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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Seriously though. Tentatively in for this one. Haven't seen Adam in a minute.
  2. I'll go if we can all get hammered and go to a christian rock concert for teens... ...again. :gabe: Trolled by Adam
  3. Shit, must have dropped it when I went out for lunch. Had my skinny jeans on and the pockets are a little cramped. I'll go pick it up ASAP.
  4. Agreed that it ruins the point of the car and that it's a huge waste of money. Do not want.
  5. If you seriously want one, I have a similar TV I'd sell for that too. OP, sorry to hijack. :gabe:
  6. That would have been nice. People were ringing my doorbell an hour before it began. :no: Whatever doesn't sell will probably get donated, so come on by and load up. It's mostly creepy porcelain dolls and decoration stuff now. The good stuff is long gone.
  7. Not in the yard sale technically but I do have the following: Aluminum radiator Stock radiator MAF for 24lb injectors Ford Racing 65mm throttle body (supposedly, seems small) EGR valve 2 adjustable fuel pressure regulators Stock hood in good condition. Stock coil
  8. Just fill out 176 million of the little bubble cards. Better bring a truckload of #2 pencils though...
  9. I'm out. Turns out I'm having a surprise yard sale this weekend. :dumb:
  10. Since my cowl hood looks a bit janky I was planning to put this back on, but I decided I'm too lazy so it's now for sale. It's in good shape and is complete with bolts but no latch or blanket. Was $50 Firm Now On Sale for $35!!!!1one11! Shitty pic is shitty, but you get the idea. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/StockHood.jpg?t=1333119877
  11. The silly thing is that one round in the gun probably sounds so much better to a jury than a 30 round mag. I'm tempted to question his logic with making a semi auto carbine into a single shot, but this story would indicate that maybe he's smarter than me.
  12. This. I use harsh language AND SKS! :fuckyeah:
  13. Just click on "Go Advanced". There's a YoutTube embed button at the top.
  14. Same here. Way behind on work this week but I may bring my busted Fox out if I get caught up.
  15. I occasionally enjoy some ICP... :fa: No Hondas or Rimz, yo. :dumb:
  16. I walked on the MO class on my second attempt. It's easy to schedule an appointment for whenever but try to walk on when you have the time free. Both times i went there were open slots. Just show up about 15 minutes early and tell them you're there to try to get a walk-in slot. It used to be first come first served but now they do a drawing to keep dirt-heads from crying as much.
  17. While I agree that these cars are slow when they are dead stock, I'd agree that it sounds like something is wrong. Based on your description anyway. A friend of mine had a stock auto Fox and it was pretty torquey in the low to mid range, it just sucked past 4500 rpm. Check/adjust timing (someone already suggested) Most of all you could have an improperly adjusted or bad TPS. You can check the voltage sweep while you open the throttle with an analog voltmeter to see if there is a "dead" spot. They can wear out and get "noisy" just like old radios that hiss when you turn the volume knob. If that's the issue you'll see the needle on the meter jump around in a certain spot instead of moving in sync with the throttle opening. Dirty MAF? Clean it up... http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjgwOTg5Mzc1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTYwOTc1NA@@._V1._SX200_SY175_.jpg
  18. http://cdn.gunaxin.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/vinnie_jones.jpg :gabe:
  19. Written Rock or some such shit? Went there in high school and only got spooked by the locals that crept around like velociraptors with mullets in the night. I swear I saw a dude with a LARGE animal on a spit over a fire in front of his trailer at ~2am. People are scary.
  20. BloodRed I thought the same. Count me out. Tiny balls. Minuscule.
  21. Hadn't heard of it until now. Now I have a real contender in lieu of a FF Cobra. I already have a fox donor but DO WANT ~$15k Atom.
  22. Yeah, I think they have a footnote that recommends the base engine make 900+. :no:
  23. Good deal for the price. GLWS However, I must say I'm kinda surprised you're not saving them to blow up or something epic.
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