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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Hmmm, I think this car is more reasonable priced. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/05/13/ebay-find-of-the-day-2002-cadillac-northstar-lmp02/
  2. Werd. Best Vodka at any price that I've had, and the price is reasonable. I always have a handle on hand.
  3. Tito The Builder? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_orkXxp0bhEA/SQu8JyA9ekI/AAAAAAAANfE/_9j3bt6dj2U/s400/081031-tito-builder.jpg
  4. Thug In Thug Out ?? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/39/Young_noble_and_hussein_fatal-thug_in_thug_out.jpg
  5. Josip Broz Tito? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Marsal_Tito.jpg/225px-Marsal_Tito.jpg
  6. Titos? http://www.greensbeverages.com/spirits/titos-o.jpg
  7. I'm not a 'wine drinker' and I like it. Seems like it should be good for non-wine drinkers i.e. sweet wine but not sweet from being too sugary, more from the fruit flavors. Easier to drink than drier wines.
  8. Damn, just looked those up new... that's an expensive bike for a HT with no gears. GL with the sale.
  9. I assume anything that is vegan is usually gluten free? Please note that I eat meat, so I've not had anything vegan from these places. North Star Cafe is really good, they have a few dishes that can be ordered 'meat and dairy free' http://www.thenorthstarcafe.com/ I think the Surly Girl Places often have veggie dishes. Try Surly Girl or Betty's. http://www.bettyscolumbus.com/ http://www.surlygirlsaloon.com/ I've heard good stuff about MaMa MiMi's (take and bake pizza), they do a gluten free option on Thursday's (just heard it on the radio). http://www.mamamimis.com/ Out of that list earlier, places I like. Shish Kebab, Ted's, The Refectory, Bone Fish, Cap City, First Watch. Only 'local' place is Shis Kebab and The Refectory. I just imagine you'd have better local with non-chain places.
  10. Try possibly ten times that amount. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126809525
  11. Matt, you need any help tonight or this weekend?
  12. They are fine now, nice looking boat! This post has me thinking about a small boat, like the one Sam had. I always thought that thing was cool when he was selling it on here. I've always spent my time on the water in salt water, not sure much I'd like the freshwater in Ohio thing. That's some time down the road anyways... need to save up for a house for now!
  13. Well, you do fail... but I can't see the pics either.
  14. Have you never meet Ben, they couldn't get rid of it!
  15. So I guess we haven't talked in a while! Sorry I couldn't make that thing the other night, but call me sometime and we can catch up... are you in Columbus right now?
  16. Going to go riding sometime this weekend. Doesn't really matter when or where (P1 or P2). If anyone else wants to go, suggest a time and place. I'd love to do a night ride either at Alum or maybe around downtown. Saturday night would be best. I still haven't gotten a chance to use my light yet.
  17. The name guy who he attacked for making fun of him is Hugh... huge... you can't make stuff like that up. This guy's a fucking idiot, that has sexual harassment written all over it. $$$$ if he wanted to but instead he will go to jail now.
  18. http://trollcats.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/u_gonna_get_raped_trollcat.jpg
  19. WTF was everyone? I rode with some other guys I know, didn't see anyone. But I'm not sure we've meet yet? Talked to a few random strangers, but none were from CR. Josh, trail was good. Probably 50% sticky, 45% ok (some turns are a little lose) and just a few small wet spots. Those are the spots that are always wet until June/July/August when everything get's too dry. Overall decent condition. I'm not sure if it rained last night or not? My legs are spent, ran for the first time of the season on Tuesday then rode last night. Or else I'd meet you up there tonight. They need a day or two to recover. You going to be around this weekend? I'm going to try to go, pending weather which I haven't really checked yet.
  20. To ride or to boat? Edit: n/m just saw Sams thread. Which ramp do you guys go to? P2 is near Africa and chessire so I was wondering if you'll be the lot over from us.
  21. Ignore this one and go here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79941
  22. Shit, made another thread... my bad. I'll be there around 6. P2?
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