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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. This happened about an hour ago. Harbor Freight FTW. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/CAM00395_zps6d581d90.jpg
  2. My son and I are a little rusty. Maybe Eli and his son can swing by and we can have a play date. :no:
  3. Might get more trading it in.
  4. PRJ made design, sells to Walmart, Walmart produces products in China.
  5. I used to work there when they first opened on Bethel in the mid 90's.
  6. Buck531

    Bath salts?

    http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/04/man-tries-to-cut-off-his-arms-at-california-home-depot/ :fuckyeah::lolguy:
  7. I'd like to grab some of the wood for my fire pit if/when you do cut them down.
  8. That's fucked up. I'd get someone else on here (Sam or Tilley? ) to go under cover with a hidden cam and record that shit. That would be golden. Edit. Sam goes in as the buyer, Tilley goes with him as his lawyer (suit and all, brief case, etc.) and then see what happens.
  9. If that actually happened, you should have had a cam on your shirt or tie or some shit to video tape all this failsauce and then post it on his facebook page.
  10. Ask them if they get paid unless you get paid. I'd then tell them Kevin Kurgis is my brother in-law or some shit.
  11. If you're not breaking shit, you're not fast enough .
  12. Where's the vid where Sam smacked his into a telephone pole a few years ago?
  13. Buck531

    Wing Stop

    Was back there Saturday. Ehhhhh.. Wings went from nice and meaty to basically gnawing on straight chicken bones. I think there was more skin than meat. Not sure what the deal is. Looks like there were a few other people that came in with the same issue. Hopefully that will change. I don't want to get charged $8 for 12 wings that are the size of my pinky.
  14. From my understanding there is factory tint there. Maybe like 1-2% but it's there. I remember a while ago if it's anything under 50% cops can be dicks. No really, I drive around drunk all day and don't want to be pulled over for tint. :gabe:
  15. Thanks to Kevin Clifford for some nice paint on my hood and both bumpers. Before. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/fuckinggeese2_zps6cca86bf.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/fuckinggeese1_zps6587c285.jpg After http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/03%20Regal%20GS/CAM00386_zps353868f8.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/03%20Regal%20GS/CAM00385_zps36d1bb5c.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/03%20Regal%20GS/CAM00389_zps29ea757a.jpg
  16. Wonder if I'd get pulled over with 50% in Gahanna... ?
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