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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. More than likely I'd walk on. :fuckyeah: It's hard to say until it happens though.
  2. Amateurs. If I wasn't driving burgundy tinted feces I would have partied down. :fa:
  3. I was joking. It's nice of you to loan out something like that, even for a fee.
  4. Maybe he yelled "good game" while he did it. Makes it okay.
  5. My new business plan: 1. Buy Eastwood fender roller 2. Rent it out 3. ????? 4. Profit.
  6. I'd try it in the DD if I could run 5W30, but none of my cars take oil that thin. Still not sure I'd try this hippie shit in a performance engine though.
  7. Every time someone posts "HD" as a destination it makes me hungry for delicious Hound Dog's Pizza... Though I realize it's just Home Depot. Not delicious. :fa:
  8. I definitely don't see it as a kids movie. It wasn't as funny as I assumed it would be, much darker, but I thought it was okay. If you used to watch old westerns it's probably funnier because they play out every cliche.
  9. Yeah, it's alot like an animated Leaving Las Vegas. It's PGd up for kids but the plot is mainly adult oriented. Ms. Beans LOL
  10. The wife and I will be there. Most likely rolling the Burgundy Blunder. Looks like it might be pretty chilly though and I have no heat. :fa:
  11. Kohls. Bees inside. I'm a marketing master. Street!
  12. This. Also, as much as I'm not a spiritual guy... I have seen these things drag out forever only to come at what is apparently just the right time. I hear patience is a virtue, but persistence is man's invention. :gabe:
  13. Heights. Badly. I can climb a ladder to a second story, but when I go to step off the ladder its vertigo like a motherfucker. Flying is a related problem, but it's only partially from the height. I think the rest is the utter lack of control I have as a passenger. My first flight was very bad and I can tell you for certain that as much as you pull on the tray table and the lady in front of you's hair, it does not control the plane. Needles would be number 2. IV stuff mainly. Shots in the muscle don't really weird me out as much as anything IV.
  14. She's still a retarded attention whore trying suck the money from society's collective dick. No thanks. In the morning without her makeup she's a beat lot-lizard that's above average looking but no trophy if she wasn't rich and famous. Don't forget that if she wasn't rich she'd just be big-assed Jenny from the block. That said, would smash for bragging rights maybe. Would also tell her to hit the fucking bricks if she's as dumb as she seems on tv.
  15. Sick burn. ...though mostly correct at present state of tune. Sadface.gif
  16. WUT? Fbody Lol Audi Lol Mustang Lol Happiness Lol
  17. I run 295s on an 8.5" wheel. For drag use it's fairly common though not ideal. When your tread width is over the rim width by that much you have to walk a fine line with tire pressures to get an even contact patch. The old timey drag racer trick for that is to do short burnouts and adjust tire pressure based on how the marks look. Once you get it to be consistent the entire width of the tread you're there.
  18. I hadn't heard. Apparently we need to start burning those flies. :megusta:
  19. Yeah, apparently it's some big mystery as to why they are dwindling in numbers and it could have major ecological consequences if they die off completely. Some scientists are saying it's more than "Where's my f-ing honey", more like "Why are there no more plants?". Personally I say f bees but I guess as long as they keep playing their part in pollination they can live. http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy180/adkc/Gladiator.gif
  20. http://m.baseballrampage.com/p/productphotos/1668_display.jpg Seriously though, I used the Eastwood roller and it really does a great job. The person I borrowed it from no longer has it, so can't help there.
  21. I'm not a bee expert, but I'm told they can fucking fly. :gabe:
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