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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I'm not sure whether you agree or disagree with me?
  2. Not sure if you did a google search for the VIN already, but just in case you didn't I found this. Not conclusive but could give you a place to start track down the history on the car. Post from June 2009 where the car was up on EBay, they seem to think it may be the pace car also. http://www.collectorfbody.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4503
  3. A majority of posters on this site do that on a regular basis.
  4. I don't know anything about this car, but anything that rare sounds pretty cool. Keep us updated with you research and post some pics up!
  5. Isn't that going to be pretty much everywhere?
  6. I just wanted to re-iterate this since they very easily made some brake lines for me that I thought were going to be very hard to get. :fuckyeah:
  7. Trouble Maker


    How much do you weigh, what yous BF% and what do you do for exercise? How much time do you waste on your computer/game system/online forums/tv (all in the realm of entertainment for the most part)?
  8. ...the worst 'insult' most of you mouth breathers can come up with is calling someone a fag? Why is that even an insult? Edit: Nice edit Jones.
  9. Cool, we were just trolling off of the back of my uncles boat on the way back from the Bahamas. He has a platform off of the back at water level with a few spots for poles. You can see outriggers for 2 poles in the panoramic picture, so you can easily run 4 poles at the same time. His boat only goes about 9-10knots so it can troll constantly, when in the right water. :gabe:
  10. Nice shots Tim! Did you go out on a charter specifically for sword-fish/game-fish?
  11. I think that's kind of the point. I'm not sure that he was talking about pics with cars, just pics in general. It's neat to see good/artistic before and after shots of projects like this.
  12. http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg71/scaled.php?server=71&filename=abacosmorancaypanoramicmc8.jpg&res=medium http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg515/scaled.php?server=515&filename=dscf1025cb3.jpg&res=medium :fuckyeah: BTW, if anyone can do a better job on that panaromic I'd be forever greatful. I just used some program that basically auto-stiched them. I should have all of the originals, not that those are high quality or raw. I'd love to do a print out of that and get a custom frame made but I'm not sure it would look that great in it's current state. It looks kind of washed out when you blow it up, especially in the middle where the sun is.. I don't want it to be huge as even 3" tall would be ~18" wide.
  13. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/6db778de.jpg
  14. +1 about super-upgrade, everyone HAS to play until you can buy it.
  15. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/252806_10150207868781932_504911931_7758858_7903434_n.jpg
  16. I found a picture of his IQ http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/entries/icons/original/000/004/949/trolldad.jpg?1296629358
  17. How late does it go? I can't get there until at least 6. How do we show that we are there in support of this project and not there against?
  18. Hopefully someone here will have one that works out for you, but I'd also check Craigslist... just in case you hadn't already thought of that. It's a common item on there. There is also this http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&f=79&page=1&pp=25&sort=lastpost&order=desc&daysprune=-1 He hasn't had any recent post, but his most recent one was a washer, so it might be worth a try.
  19. I'll just add that there are lots of places where you could theoretically safely pass in a double yellow line area if the person being passed is going slow, you know the area very well and you have a vehicle that's not slow as dog shit. Some double yellow line areas are very conservative (for a good reason). I'm NOT justifying what the bikes did, just saying that it's not always necessarily unsafe. It took that bike about .5 seconds to pass that truck. There aren't very many places on any road that you can't see that far ahead of the car in front of you.
  20. Nice! I've been super busy this summer so far so I haven't been able to make it out... maybe I made it once in the 'winter' months but I can't really remember. Hopefully things slow down here soon so I can come out soon.
  21. I've always wondered how a turboed one would sound. I agree, n/a ones sound like ass, especially if you open up the exhaust at all.
  22. Do the newer 2JZ engines have a newer FI architecture? Like the IS300?
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