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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. I'm having a hard time finding a decent shape fox in the $4500 range. I know they are getting rarer as time goes on, but there has to be something out there worth having around this price. So, has anyone here seen any decent deals on foxes lately? Craigslist is full of junk or shitty ads by shitty communicators as usual. I'd like something that runs well and needs no work. Decent interior and 5-speed a must. Rebuilt or low mile engine would be a bonus, as would upgraded driveline (trans, rear, etc) and fuel system components. No real preference b/w bodystyles (GT,LX, Coupe) though I'd prefer to stick with mass air cars and forged pistons (1989-92). As you might guess I intend to eventually go turbo. :fuckyeah:
  2. http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/GW8WiQ024cQbk9aNl6f_GA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD00MzA7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2011/09/16/CATERS-NEWS-ALBINOSEAL3_163758.jpg
  3. I was thinking the same. Maybe they are P heads and normal headers? The P specific headers make a little more room for the goofy spark plug angle. If you don't have proper clearance, just make sure the boot touching the header directly. Maybe try an insulator boot.
  4. EFI adds a little complexity and cost, but IMO is always worth it. Also, as Ice mentioned, it adds alot of flexibility to the mix if you want to change up power adders. Honestly you can probably find a happy medium for ring gap that will work for N2O or boost at the ~500hp power level. Agreed on the E or F cam being good choices on the cheap. I really like the Comp XE series but any good cam that maintains a fairly wide lobe separation would work well with power adders such as N2O and boost. Also, be realistic and firm about your goals before you begin. If (when?) you get bored with ~500hp and decide to go beyond that you're in dangerous territory on a stock block, so you'd be building a second engine if you wanted to do it right. That's where a better block, specific ring gaps, etc. really come into play. Not sticking to the plan is expensive... ask me how I know... :fa:
  5. I detect two-way trolling in this thread. :gabe: Congratulations all, we have just witnessed the double-dong of trolling...:dumb:
  6. That's the main reason I think posted (no-carry) banks are missing the point. If the criminals are smart (okay, they likely aren't) they'll go for the ones where no one's allowed to carry. Less risk.
  7. I was assuming Mustang GTS. No? Come to think of it, there are alot of cars with the GTS moniker these days.
  8. What kind of faggot hits another man's car intentionally? I thought vandalism was for high school kids and country singers. Sucks man.
  9. Exactly. Never made sense to me, but that's ignorance at work. Guns are scary. :gabe:
  10. It is retarded, but I have seen several non-roller swaps. I believe they were mostly or all carbed, so you could be right... Still, point is these cars can be pretty bastardized. I don't assume anything anymore. :fa:
  11. In the beginning there were quite a few places I went daily that were posted. Now that some of the panic has died down alot of them have come around to the reality that the people you should be worried about are going to be carrying anyway, regardless of your fucking sign. There are only a couple of places I go that I can't carry now. OFCC has some cards they have had their members handing out for years now that basically say this is your last time in their business because they're denying you the right to carry. That may have helped things along. I'm sure they still have them though. I think it's a good idea to let the owners/management of an establishment know why you won't be returning, though they may look at you like a gun-toting-redneck instead of taking you seriously
  12. Hah. Saw the Craigslist ad before and thought the same. Seriously though, OP, do you know what year the new engine is or was it actually just a new block with the stock rotating assembly? Mainly I'm looking to verify it's still a roller cam engine and if it has forged pistons or not (the 93 engine did not). Manual trans I presume? I can call him, I just don't want to waste his time if you know since I think I want something in a bit better shape - but for the price I'm still mildly interested.
  13. It was in the Delaware car show last month. There was a guy on the West side a few years back that did that to a 4th gen body (early model, ~93ish). I don't get it, but to each their own I guess.
  14. Point I was making is this is just another dumb-shit screaming "look at me and how I was so wronged. Where's my compensation?" People like that, fat or skinny, are alot of what I think is wrong with us. I'm not skinny and I was pretty fat back in the day. It has never even gotten in my head that the world should be making adjustments to accommodate me. If I'm not comfortable somewhere I stop going there; not sue them. It's clear to me the guy is playing it for all it's worth. Especially some of the comments he's making - trying to make it sound like he's so deeply offended and they have violated his civil rights. That's some whiny shit.
  15. Seriously? http://www.fox8.com/news/nationworld/kiah-online-dish-fat-man-sues-white-castle-story,0,5983713.story?track=rss ""I just want to sit down like a normal person," said Kessman, who is suing for bigger chairs and unspecified damages. He's filed a lawsuit saying the chain's uncomfortable booths violate the civil rights of all fat people." Then stop being fucking fat. How is this anyone else's fault? Fat-sized booths are part of Civil Rights? :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu:
  16. "Tagua"? :dumb: I can't help but assume that's Spanish, but what does it mean? "Twater"?
  17. Yeah. I make so much money that in winter I burn piles of $5 bills to keep my $100 bills from freezing. :fuckyeah: ...actually, I'm perpetually broke. :fa:
  18. As a high volume seller, I concur that everything slants toward the buyer, even when they're obviously shady fucks. I have lost countless CC reversals because they don't give a shit. If they lose money, you can bet you will too. For any hope of their so called "buyer Protection" you better have tracking and be shipping to their registered address or you're SOL right out of the gate. Also, if it's over $200 you're much more likely to lose. As for feedback, he's right that the seller can no longer leave negative feedback for a buyer at all. The only "negative" thing you can do as a seller is file non-paying bidder claim if they don't pay, which if they rule in your favor (good luck) will leave a negative strike against the buyer (-1 feedback). It's utter bullshit. If I weren't obligated to, I would have nothing to do with eBay. It's not worth the headaches as a seller and it's full of people who are either terrible communicators or outright shady. :fuuuu:
  19. Eric, I hate you for letting me know about the trade-ins. Since it's your fault, I'll add last nights acquisition onto your thread. We actually ended up talking to Mike also. Once I mentioned that we were looking to upgrade the Wife's carry gun he mentioned the LC9 right away, but she had already handled one and declared it "too light" (I think she's still a little recoil sensitive). There were 2 cops shopping for off-duty/backups and they both bought LC9s. Anyway, I have always liked the 3rd gen S&W autos, so I had her try out one of the 5906 trade-ins ($299 Bishes!). It was just big enough that I could tell it felt awkward to her but she liked grip and the controls. They also have a bunch of 6906s, which are basically a 5906 with a half inch chopped off the ends, bobbed hammer and a 12rd mag. It seems to be a perfect fit and they happened to have a couple of really nice ones left. The 6906s weren't advertied as being on sale (labeled $419) but they were willing to deal, so we rolled out with this for $360+tax. I felt good about it at that price because it's in very good shape. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/6906.jpg?t=1315568992 P.S. - They also have some .40 Sig (forget the model #) trade-ins for cheap (~$350 I think). Some of them were in very good shape. Some guy ahead of us bought one that looked new. When they got the box for it the mags were still sealed in plastic, so it may have even been unissued. Super deal for anyone in the market, but hurry because they didn't have many nice ones left.
  20. Miles? Manual or Auto? I've been keeping any eye out for a Fox in decent shape lately... though I'm not sure I have enough saved up yet for this. Fuuuuuuu
  21. I saw this post last week after talking to Chris (Kickass) about his trip to the real Hofbrauhaus and said to the wife "Fuck it, let's go this weekend". We drove down on Saturday and had dinner there and it was a great time. It's a really neat atmosphere and they had live music and pretty good beer. It was neat to see the traditionally dressed band with traditional instruments break into "Don't stop believing" by Journey. The food was great also. I actually ate sauerkraut and I usually hate the stuff. We checked out Newport Aquarium also. It was pretty neat, but not my favorite. We also hung out at the mall and found it to be really similar to Polaris/Easton, but there was plenty to do. tl;dr - Newport is definitely worth considering if you haven't been, especially for the Hofbrauhaus (and maybe Montgomery Inn, though i don;t get the hype).
  22. Because Race Car. :lolguy: That is pretty bad-ass though.
  23. Agreed. It has been my experience that the IAC works or doesn't, not typically in between. I also sorta suspect something to do with EGR (bad or bypassed incorrectly). Could also be a bad vaccum leak.
  24. Mine is painted and seems to have held up fine for ~4 years at least. Too bad mine looks like ass, but that's just because the guy that owned the house painted it a color that doesn't match the rest of the house.
  25. Didn't see the free wood posts until I got back. Thanks for the offers. I didn't find ANY wood for sale along the way this time. I wound up setting up camp then venturing all the way back to some small town near Zanesville before I finally found a little country store selling wood (~30 mile round trip). I need to look up the specifics on Emerald Ash Borer firewood restrictions. It sure would be nice to source my own as I have in the past but I don't want to be part of the problem, nor would I enjoy paying fines if I was caught. There are no signs about it down there. I know there are signs posted all over the campgrounds up here though. Sometimes sourcing firewood right from the woods around the camping areas is not so bad but the pickings were pretty slim this time. The worst part is after buying $25 worth of wood, my dumb ass left the cooler out and we got raided by punk-ass raccoons. They took almost all of our food including beef, cheese, hot dogs, chocolate bars and the dog's bag of food with her toys/bone inside. I was so pissed I packed up the next evening and went home instead of shopping and coming back. I ended up giving most of my wood away. Fuck Raccoons.
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