins when you changed the pads?
  10. If he's using aftermarket wheels with a shanked lugnut, you only need to swap to the larger i.d. lugnut. If it's a stock wheel, yes, it will probably need enlarged holes.
  11. Some people do reuse it for consistency or to save some cash. I'm too lazy for that shit. I can pick up a bottle one of favorites right here in town and they have been very consistent.
  12. No. I usually use a liquid yeast, new bottle each time. I pitch the old stuff.
  13. That's a good rule of thumb. I always do 4-6 weeks minimum in the primary fermenter, sometimes longer, but I'm typically making "bigger" beers in the 10% ABV or so range so they tend to take a longer time than lighter stuff anyway. I find that chilling the wort as quickly as possible produces the best clarity and prevents "chill haze". Something about cooling it fast helps precipitate out all of the cloudy junk. I also siphon from the primary to the bottling bucket (where it gets the priming sugar added) to leave as much sediment out as possible. You can probably drink them in as little as a few days after bottling, but more time tends to equal more character.
  14. The IRS and solid rears on these cars use the same diff. You just have to match up the spline count still. Though the original post reads like maybe he means a whole housing, not just the diff. Sam?
  15. I get what you're syaing, but if I were a shop tearing your gun apart I assume some risk of breaking shit I'm on the hook to replace. I'm not syaing it isn't higher than I expected too, just that I don't see it as unreasonable. I wouldn't call it hard to do, so if that's cost prohibitive and you're okay with tearing it down - maybe give it a go yourself then?
  16. I assume that's for complete teardown, reassembly and all? If so, doesn't sound that crazy to me.
  17. Wow. Not only is the car a giant pile of fail, their marketing is gayer than a bag of dicks.
  18. I should also have mentioned that before you transfer from your primary fermenter into the bottles, you'll need to add a small amount of priming sugar to kickstart the yeast again. That's where your carbonation will come from. You can also get some priming tablets that go directly into each bottle, but it's easier just to mix the right amount into the whole batch before bottling.
  19. I do, and yes you can carbonate in growlers as long as they're in good condition and maintain a good seal. You can get new gaskets from brewing suppy stores if needed.
  20. Another vote for Duracoat here. Good stuff and super easy.
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